Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3694: Eighteen Ghosts

Two gloomy eyes penetrated the void and fell on Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei's figure suddenly stopped, raised his head, and looked into the depths of the Moon Valley, somewhere.

Intuition told Lin Fei that there seemed to be a powerful presence, spying on himself.

This is just a clone of Lin Fei, which is probably equivalent to a true high-level god, whose true strength is far inferior to the main body.

Therefore, there is no way to accurately perceive the situation in the valley.

"It seems that this month Yingu, there is a strong man.

Humph, it's okay not to provoke me.

If you don't know the interest and provoke me, I don't mind, I will step into the ruins of this Moon Valley. "

Lin Fei said loudly.

"Master, did you find something."

Next to him, Azi asked in a low voice curiously.

Azi's strength is just an ordinary lower god, and naturally he can't discover much.

"Nothing, go, let's go in."

Lin Fei took Azi and strode into the Moon Yin Valley.

"What an arrogant kid!"

In the depths of Moon Yin Valley, that terrifying existence was instantly angered by Lin Fei's attitude.

"When you come to my site, you dare to be so arrogant!

Okay, I ask you to come and go! "

This terrible existence muttered to himself gloomily.

at this time.

In the Moon Yin Valley, Qing Luo and three shark girls were being chased by a large number of ghosts.

Fortunately, each of the four has a magic weapon of chaos, and coupled with their own powerful combat power, all of them are good fighters.

Therefore, it can barely support the escape.

However, the worst thing is that there is no way out.

This month's Yin Valley, in fact, is a yin land, the terrain is extremely vicious.

"It would be great if Lin Fei was here.

He is the best at cracking these dangerous places. "

Qing Luo couldn't help sighing.

"Sister Qingluo, you said, if Lin Fei knows that we are in trouble, will he come to save us?"

A shark girl asked.

"If Lin Fei knew we were trapped here, he would definitely come.

It's just that the boundless Chaos Sea is so big, how would Lin Fei know that the four of us broke into Moon Yin Valley.

We still need to rely on our own efforts to break out and be more practical. "

Qing Luo said.

At this time, Lin Fei took Azi into the Moon Yin Valley.

"It turns out that it is a place where eighteen ghosts are born. Most of this dangerous place is artificially arranged to harvest the spirits of intruders from outside.

Hehe, unexpectedly, this legendary dangerous place in the world was actually arranged by someone.

Its intentions are too sinister. "

Lin Fei entered the Moon Yin Valley, walked for a while, and found out the forbidden area.

Lin Fei is above the geomantic omen, and his attainments have reached a very high level.

There are not many fierce and dangerous places in the world, and Lin Fei doesn't understand.


Lin Fei was walking with Azi, and suddenly, the wind screamed in the distance, very ear-piercing.

I saw that a piece of gloomy ghost fog was drifting quickly.

In those ghost mists, the shadows seem to be fascinating, and it seems that there are many hideous ghosts hidden, and there are bursts of ghosts crying and howling, which is breathtaking.

"Hmph, these little tricks, dare to show ugliness in front of me."

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Lin Fei thought.


Large earth dragons appeared constantly, lingering around Lin Fei, wandering back and forth.

Lin Fei carried the continent created before.

The level of that continent was very high, and it was already equivalent to a continent in an ancient country of chaos.

Lin Fei has captured tens of millions of earth dragons from the outside world and put them into this continent.

In addition, many advanced earth dragons were born on this continent.

Therefore, in the continent created by Lin Fei, there are an astonishing number of earth dragons.

Lin Fei could summon a large number at any time.

"go with!"

Lin Fei pinched a magic trick and pointed towards the ground.


A series of thick earth dragons, continuously burrowing into the ground.


As more and more earth dragons penetrated this land, the topography and landform began to undergo very obvious changes.

"Hey, the Eighteen Ghosts Superbirth Land is indeed a terrifying and dangerous place.

Unfortunately, I met me. "

Lin Fei showed a confident smile.

It can be said that in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, only Yang Song's Xiangdi technique is slightly better than Lin Fei.

Except for Yang Song, it is estimated that Lin Fei's Xiangdi technique can dominate the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Get up!"

Lin Fei squeezed the technique, pointed forward, and suddenly shouted.


Amidst the roar of the sky, in front of them, eighteen gleaming mountains stood up from the ground.


The eighteen golden mountains, like eighteen giants standing on top of the earth, moved fast forward, and forced all ghost mists and objects away wherever they passed.

Lin Fei and Azi walked forward after eighteen mountains.

"Hmph, he has such a method!"

In the depths of Yueyin Valley, an angry voice sounded.

"However, how could Yueyingu be a junior kid who could crack it.

Good show, there is still something to come. "

Leng Sensen said this voice.

At this time, the eighteen golden mountains rumbling forward, Lin Fei and Azi followed very leisurely.



The earth began to tremble violently.

All around, the dark ghost mist rushed out frantically.

Then, a huge, pitch-black wall rose from the ground, densely packed, and in a moment, it was covered with the ground, forming a huge maze.

Those dark walls, each one, are very tall, comparable to mountains.

Lin Fei and A Zi were directly trapped in a huge, dark and ghostly labyrinth.

"Well, this kind of ghost hits the wall, even if the gods meet, they are helpless.

It seems that this superbirth place of eighteen ghosts must have existed for a very long time, and the climate has completely formed. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised and said.

"Master, look, so many zombies!"

Azi screamed suddenly.

I saw that after the huge black wall, a series of hideous zombies continuously rushed out.

These zombies moved quickly, with long green pointed nails, and their corpses were overwhelmingly energetic. They slaughtered Lin Fei and A Zi.

Zi drew out a long sword, ready to fight.

"Azi, just follow me.

This **** is not worth our effort. "

Lin Fei smiled.

Lin Fei stomped the ground.


The ground around it kept cracking, and huge cracks appeared.

One by one, tall and strong clay figures crawled out from these cracks, fighting with the zombies.

These clay figures are made of mud or stones, and the earth's air is the will. After being shattered, they can be reorganized, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

"Master, it's so fun!

You are called a soldier! "   Azi looked very happy, clapped his hands and laughed.

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