Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3671: Absolute space sea

The gray path, in the boundless absolute darkness, I don't know how long it has been.

Finally, the light reappeared ahead.

In an empty space, a huge unparalleled altar was suspended there.

"Come up."

The beast stepped on the altar and said to Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac.

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac also stood up.


The altar trembled slightly, a huge transmission force tore open a space-time passage, and all the people on the altar were teleported away.

After a while.

After the transmission was over, Lin Fei stood still and looked around.

Saw a shocking sight.

Looking around, there is no marginal confusion and void space, one after another broken interface, planes, continents, and star skeletal bodies are everywhere, densely packed, like particles of dust.

Lin Fei looked far away, and his divine consciousness was also able to perceive it from a distance.

The scenery in the distance is the same.

Facing the endless, incalculable, tattered planes, interfaces, continents, star skeletal, Lin Fei felt that he was very small.

"This is the sea of ​​absolute space!"

The zodiac signs were all shocked and shouted at the same time.

It seems that twelve of them know the origin of this place.

"Not bad.

Here is the sea of ​​absolute space.

All chaotic spaces, world groups, planes, interfaces, continents, stars..., the ultimate destination is this sea of ​​absolute space. "

The monster nodded and replied.

"Recently, there is a powerful and incomparable idea, from here many times, perceiving it into the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Therefore, it caused a change.

I guess there is something powerful that is interested in the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

The monster continued.


Is what you said true? "

The zodiac signs are all face changes.

"it is true.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos seems to be eyeing on. "

The monster nodded.

"Go, Lin Fei, let's go quickly.

It is not suitable to stay here for long! "

The Chinese zodiac immediately spoke to Lin Fei, one by one, all a little panicked.


Although Lin Fei was full of doubts, she was so frightened that she nodded when she saw the zodiac sign that had always been bold and bold.

"Well, let's go back.

The Absolute Space Sea is too dangerous for you. "

That monster also said.

Then, it stretched out its beast claws and swiped towards the space in front, and an altar fell down.

It took Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, stepped onto the altar, and teleported back the same way.

Ten days later.

Back at the gate of the palace, walk out of the palace.

The other monster still crouched outside the palace gate.

"Thank you senior."

Lin Fei respectfully saluted the monster.

"By the way, senior, how are my nine friends now."

Lin Fei wanted to know the whereabouts of the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints.

"They are fine.

They have been practicing for these years.

If it is not necessary, I don't want you to disturb them.

However, I can show you them. "

After that monster was finished, in the space in front, a large-scale, energetic, and brilliant plane was slowly projected.

In that plane, there are the figures of goblins and eight stone saints.

The nine of them either retreat or practice secret arts, or are fighting with powerful monsters.

"All are true gods!"

Lin Fei felt the strength of the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints, and couldn't help but be surprised and happy.

You know, when they first entered the Divine Battle Tomb Lilian, they were only in the Divine Realm.

Now, just how many years ago, all of them have become true gods!

This kind of cultivation speed is simply shocking.

Even Lin Fei was a little shocked.


Just when Lin Fei was perceiving the goblins and the Eight Stone Saints, the nine of them seemed to have some feelings. They raised their heads one by one, looking at the location of Lin Fei's spatial coordinates through the distant time and space.

"Is that you, Brother Lin Fei!"

Shouted the Great Sage.

"I feel your breath, Brother Lin Fei!"

The other stone saints also yelled one by one, all very pleasantly surprised.

"Lin Fei, it's amazing how you came here.

This is a supreme world, we are here, very good. "

The goblin also raised his head, looked at the distant time and space, and said in a loud voice.

"The highest world!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

Unexpectedly, the goblins and the Eight Stone Saints had actually entered a supreme world.

"They are really good."

Now, Lin Fei was really relieved.

"Thank you two seniors for their cultivation."

Lin Fei gratefully said to the two monsters.

Although, Lin Fei didn't know why the two monsters took a fancy to the goblins and the Eight-Stone Saints, and sent the nine of them into that mysterious plane to guide them to practice.

No matter what the reason, this is a great opportunity for the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints.

"Who broke this gap in space?

You two have no such ability. "

Tuntiangou had been staring at the gate of that palace, and suddenly asked.

"It's really not what we broke.

I can't tell you exactly what happened. "

One of the monsters replied.


Tun Tiangu coldly snorted.

"Well, you guys leave."

The other monster issued an order to evict.

"Let's go."

Tuntiangou took the lead and walked out of the God Battle Tomb.

The other zodiac signs also show their shape and go out.

"Two seniors, goodbye."

Lin Fei said to the two monsters.

These two monsters gave the goblins and the Eight Stone Saints such a great opportunity, and Lin Fei thanked them very much.

"Little guy, don't worry, our task is to stay here.

We are not interested in other things in this chaotic space. "

Before Lin Fei left, one of the monsters said in a loud voice.

"Two seniors, I understand."

After Lin Fei finished speaking, he showed his starting method and pursued the zodiac signs.

"This little guy, if he comes earlier, maybe I will fall in love with him.

He is very good. "

Said a monster.

"Unfortunately, he has already been taken by a chaos god.

Not with us. "

The other monster replied.

In a moment.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac came out from the middle of the God Battle Tomb.

"Predecessors, Absolute Space Sea, what the **** is going on."

Lin Fei couldn't help but asked the zodiac signs.

"Let's put it this way, the boundless sea of ​​chaos is a chaotic space.

The space outside the chaotic space is the absolute space sea.

The absolute space sea, also called the ultimate space, is the highest level space and the end of all spaces.

All chaotic spaces were born in the sea of ​​absolute space, and eventually, will die in the sea of ​​absolute space.

In a word, the sea of ​​absolute space is the ultimate destination of all spaces. "

Tian Tiangu explained to Lin Fei.

"Ultimate space, the highest level space, the end of all spaces..." Lin Fei was very shocked, muttering to himself, digesting the words of the Tianguo.

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