Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3660: The Great Array of Fallen Valley

"I'll take the lead!"

A lord **** who was as high as 100 million meters and filled with mists, strode into the Valley of Fallen God.

In the process of walking, he used a secret method, stretched out his huge palm, and pressed it towards the Valley of Fallen God.

Immediately, the monstrous black mist surged wildly, and in the void, a steady stream of dark lotus flowers emerged, took root and sprouted, and grew rapidly.

These lotus flowers, like the tentacles of the main god, grow and grow wildly, deep into the Valley of Fallen God, and spread in.

In the Valley of Fallen God, energy and laws are all absorbed by these black lotus madly and become nourishment.

Soon, the entire Falling God Valley became dim.

The other five main gods also stepped into the Valley of Fallen God.

Every main god, while walking, the world is shaking, energy is turbulent, and laws are broken.

The huge roar of footsteps instantly caused the entire Falling God Valley to boil.

The six main gods walked into Luoshen Valley together.

This is a very scary scene.

Around the Valley of Fallen God, billions of miles of chaotic void were involved. Stars, like fireworks, were directly exploded.


How dare to offend me to fall into the valley of God!

Don't be afraid, there is no return! "

The figures of the Chinese zodiac appeared at the same time, suspended in the void of the Valley of Fallen God.

"It's a mere divine valley, is it possible to have the ability to keep the six of us behind."

The main **** who was surging in the mist said in a disdainful tone.

With a wave of his pitch-black giant hand, more pitch-black lotus flowers continued to emerge from the void, winding towards the twelve zodiac at a rapid speed.

"Hmph, the six main gods, are they amazing?

We fall into the Valley of God, not you can afford. "

Tun Tiangu coldly hummed.


The zodiac signs, and at the same time, took out a handful of array flags, throwing them out continuously.

Countless array flags were inserted into the different spaces of Falling God Valley, turning into huge flags that stood up and down one after another, dancing with a hurricane of law.

The sky was shaking, and the time and space of Shenbao began to undergo drastic changes.


A huge suction force erupted from the Falling God Valley and extended to the outside world.

Then, centering on the Valley of the Fallen Gods, the chaotic essence in the surrounding air was sucked into the Valley of the Fallen God like a whale sucking the Yangtze River.

Moreover, the suction force extending from the Valley of the Fallen God continued to extend beyond the distant chaotic void, covering an increasingly wider area.

In the end, almost half of the entire boundless Chaos Sea was shrouded by the suction from Falling God Valley.

In any area shrouded by suction, the energy and laws that existed continuously, converging towards the Valley of Fallen God.

The breath released by Luoshen Valley became more and more amazing.

The six main gods who walked into the Valley of Fallen God, seeing this scene, were also shocked in their hearts, and stopped moving forward.

"Get out of here!"

Tuntiangou pointed at the six main gods and suddenly roared.

Immediately, a terrifying formation slowly emerged in the Valley of Fallen God.


The time and space in Falling God Valley began to change drastically.

I saw that the stars moved around, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and time and space were dislocated.

The six main gods also discovered that the position where they were standing was moving rapidly.

"Set it to me!"

The six main gods shouted at the same time.

They are the main gods, and when they speak, they are the law.

Say what you say!

Moreover, the law they control is the level of the original law of chaos.

With a word, the original law of chaos is under their control.

It's just that their shouts have no effect at all.

The Chaos Origin Law in Fallen God Valley was not under their control at all, but it was more turbulent and chaotic.



We were moved out of the Valley of Gods and stood outside! "

The six main gods were all shocked to discover that they were standing outside the Valley of Fallen God.

However, just now, the six of them had clearly entered the Valley of Fallen God.

"How can this be!"

The six main gods all have a tingling scalp.

They are the main gods.

The position was moved without consciousness.

Such a method is simply beyond description.

All of a sudden.

The six main gods, standing outside the Valley of Gods, became hesitant.

"Sure enough, it is the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the most mysterious forbidden place."

A bright and high main **** said in a loud voice.

"A big formation is better than us. If we are blocked by a formation, I am afraid that it will become a joke of the world.

Hit in. "

A main **** who exudes corpse aura, said coldly.

"Okay, go in.

The six of us joined forces and fell into the Valley of Gods. No matter what, we should be able to handle it. "

"Today, since we are here, let's erase this forbidden area at will.

This saves that Lin Fei, making trouble everywhere in the powerless chaotic sea. "


The other main gods all nodded.

As master gods, they are extremely arrogant, thinking that there should be no place where they can't enter the entire boundless chaotic sea.


The lord god, who was full of corpse qi, came from the underworld. He first moved his hands, waved his arms, and patted towards the great formation in the Valley of Fallen God.

It looks like a random blow, but in fact it contains countless kinds of clever secret techniques, affecting the chaotic origin law of the entire void.

The **** hand is driving the breath of the years, endless time and space fragments are flying, and more rules are falling, like a waterfall, blasting towards the big formation in the Valley of Fallen God.

"Let's do it together, this big formation is not easy."

The bright and translucent Lord God came from the Western Holy See, and he also did it. In an instant, he used dozens of rare secret techniques in the world to push with the supreme law to evolve the meaning of supreme attack.

Boom boom boom...

As the two main gods started their hands, a terrifying scene took place in this space, the sky fell apart, and the ghosts cried.

The strength of the main **** is too terrifying, and the combat power is unimaginable, and it affects the stability of tens of billions of miles in time and space.

Suddenly, around the Valley of Fallen God, endless chaos and void, the laws of the great road roared, and dense chains of laws emerged, intertwined, impacting like thunder and lightning.

Almost half of the boundless chaotic sea, countless creatures, all felt the terrifying energy shock, the infinite creatures were trembling, feeling that the soul body was suppressed and could not breathe.

However, facing the attack of the two main gods, the Chinese zodiac is very calm, standing in the big array, watching quietly.


The attacks of the two main gods fell on the big formation at the same time.

There was no change in the big array, not even the slightest tremor.

The expressions of the two main gods who attacked both changed.

The solidity of this big formation was beyond their expectations.

When they attacked just now, they seemed to be random, but they had already played seven or eight points.

It has no effect at all.

The other four main gods were also very surprised.

"Falling God Valley is indeed the most mysterious forbidden place in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Fellow daoists, it seems that we are going to do it together. "The main **** of the Western Holy See said in a loud voice.

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