Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3656: One hit thirty

The faces of more than 30 half-step master gods of the six superpowers are very ugly.

Lin Fei's displayed combat power shocked them.

"Don't worry about the twelve animals for now.

Once activated, Lin Fei was killed with a thunderbolt! "

More than 30 half-step master gods secretly communicate with each other.


More than thirty half-step master gods, simultaneously displaying the laws of time and space, affected the stability of the space and time of this void. They rose into the air at the same time, as if walking in the long river of time, from a strange angle, hurriedly approaching Lin Fei.

Suddenly, Lin Fei fell into a heavy siege.

"Come here all!"

Lin Fei looked up to the sky and roared, his fighting spirit was boiling.

The stormy spirit power surged out of Lin Fei's head, and the strong spirit power flooded the sky for hundreds of millions of miles.


Above Lin Fei's head, the red sun released an overwhelming red soul fire, burning blazingly.

The turquoise full moon rippled with cold soul power moonlight.

The red sun and the emerald green moon surrounded Lin Fei, spinning rapidly, attacking the surrounding enemies.


Thousands of red sharp arrows appeared suddenly and shot out in all directions.

These red sharp arrows are made of pure soul energy [abiquge], which specifically attack the soul body.

This is an advanced spirit ability.

The 30-odd half-step main gods all had their faces slightly changed. There were too many red sharp arrows, like a red rainstorm, which made them feel a little headache.


Lin Fei kept sending out heart swords, the 30-odd half-step master gods, and at the same time the swords, the energy rushed into their bodies, to force the heart swords that had penetrated into them.

In an instant, Lin Fei took the initiative to use various powerful secret techniques to attack the 30-odd half-step master gods who had been culled.

Especially the endless variety of high-level spirit abilities, people can't guard against it.

"Lin Fei, I don't believe it, you alone can beat us so much!"

A half-step Lord God roared.

"If you want more people and less bullies!"

Lin Fei laughed.

"One gas turns three cleansing!"

Lin Fei yelled.


Three identical Lin Fei appeared at the same time.

One represents the past, one represents the present, and one represents the future!

The three Lin Fei all have the same strength!

"Too much induction last week!"

The three Lin Fei roared together.

Suddenly, in every Lin Fei's body, eight human gods and one Tianlong burst out.

A total of three Lin Fei, twenty-four human gods, and three heavenly dragons respectively used various magic secret techniques to kill them in all directions.

Some used the star magic, some used the sword technique, some used the flying sword, some used the Tianjin clan secret technique, some used the reincarnation secret technique, some used the soul technique,...

At the same time, in this void, there is also an endless sea of ​​soul power, roaring and frightening the world.

Suddenly, Lin Fei and the thirty-and-a-half-step master gods fought inextricably.

"Sanqing Sect Secret Skill!

Not only did Lin Fei practice the two taboo secret techniques of the Sanqing Sect, but he also reached a terrifying height! "

The twelve zodiac signs, and the more than thirty half-step main gods, were shocked.

In the field, Lin Fei was alone, fighting more than 30 half-step master gods!

Such a scene is extremely shocking.

These, but half-step master god!

In addition to the main gods, these half-step main gods belong to the most powerful group of masters in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Every half-step main **** can run rampant in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Now, Lin Fei is hitting thirty!

Such a record will definitely cause a sensation in the world.

Of course, Lin Fei's greatest strength is the spirit energy.

It is precisely because of the transfer and sharing of the soul energy of the tens of thousands of **** slaves under his hand that Lin Fei can do it, alone, fighting more than 30 and a half steps of the master god.


The scene of the battle was very tragic. Large swaths of the chaotic void were cracking and then burst into pieces. The scene was shocking.


Both sides were jealous and met countless times. In the battlefield, I don't know how many chains of order are intertwined and entangled.

The endless battle energy shock wave, turned into a vast ocean of energy, spread out to the surrounding void.

The fierce battle is terrifying.

"Lin Fei, die!"

During the fierce battle, a master of the Divine Corpse Hall quietly traversed the void and appeared ghostly behind one of Lin Fei, blasting the head of this Lin Fei with a punch.


In the instant that Lin Fei's head was shattered, thousands of fierce birds and beasts were born in the surrounding void, densely packed, and directly drowned the master of the corpse hall.

Countless ferocious beasts surrounded him and bite.

These fierce beasts are all condensed from pure soul power, and they are infinitely powerful. What is even more frightening is that after the body is crushed, it will instantly reorganize and it seems that it cannot be killed.

"Go away!"

The master of the Divine Corpse Hall did not notice for a while, fell into the dense pile of ferocious birds and beasts, frightened and angry, and screamed.


A round of red sun, a round of turquoise moon, hit his head at the same time, and then rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness.


The master of God Corpse Hall screamed.

His soul body was hit by the red sun and the turquoise full moon at the same time, and was severely injured.

"Lin Fei, I won't let you go!

You wait! "

The master of the Divine Corpse Hall didn't dare to fight anymore, turned around and fled.


The dazzling flying sword, dragging the ocean of sharp sword aura, chased up.

"Strike with full force, don't have any reservations!"

A Yaozu master roared.

"Old demon, kill you first!"

Lin Fei shouted as he could kill.


In an instant, the three Lin Fei, all the human gods, and the three heavenly dragons gathered together in an instant, transformed into a golden sword, and slashed across.


The old demon was cut in half and howled in pain.

After reorganizing the body, this old demon didn't dare to face Zhan Lin Fei anymore, and quickly retreated.

"Haha, Lin Fei, great!"

"We are here to help you!"


The Chinese zodiac signs are all very pleasant surprises. After watching them for a while, they rushed to help.

The addition of the Chinese Zodiac reduced Lin Fei's pressure.

"Lin Fei die!"

In the melee, another master of the Divine Corpse Hall, using the time and space secret method of the Divine Corpse Hall, quietly appeared behind Lin Fei.


A dark palace with a corpse spirit, the size of a fist, rapidly enlarged, filled the void in an instant, and hit Lin Fei fiercely from behind.


Lin Fei's body was smashed to pieces on the spot, and the broken flesh and limbs flew across.

However, this kind of injury is not worth mentioning to Lin Fei.

At this moment, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was too strong, plus the soul tree, soul heart, soul dragon, and chaos ice lotus, the four treasures protected the divine soul body, so the divine soul body did not suffer any damage.

call out!

Lin Fei instantly reorganized his body and turned around abruptly.


A blazing sea of ​​red soul power directly drowned the master of the corpse hall, bunches of red flames, desperately digging into his sea of ​​knowledge.


At the same time, Lin Fei performed heart swordsmanship, reincarnation secrets, and flying swordsmanship to attack.

call out!

A big red net flew out of Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, zoomed in extremely fast, and covered the master of the Temple of the Gods in the net.

This is an advanced application of the secret method of the puppet's thread.


The master of the Temple of God's Corpse, staggered backwards, his body was beaten to pieces, like a torn sack full of wounds.

His soul body was also injured.

In shock, the master of the Divine Corpse Hall turned around and fled.

"Haha, where to escape!

I haven't played enough yet. Lin Fei laughed, stretched out his figure, and strode to catch up.

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