Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3668: Re-enter the battle mound

"Master, I am going to leave the plane of falling immortals and travel to other planes in the world of three thousand sizes."

Xiaoshi said.

"Go ahead.

Practice hard.

Heavenly Wonderland is as weak as an ant to a real master in the world.

You still have a long way to go. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Thank you Master for his teaching, Xiao Shi will definitely work harder!"

After hearing Lin Fei's words, Xiao Shi's face was horrified, and he replied loudly.

He could hear that what Lin Fei currently admired was his hardworking spirit, and he dismissed his current realm of strength.

A sense of urgency to become stronger came to my heart.

"Master, Xiao Shi will set out now and go on a trip."

Xiao Shi said to Lin Fei.

"Well, yes, go.

I will give you some cultivation resources, magic secret techniques, and god-level magic weapons. "

Lin Fei waved, a space ring flew out and fell into Xiao Shi's hand.

"Thank you, Master."

Xiao Shi thanked him again, then turned and left, and disappeared in a moment.

"Hehe, this kid has a strong personality, he doesn't admit defeat, he wants to cultivate and become stronger.

Have your shadow. "

Really old Dao looked at Xiao Shi's disappearing back, couldn't help but smile.

"Everything depends on his own fate."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Elder Zhu, you are also a fairyland!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed when he saw Zhu Mu.

Zhu Mu is now an elder in Cangyan Holy Land, and, due to Lin Fei, Zhu Mu's position in Cangyan Holy Land is second only to Elder Nie.

"It's old and useless.

My cultivation base, in front of you, don't mention it. "

Zhu Mu smiled and shook his head.

Next, Lin Fei stayed in the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land for more than ten days.

Ten days later.

Lin Fei bid farewell and left the Cangyan Holy Land.

"Twelve seniors, go, let's explore the God's Battle Tomb."

Lin Fei transmitted sound to the Chinese zodiac.

After a while.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac both came before the God Battle Tomb.

The battle of gods is said to be a battlefield in ancient times, and it is the remains of the great battle between the gods of the sun and the gods of the yin.

It sounds like there is no mystery.

However, Lin Fei knew that this legend was false.

The tomb of the gods cannot be the remains of the great battle of the year.

Otherwise, in the deepest part of the God's Battle Tomb, how could it be possible that there will be two terrifying beasts with the strength equivalent to the main god.

Lin Fei once asked Pangu and Nuwa specifically. As a result, among these two 3,000-sized worlds, the most senior deity could not tell exactly when did the God Battle Tomb appear and why it was formed. of.

Looking around, the gods battle mound was covered with gray.

The boundless rich suffocation is surging.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac flashed into the deepest part of the God Battle Tomb.

There are monsters everywhere.

These evil beasts were born under the environment of evil spirits, and they possessed the initial mentality for a long time, and once they found out that there was an intruder from outside, they would rush to attack.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac had just arrived, surrounded by fierce beasts, roaring and rushing over.

These monsters, the weakest, are also the strength of the gods.

There are ordinary gods and true gods.

The strongest, even, has the strength of the upper **** true god.

"It is really surprising that such a place exists in a world of three thousand sizes!"

All the Chinese zodiac signs are shocked.

You know, three thousand worlds, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, are just a backward and remote world group.

Before, there was not even a true god.

However, here, there are so many true god-level evil beasts, how can you not surprise people.

"Fortunately, these monsters only stayed here and didn't move outside.

Otherwise, the world of three thousand sizes would have long ceased to exist. "

Tuntiangu sighed.


A beast with a beast surrounded Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, and culled them.

"court death!"

The big tiger roared, rolling sound waves, carrying terrifying energy, bombarded in all directions.


Suddenly, heads of evil beasts, like blisters, exploded one after another.

Even the evil beasts with the strength of the upper gods were thrown far away, either dead or disabled.

Lin Fei and the other eleven zodiac signs also released some energy casually, very easily, blasting a large beast into pieces.

Especially Lin Fei, gently stretched his finger, the mighty chaotic essence, turned into a vast ocean of energy, and swept forward.

Wherever it went, all the evil beasts were emptied, and none of them could only survive.

"Lin Fei, good boy, how do I feel, your current strength is barely comparable to me!

Your progress in this period of time is terrifying! "

Seeing this, the black cow exclaimed.

"What does it mean to be barely comparable to you? This kind of strength is even stronger than you.

Compared with me! "

The big tiger also noticed Lin Fei's amazing combat power.

"what did you say.

Do you think your strength can be stronger than me! "

The black bull stared.

"Lin Fei, your combat power, many half-step master gods, can't compare to you."

Tun Tiangu also sighed.

Other zodiac signs are also amazed.

After a while.

All the evil beasts suddenly disappeared.

Ahead, the gray suffocation also dissipated, and it was clear.

A gray palace appeared.

A huge and scary palace.

At the gate of the palace, two huge monsters crouched, exuding a frightening atmosphere.

"I don't know how the goblins and the Eight Stone Saints are going."

Lin Fei looked at the huge and unparalleled palace, and said in his heart.

Last time, Lin Fei had been here in search of goblins and eight stone saints.

It was just that the two monsters with the power of the main **** at the door blasted out.

According to these two evil beasts, the goblin and the eight-stone saint, it is possible, in this palace, what kind of saint prince

"you again.

So bold! "

One of the beasts, with twin pupils like two stars, stared at Lin Fei, and said in a loud voice, the rumbling voice was like thunder from above nine heavens.

"What are you doing here.

This is a forbidden place, all outsiders are not allowed to set foot.

If you dare to move forward, let's kill it. "

The other beast had a cold and terrifying tone and murderous aura.

"Two seniors, I have no intention of offending.

It's just that, recently, in the God's Battle Tomb, there are often time and space changes. I was curious and wanted to come and see what was going on. "

Lin Fei replied loudly.

Last time, when Lin Fei faced these two monsters, he felt tremendous pressure. He had to be careful in words and deeds, lest he angered them.

Now, it feels a lot easier.

"You also know that there is a change in time and space here!" One of the monsters was a little surprised.

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