Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3672: Eight deceased people

"The boundless sea of ​​chaos we are in is a chaotic space.

All chaotic spaces are born or extinguished in the sea of ​​absolute space. "

Tuntengou added.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei began to understand.

Today, I personally went to the Absolute Space Sea, which had a great impact on Lin Fei.

"Go, let's go see the Celestial Realm."

Lin Fei said after leaving the God Battle Tomb.

After a while.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac came to the place where the Celestial Realm was before.

"Boy, this is the position, you can feel it carefully."

The Chaos World Tree suddenly appeared beside Lin Fei and said.

Lin Fei's power of divine consciousness felt the past in the space ahead.

After a while.


Lin Fei's gaze stared at a space where there were traces of spatial ripples gently rippling.

If there is a supreme plane hidden in this space in front of you, then it should be that place.

"Yes, it's there."

The space perception ability of the Chaos World Tree is stronger than Lin Fei.

After all, this is its racial talent.

Then, the Zodiac also locked the same place.

"Let's use the energy of the law of time and space together to see if we can lock the heaven and human world!"

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

The Chaos World Tree and the Chinese Zodiac both nod their heads.


Lin Fei, the Chaos World Tree, and the Chinese Zodiac displayed their own laws of time and space together, spreading to that location.

The dazzling laws of time and space, like tentacles, slowly extend into the void, keenly perceiving them.

"Secret of Reincarnation!"

Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

That space is constantly being decomposed, as if being cut into neat pieces of spatial crystals.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives and seeks space by space.

The Chaos World Tree stretched out a branch, grew rapidly, and instantly differentiated into billions of branches, interspersed into that space, and entered every smallest corner of that space.

The twelve zodiac signs also displayed their own time and space secret techniques, and they were looking for them carefully.


There is a stone gate! "

The Chaos World Tree screamed first

"Yes, a stone gate!"

Lin Fei also followed.

It took a long time for the Chinese Zodiac to finally discover that a looming stone door was in the depths of that space.

It can be seen that the space perception ability of the Chaos World Tree is the most powerful.

And Lin Fei's divine consciousness is the most powerful.

Lin Fei's current strength of spiritual consciousness is estimated to be only slightly weaker than the main god.

Compared with the half-step main god, it is much stronger.

The divine consciousness of the Chinese zodiac is weaker than that of Lin Fei.

Gradually, under the action of the energy of time and space, a pair of huge stone gates began to gradually emerge at that location.

This is too big for Shimen.

It was bigger than a star, and stood there, silent.

"The previous entrances and exits of the Heaven and Human Realm were not like this."

Lin Fei said.

"How can it be compared with before, now this is a supreme world."

Chaos World Tree said.

"Go, try to see if you can get in."

The Chinese zodiac has already walked to the stone gate.

The stone gate seemed to have a reaction, ejecting bright rays of light.

This kind of light is so dazzling, it ignites the entire space, and it is very clear.

Then, the whole stone gate is transparent, with endless lines spreading, like streams flowing.


In the end, the entire stone gate seemed to burn, as if shining through the ages, eternal and immortal.

A magnificent, sacred, majestic, and lofty breath was released.

At this moment, the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos shuddered suddenly, as if an extremely terrifying prehistoric beast had awakened.

However, this pair of Shimen had a reaction.

It did not open.

Behind the stone gate, looming, there are bursts of sound from the road, which makes people refreshing.

"I'll try!"

The big tiger volunteered and stepped forward, reaching out and pushing towards the pair of stone gates.

On the palm of his hand, lingering with brilliant time and space laws, he slammed into the pair of stone gates.


The palm of the big tiger seemed to hit a billion-year-old clock, a voice that shocked the world and made the people all over the world unable to help but want to worship.

On this day, in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, countless creatures heard this magnificent voice.

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, the closest, felt that their soul bodies were shaken and almost flew away.

"Not bad.

This is indeed the breath of the highest world. "

The Chinese zodiac nods one after another.

It seems that they are more familiar with the Supreme World.

"The portal of the highest world contains the mighty power of the world, so the mighty power is a bit scary."

The Tianguo said to Lin Fei.

"World Power is a high-level space force.

Lin Fei, your body opens up the world of the human body. In the future, it will continuously upgrade to a certain level, and it will produce world power. "

Tuntengou added.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei was very surprised.

Unexpectedly, the several human worlds opened up in my body have such great development potential.

"Let’s break this stone door together!"

Tuntian dog barked.

Boom boom boom...

Time and space energy blasted towards that stone gate.

"So bold!

How dare to disturb the highest plane! "

Above the pair of stone gates, a tall figure suddenly appeared, holding a battle axe, and smashing forward with one axe, smashing all the attacks of Lin Fei and others into shatters.

A powerful force of the world, mighty and mighty, forcing Lin Fei and others to come over.

Lin Fei, the Chinese Zodiac, and the Chaos World Tree were all shocked and forced to retreat again and again.

"This guy is the spirit of the world, condensed from the mighty power of the highest world, and will temporarily give birth to thoughts and ideas, and is responsible for guarding the portal of the highest world.

A supreme world, if it is not actively opening the door, it is very difficult for outsiders to enter.

Even the main **** does not have this ability.

Unless it is the Chaos God, he has the ability to open it easily. "

Tuntiangou shook his head and said.

"This guy represents the entire highest world.

If you want to open the pair of stone gates, you must defeat it.

It's just that if we want to defeat it, it's impossible with our strength. "

Chaos World Tree also shook his head

"so smart!"

Lin Fei was amazed, a little helpless.

Just now.


Behind the pair of Shimen, there was a faint trace of a very weak spiritual message, which was transmitted.

It seems like nothing.

"Is it Young Master Lin Feilin?

I am the deceased of Babu. "

This strand of divine consciousness information, after the dilution of the pair of stone gates, does not exist in a hundred.

It's just that Lin Fei's divine consciousness is so powerful.

Capture this trace of spiritual information clearly.

"Eight Dragons!"    Lin Fei was overjoyed.

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