Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3659: Six main gods

Nine days later.


Lin Fei's body suddenly spewed out infinite energy, and all his black hair stood upside down, dancing wildly.

In the surrounding void, chains of laws were constantly hanging down, entwining around Lin Fei's body, wrapping Lin Fei in groups.

Then, all the essence, and the chain of laws, began to metamorphose, turning into a boiling pill.

Gradually, Lin Fei's body was overwhelmed by the strong pill energy.

After an hour, the surging Dan Qi began to shrink.

A **** pill appeared, suspended in the void.

Lin Fei was gone.

"It's amazing, Master, I really turned into a **** pill."

Lin Fei's voice resounded in the **** pill.

"The **** pill you transformed can be said to be the most precious **** pill in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Even if it is a main god, if you get it, you can make your strength soar.

Okay, now you enter the gossip.

Remember, this is equivalent to a process of rebirth from the ashes. You must keep yourself awake. Once you fall into a drowsy and lose your nature, you may be burned into a true **** pill. At that time, I will not be able to save you. . "

The statue master said.

"Master, I understand."

Lin Fei replied.

Then, Lin Fei's transformed **** pill rushed into the burning gossip furnace.

"What a great flame!"

Entering the Pill Furnace, Lin Fei felt that the waves of fire were surging over the sky, and the terrifying temperature burned everything into nothingness.

The terrible high temperature made Lin Fei feel that the **** pill he had become was about to melt.

The tremendous pain struck Lin Fei, making Lin Fei feel like a ghost who was being tortured in the Hell of Abi.

After persisting for a while, the **** pill that Lin Fei had turned into was directly melted into a pool of pill water.


Lin Fei let out a scream and suffered tremendous pain.

With Lin Fei's strength, he has to endure such terrible pain, one can imagine how terrifying the fire in this gossip furnace is.

Half an hour later, a pool of pill water recondensed and turned into a **** pill.

Next, over and over again.

This is equivalent to Lin Fei's body being continuously burned into Danshui, then reorganized, then burned into Danshui, and then reorganized, and the cycle continues.

This process is naturally extremely painful.

Moreover, in this process, the soul body is also under tremendous pressure. The fire in this gossip furnace is the chaotic space of the boundless sea of ​​chaos. At the beginning of its opening, the first flame was born, and it was incredibly powerful, and it burned to Lin Fei’s soul body continuously, trying to burn Lin Fei’s memory. , Thinking waiting

West, all burned clean.

Therefore, Lin Fei remained awake all the time.

Fortunately, the soul tree, soul heart, soul dragon, and chaos ice lotus, these four soul treasures, and Lin Fei's soul body, merged together, making Lin Fei's soul body extremely strong and determined.

Time passed day by day.

Lin Fei finally began to gradually adapt to the environment in the Bagua furnace.

At the same time, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The troops of the Alliance Army are already openly moving around in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The half-step main gods of the six superpowers have not reappeared since they were defeated in the world group of Hundred Tribulations.

These half-step main gods were already afraid of being beaten by Lin Fei.

They understood that Lin Fei's combat power was already equivalent to a half-step master god.

Even more powerful than the average half-step main god.

Therefore, they dare not provoke Lin Fei casually.

The six superpowers did not respond.

For a while, in the boundless chaotic sea, the wind and waves were calm.

All ethnic groups from all walks of life have begun to enter a period of prosperity and development.


Suddenly, something big happened.

The headquarters of the Alliance Army, outside the Ice Palace.

In the chaotic void, suddenly, a figure that was as high as hundreds of millions of feet slowly emerged, and black light appeared all over the body, and the spirit was overwhelming.

When this figure appeared, an immense coercion enveloped hundreds of millions of miles of void.

Everything, everything stopped working.

Time, space, law, energy, air...

Everything is dead.

Thousands of miles of chaos and emptiness seem to have become a painting, and everything is a scene in the painting.

Some of the creatures passing by, as well as the creatures in the entire ice palace, had dry tongues and irritability, unable to move half an inch.

"Not here, it seems that Lin Fei and the twelve animals ran back to Luoshengu and hid."

This figure said coldly.

"Well, in that case, I will go to Luoshen Valley for a stroll.

Look at this most mysterious forbidden area, who is hiding in it. "

The figure muttered to himself, then turned around and disappeared in one step.

After this figure disappeared for a while.

The things in the surrounding space have regained their freedom.

Time resumed its flow, space resumed its operation.

Those immobile creatures were relieved and regained control of their bodies.

"Is a main god!"

Some strong could not help but exclaimed.

Only the main **** possesses such terrifying strength.

"He is here to find Lin Fei!"

"The main **** of the six superpowers has finally come to Lin Fei to settle accounts!"


Many undecided creatures talked.

After a while.

Outside of God Valley.


The space trembled, and the shadowy figure that had just appeared outside the Ice Palace slowly emerged outside the Falling God Valley.

"The Valley of Fallen God is here.

Fellow daoists, show up.

Today, we will join hands to explore the valley of God. "

This black-eyed figure said in a loud voice.

When he spoke, the void roared, the thick fog was surging, and the dark thunder continued to fall.

"Hehe, unexpectedly, we old fellows still have the opportunity to get together again."

"What makes people laugh or cry even more is that we old guys are walking in the boundless sea of ​​chaos because of a yellow-haired boy.

It's really awesome. "

"Yes, time is not forgiving, we are all old.

Now it is the world of young people. "


Along with the laughter, the figure of the other five auras collapsed from the void continuously.

Each one is the main god!

The six superpowers, each of them, has a main god.

The six main gods were dispatched at the same time to deal with Lin Fei!

"Lao Lingzhu, during this period of time, it seems that Tiansangzi has not come out to toss.

Could it be that Tiansangzi has changed sex? "

A main **** asked openly.

"You ask me, I don't know.

Tiansangzi's actions are mysterious and will not easily let others know his whereabouts.

I was suppressed by him, and in order to protect myself, I did not dare to spy on his whereabouts casually. "

The other main **** sighed and replied.

"Old Lingzhu, could it be that you are really willing to be held down by the mulberry?

He used to be just a little elder under your hand, but now he has crawled on your head. "

A main **** asked.

"What can you do if you are not reconciled.

Tiansangzi became more and more weird. I couldn't see through him and couldn't beat him. Therefore, the wisest thing to do is to open one eye, close one eye, and not provoke him. "

The main **** being asked sighed.

"Stop the gossip, let's go, let's break down into the valley together, and pull out the yellow-haired boy Lin Fei."    said a main god.

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