Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3667: Unwilling to be sheltered forever

"Not bad.

Indeed, I opened up several small worlds in my body. "

Lin Fei nodded and replied.


The Chaos World Tree is a bit speechless.


Look at you kid, it's pleasing to the eye.

Let me show you some of the inheritance of my clan for your reference. "

The Chaos World Tree stretched out a branch and drove a message of divine consciousness into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Thank you!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed.

You know, opening up the world is the racial talent of the Chaos World Tree race.

Compared with the Chaos World Tree, Lin Fei's level of opening up the world is equivalent to comparing an amateur player with a professional player.

It's a far cry.

The race inheritance that the Chaos World Tree passed to Lin Fei would definitely help Lin Fei a lot.

"By the way, during this period of time, I always perceive that there are three locations in a world of three thousand sizes. The space is unstable, and there are changes from time to time.

I don't know if anything will happen.

You can check it out if you are free.

One is the location where the Celestial Realm was before.

The other is the Tomb of God.

There is another, the planet called Earth in the Yanhuang plane.

Fighting and killing is not my specialty, so I will not explore. "

Chaos World Tree said.


Are there any changes in these three places? "

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

The Heaven and Human Realm, and the God Battle Tomb, can be said to be the two most special places in a world of three thousand sizes.

The Celestial Realm, after being upgraded to a supreme world, disappeared.

Of course, Lin Fei knew that it was still in a world of three thousand sizes.

In the battle mound of the gods, there are two monsters with strength equivalent to the main god.

Those two monsters are like two time bombs for a world of three thousand sizes. Once they happen, the consequences will be disastrous.

There are changes in these two places.

Lin Fei can understand.

After all, the two places are extraordinary.

However, the earth has also changed.

This surprised Lin Fei very much.

Lin Fei already knew the earth's history very well.

In ancient times, the earth used to be a world full of spiritual energy and perfect Dao laws, very suitable for cultivation.

At that time, the earth was very glorious.

It used to be one of the central worlds of three thousand-sized worlds, with many gods living on the earth.

However, after that terrible war of the gods, the earth was affected and completely declined.

In the end, he was sealed up by Pangu and Nuwa and became a world unsuitable for cultivation.

It can be said that now, in a world of three thousand sizes, the earth is already an ordinary star that hardly has any strength, is unremarkable, and hardly be noticed.

Now, there is an unexpected change.

Lin Fei knew that with the cultivation base of the Chaos World Tree, even the abnormal movements that it noticed showed that the earth has abnormal movements, which is by no means simple!

"Well, since I'm back, let's explore these three places."

Lin Fei nodded.

The three thousand worlds are the foundation of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei naturally wanted to make everything clear, otherwise, she would not be relieved.

Next, Lin Fei returned to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land.

Lin Fei returned.

Naturally it is very lively.

What surprised Lin Fei was that many acquaintances had already left the three-thousand-large world, and entered the boundless chaotic sea through the connecting passage between the three-thousand-large world and the ice palace, to travel and trespass.

Among them, it actually includes Qingluo!

There are also two shark girls, Wang Yu, Wang Chan, A Zi, the goblin, and even the Peacock Princess, Ren Shanshan, and Yan Di Wuji, and so on. A large number of friends have left the world of three thousand sizes!

Lin Fei learned that these acquaintances first went to the Ice Palace.

Then, using the Ice Palace as a stronghold, he gradually entered the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"They, all of them have entered the boundless sea of ​​chaos!

For them, the boundless sea of ​​chaos is too dangerous! "

Lin Fei was a bit speechless.

"Lin Fei, there are many of them, they are already gods, and they have the qualifications to enter the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

They are too familiar with the world of three thousand sizes.

Staying here again will not help much in cultivation.

Lin Fei, let them go.

They can't be under your protection forever.

They will not be willing to grow up under your shelter forever.

You have to understand their mood. "

Really old sighed.

At the beginning, he also advised Lin Fei's relatives and friends.

It's just that I can't help it.


Lin Fei nodded.

It is true.

No martial artist would ever think of hiding under the shelter of others forever, practicing and growing.

But I hope that I can rely on my own strength to go to a broader stage.

"Lin Fei, don't worry too much.

I have sent masters to follow them secretly to protect their safety.

Among them, Qingluo, I sent three high-level gods to protect her.

All the other people also sent true gods to protect them in secret.

Believe that there will not be too much danger. "

Senior True Cang said.

The upper **** true god, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, most areas can travel unimpeded.

As long as you don't encounter the half-step main god, and the main god, there will be no problem.


I hope they can be safe. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"A Fei, your eldest brother Ajie, and father, have also left the plane of falling immortality and entered the other planes of the three-thousand-sized world to experience training.

Later, I am going to accompany them. "

Lin Fei's mother said to Lin Fei.

"Mother-in-law, we have to go too."

Rong Er and Wan Er shouted.

The two of them practiced Buddhism, so they were so quiet and not moving.

Therefore, he did not leave the world of three thousand sizes and entered the boundless sea of ​​chaos to experience training.

Qingluo is different. Qingluo is an evil shadow clan, and there is a warlike and adventurous element in his blood.

"Well, go with it, or relax."

Lin Fei's mother smiled.

"OK, all right."

Lin Fei nodded.

The three-thousand-large world is Lin Fei's territory, and there is no danger.

Besides, Rong'er and Wan'er are gods and should be able to protect their parents and eldest brother.

"Indeed, I cannot protect them forever.

They are not reconciled, and will always grow under my protection.

Well, just let them. "

Seeing that they were all yelling about going out to explore the experience, although Lin Fei felt uneasy and uneasy, he quickly figured it out.


A handsome young man came from afar and fell to the ground.

It was Lin Fei's apprentice, Xiao Shi.

"Heavenly Wonderland!

Not bad.

This kind of talent is not much worse than me back then.

It seems that I have accepted a genius apprentice. "

Lin Fei was very satisfied.

Xiaoshi's training time is very short.

Actually, he broke through to the Heavenly Wonderland, which is indeed very enchanting.

"Thank you, Master, for the award!

Xiao Shi is absolutely not daring to be lazy in his cultivation, lest he lose the reputation of Master. "

Xiaoshi replied.

"Haha, well, just don't be lazy." Lin Fei was very satisfied with this apprentice.

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