Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3695: Got offended

"In the world, there is no dangerous place, it is rare to live with your master."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Let's go, Azi, today, we will take this dangerous place to the sky!"

Lin Fei took Azi and strode forward.

Those zombies were all blocked by clay figures, and the two sides were fighting fiercely.


Under Lin Fei's urging, the eighteen golden mountains in front smashed a black wall and moved quickly forward.

At the same time, under the command of Lin Fei's mind, more and more earth dragons continued to dive into the ground, wandering out towards the distance.

Above these earth dragons, there was a mark of Lin Fei's divine consciousness. Once he met Qingluo and the three shark girls, Lin Fei knew immediately.

"I hope Qingluo and the others are okay."

Lin Fei saw this eighteen ghost superbirth land, so powerful, couldn't help feeling anxious, and wanted to find Qingluo and the others quickly.

In such an environment, the longer it takes, the more dangerous it will be.

"Unfortunately, it's just my clone here.

If the body comes, just destroy it dangerously.

Where is it so troublesome. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.


Suddenly, dozens of sharp ghosts with pointed heads and naked bodies, holding black three-bladed steel forks, appeared out of thin air and killed Lin Fei and A Zi.

The strength of these ghosts is actually equivalent to the upper gods!

"Master, this Moon Yin Valley is worthy of being a famous forbidden land in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, ordinary gods, entering here, it must be more fortunate."

A Zi spit out his fragrant tongue and said.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei couldn't help but frown.

It wasn't that Lin Fei couldn't deal with it, but the stronger the ghosts that appeared in the Moon Valley, the more Lin Fei worried about Qingluo's safety.

call out……

Lin Fei displayed his heart sword.


The dozens of pointed heads were naked, and their ghost bodies were cut apart at the same time.

Although Lin Fei's clone is not as powerful as the body, it is still very easy to deal with ordinary gods.

"Unexpectedly, the strength of this kid is not weak.

It seems that I must send a few capable officers to deal with him. "

In the depths of Yueyin Valley, the existence to be afraid of was watching Lin Fei's every move.


Five terrifying ghosts flew out from the depths of Moon Yin Valley.

Where these five ghosts passed, a suffocating cold fog was left, and every inch of space was frozen!

"I found Qingluo and the others!"

At this moment, Lin Fei and A Zi were walking around in the Moon Yin Valley. Lin Fei suddenly stopped and said in surprise.

"Master, have you found Sister Qingluo and the others!"

When Azi heard it, she was also very happy.

"Yes, let's go over and meet them!"

Lin Fei reached out and pointed.

Eighteen golden mountains opened the way in front, smashed all obstacles away, and rushed in one direction quickly.

"Well, the power of the 18th King Kong Mountain Formation did not disappoint me."

Lin Fei was very satisfied.

Lin Fei is proficient in Xiangdi, and is familiar with many great geomantic formations, and there are many that can be arranged at will.


I understand, that kid broke into my territory, dare to love, for the four chicks!

Hey, in this case, that's good.

Anyone who dares to provoke my ancestors will not end well. "

In the depths of Moon Yin Valley, that terrifying existence suddenly said coldly.

at this time.

Qingluo and the three shark girls were walking in the monstrous ghost fog.

From time to time, several ghosts rushed out of the ghost fog and culled at the four.

Qing Luo and the three shark girls were exhausted and panting.



In front, there was a sharp laughter.

In the rolling ghost mist, a strange figure came over.

In an instant, the temperature of this space began to drop sharply.

In the space, the water vapor condensed rapidly, turning into a string of dark ice.

"It's cold!"

Qing Luo and the three shark girls couldn't help but shuddered.

Can make the gods feel cold.

One can imagine how terrifying this chill is.

"It's a ghost!"

A shark girl screamed.

That weird figure walked up to the four of Qingluo.

It was a green ghost with a protruding belly, a long head and a round mouth.

On the back of this ghost, a pair of black wings grows, releasing a monstrous ghost mist.

The pair of strange ghost pupils of this cyan ghost stared at the four of Qing Luo, and they showed a joking smile.

"Be careful, this ghost has terrifying strength."

Qing Luo felt very stressed.

Intuition told her that the ghost in front of her was very scary.

"Let's do it together!"

Qing Luo yelled sweetly, and then slayed the ghost.

The three shark girls also made bold moves.

The cyan spooky ghost was not moved at all, stretched out a pointed ghost finger, and gently pointed it.

call out!

A large black net flew out and covered the four of Qing Luo.

On this big net, there is the law of ghosts to be afraid of. The harsh ghost crying wolf howling can produce terrible interference effects on the souls of creatures, allowing the attacked creatures to actively give up resistance and accept it. Bound.

"Let's run away!"

Qing Luo was shocked, shouted to the three shark girls, turned around and wanted to leave.

The cyan ghost's figure flashed, stretched out a ghost claw, zoomed in extremely quickly, and patted Qingluo and the three shark girls separately.

The ghost mist screamed, ghost claws again and again, very scary.

Qing Luo and the three shark girls were forced to retreat continuously by the wind of palm.

The **** net fell from the sky and directly caught the four of Qingluo in the net!

This change happened very quickly.

The cyan ghost carried the big net and flew towards the depths of Moon Yin Valley.

"not good!"

At another location in Moon Yin Valley, Lin Fei suddenly lost his voice and screamed.

When the Qingluo four were caught by the big net, several earth dragons happened to pass by, and they could see everything clearly.

Therefore, Lin Fei also knew immediately.

"court death!"

Lin Fei's face was instantly extremely cold.

Billowing anger, soaring into the sky.

"My Lin Fei woman, dare to move!

Moon Yin Valley, there is no need for it! "

Lin Fei was extremely angry.

Qing Luo is Lin Fei's wife.

Those three shark girls also have deep roots in Lin Fei's affection, and they are already open, guarding Lin Fei.

Of course, it is equivalent to Lin Fei's woman.

Dragons have inverse scales, and they will be angry if they touch them.

Lin Fei was thoroughly angered by Yingu this month.

"go with!"

Lin Fei shouted.

A series of earth dragons rushed out of the continent created by Lin Fei, continuously, and burrowed into the ground.

In the blink of an eye, tens of millions of earth dragons entered the ground of Moon Yin Valley.

"Change the world for me!"

Lin Fei squeezed the technique and shouted.

Tens of millions of earth dragons wandered wildly under the ground, and rioted together.

Rumble...   A violent earthquake occurred throughout the Moon Valley.

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