Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3657: Defeat the enemy

Lin Fei displayed the secret technique of reincarnation, so fast, he caught up with the master of the corpse hall in one step.

"Back in time!"

Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

The master of the Divine Corpse Hall immediately discovered that the space where he was in was reversed in time and space, and a countercurrent had occurred.

call out!

Lin Fei used heart swordsmanship and cut into the body of the master of the corpse hall, causing blood to ooze from the corner of his mouth.

"One Qi transforms three clears, too last week!"

Lin Fei drank lightly.

At a moment's notice, three Lin Fei, twenty-four human gods, and three heavenly dragons appeared at the same time, encircling the masters of the gods' corpse temple, and slaying them.

"Old stuff!

I want your life! "

Lin Fei had already red eyes and wanted to cut off a half-step main god.

"Lin Fei, I played with you!"

The master of this corpse hall was extremely angry. He was a dignified and half-step master god, and it was a shame to be forced to this level.


Accompanied by the loud roar, in his body, there was a swelling of the original blood, like molten rock, spewing out, and then, it burned.

In order to deal with Lin Fei, he actually burned the original blood.

The loss of the original blood is much more serious than the injury of the flesh and soul.

Once the original blood of a **** is exhausted, it will really die out, the smoke will disappear, and it will never exist again.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, if it weren't for being pressed into a hurry, or when it came to life and death, no one would take the risk and burn their own origin.

It can be seen that Lin Fei has indeed pushed the master of this corpse hall into anxiousness.


With the raging burning of the original blood, the aura from the masters of the Divine Corpse Hall rose steadily.


Suddenly, thick and dark chains rushed out of his body continuously.


Each chain is like a black dragon, rising to the sky, soaring in the void.

I saw that hundreds of millions of black dragons, densely packed, filled the entire void, roaring constantly, the world will be ruined!


The master of the Divine Corpse Hall led hundreds of millions of pitch-black dragons to kill Lin Fei.


Three Lin Fei, twenty-four human gods, and three Tianlong greeted them at the same time.


The energy between the two was agitated and bright.


In the fierce battle, Lin Fei's body was pierced by black chains, and the front and back were bright.

Thousands of black chains rushed into Lin Fei's body and wreaked havoc.

"Lin Fei, be careful!

This guy is desperate! "

The zodiac signs are all shouting, worrying about Lin Fei.

A half-step main god, fighting desperately while burning the blood of the original god, the combat power is very terrifying.

"He wants to work hard, so I will fight him to see whose life is harder!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly.

Boom boom boom...

Lin Fei and the master of the Divine Corpse Hall had a continuous explosion of energy in the space where they were.

The space is shaking violently, and is constantly breaking apart, and when you look around, there are pits everywhere.

The billowing smoke drowned the figures of Lin Fei and the masters of the Divine Corpse Hall.

Even the divine consciousness can hardly perceive them.

After a few breaths.


The explosion stopped.

The whole space became quiet.

The smoke of battle slowly dissipated.

The zodiac signs, and other half-step main gods, all stared at that space.

Both of them were gone.

In that space, there are stumps and bones floating everywhere.

"Lin Fei, are you all right."

The Tianguo yelled, searching for Lin Fei's whereabouts.


Many broken flesh and bones began to gather quickly and regroup into a human form.

"I'm fine.

He has something. "

The person who regrouped was Lin Fei.


Lin Fei, you have to die, you actually maimed my soul body! "

Suddenly, a very resentful scream sounded, and a black light appeared in the distance, which was the soul body of the master of the corpse hall.

Everyone can see clearly that the soul body of the master of the corpse hall was beaten to half!

"Lin Fei, wait, I won't let you go!"

The master of the Divine Corpse Hall let out a stern roar, and then fleeed far away.

"It's not that easy to escape!"

Lin Fei stepped out and ran after him.

Lin Fei had already started to kill and wanted to kill him.

"Lin Fei, Hugh is crazy!"

Several half-step masters rushed up to stop Lin Fei's path.

The soul body of the master of the corpse hall took the opportunity to escape and disappeared.

These half-step master gods, and the master of the corpse hall, have always had friendship, so they saved his life.

"Then you will die!"

Although, after fighting for most of the day, Lin Fei was still fighting, and there was a taste of more and more fighting.

"If we continue to fight, we will have no way to win.

Withdraw. "

A half-step master **** of the demon race shook his head and sighed.

"Not bad.

Let's go. "

The other half-step main gods also nodded in agreement.

Until now, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac are still in good shape.

And the more than 30 half-step main gods of the six superpowers have been injured and disabled four or five.

The rest is without fighting spirit.

It doesn't make much sense anymore.


One by one, the main gods turned and left, quickly escaped into the void, and disappeared directly.

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac did not pursue them.

Chasing is also in vain, and each of those half-step master gods has a very clever secret method of escape.

Moreover, it is very difficult to kill a half-step master god.

Just now, Lin Fei had already smashed the master of the corpse hall, the soul body.

However, he escaped alive.

Of course, that master of the Divine Corpse Hall suffered too much injury. It is estimated that from now on, it will take unimaginable time and energy to heal his injuries.

"Haha, Lin Fei, you opened my eyes today!

Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten is simply unkillable, and his physical quality is too abnormal. "

"Even one, thirty, and still beating very vividly, Lin Fei, you are indeed true, you are like me!"

"Lin Fei, in terms of individual combat strength, you are stronger than me!"

"Lin Fei, the soul energy you possess is terrible, what's the matter?"


The Chinese zodiac encircled Lin Fei, looked up and down, babbling, seeming to study Lin Fei thoroughly.

The tiger and the **** cow even clenched their fists and were very rude, banging directly on Lin Fei's body, saying that they wanted to test Lin Fei's physical quality.

"Seniors, this time I went to a different dimension and got some chances, which greatly enhanced my spirit energy."

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.

"Two seniors, start lightly, it hurts."

Lin Fei said to the tiger and the **** cow.

"Haha..., you kid, even if you take your body apart, there is nothing wrong with it. Are you afraid of pain? I don't believe it!" The tiger increased his strength and beat Lin Fei grinningly.

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