Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3703: Glorious defeat

"Old guy, the ghost is still there!"

Lin Fei sensed that behind, the main **** of the underworld was catching up, and couldn't help snorting coldly.

The fight just now was very short, less than ten moves.

However, Lin Fei had already figured out the power of the Lord God.

Lin Fei understood that his current strength wanted to defeat a master god.


If you continue to fight, you will definitely lose.

One's biggest advantage is physical strength and physical quality.

Especially the physique of the Chaos Heaven and Earth, the physique of the Tianjin people, coupled with the Induction of the Heaven of Last Week, made Lin Fei's body almost reach a state of immortality.

It was precisely this that made Lin Fei dare to fight a master god.

Otherwise, in the fierce battle just now, Lin Fei didn't know how many times he had been killed.

"If I want to defeat a master god, I still need to keep working hard!"

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Look! Lin Fei has escaped!"

"Lin Fei is honored to be able to retreat under the hand of a master god!"

"Yes, today's battle will surely spread throughout the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

From now on, Lin Fei, who is the number one, can be considered thoroughly, and he has gained a firm foothold in the boundless sea of ​​chaos! "

"A master **** can't help him.

Lin Fei has indeed risen! "

...... The result of this battle caused a sensation in the boundless sea of ​​chaos. Countless creatures mentioned the name Lin Fei with awe and did not dare to slight the slightest contempt.

"Lin Fei, we are here to meet you!"

At this time, the Chinese zodiac finally met with Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was heading back to the three-thousand-size world. The Chinese zodiac came out of the three-thousand-size world. The speeds of both sides were approaching the extreme.

So, in an instant, I met.

"do not be afraid.

Lin Fei, looking back, we have another fight with that old guy. "

The big tiger grinned his fists, staring at a pair of tiger eyes, staring at the lord **** of the underworld from a distance.

"Old man, you dare to provoke us who fell into the Valley of Gods. I think you are tired of living! Come on, let Brother Niu have a good beating!"

The black cow yelled at the lord **** of the local palace, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to fight.

"Humph! It's you twelve animals again!"

The main **** of the underworld, seeing the appearance of the zodiac signs, couldn't help but stop, his face was very ugly.

The Chinese zodiac has long been famous in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

He knew that there were the Chinese zodiac signs, and he wanted to kill Lin Fei, almost impossible.

The main **** of the underground palace swept Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac with a cold and quiet look, and finally flung his sleeves, turned and left, disappearing.

"Old guy, don't run, come to accompany your Niu brother after having enough fun!"

Hei Niu was very disappointed, yelling at the back of the Lord of the Land Palace, with a rolling sound, shaking billions of miles of void.

"It's really nothing. Seeing that the momentum is wrong, I actually ran away."

Tiger is also very disappointed.

Among the Chinese zodiac, the two of them are the best.

"Seniors, let's go back and talk about it."

Lin Fei said to the Zodiac.

"Okay, let's go back first."

Tuntengou nodded in agreement.

The twelve zodiac signs work together to open up a long-distance space transmission channel to send back to three thousand worlds.

Soon after.

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac returned to a world of three thousand sizes.

Lin Fei returned directly to the plane of Falling Immortal.

Teleported Qingluo, the three shark girls, and Azi and others from the mainland on her body.

"we are back!"

A Zi cried happily.

"Sisters, you are finally back safely!"

Rong'er and Wan'er, already flying, came to greet them.

At the same time, Lin Fei's parents also arrived.

"It's all right, it's all right."

Lin Fei's mother first followed Qingluo's hand and repeatedly checked.

At the same time, Lin Fei's mother did not neglect the three shark girls and treat them equally.

She knew that these three shark girls were probably flying with Ding Lin.

She is naturally happy as a mother.

"Sorry, Lin Fei, I caused you trouble."

The experience of Yueyin Valley made Qingluo worried and a little depressed.

"Lin Fei, we..." The three shark girls, standing in front of Lin Fei, blushed and felt embarrassed.

"What trouble! This is what he should do! Before he goes, I have told him that I must bring my daughter-in-law back intact. If one hair is missing, I will have him pay."

Lin Fei's mother said in a loud voice, completely standing on the side of Qing Luo and the three shark girls.

"Ah...I'm not this, have you brought them back intact."

Lin Fei said awkwardly [].

Although, Lin Fei was already a prominent figure in the boundless Chaos Sea, and even began to set foot on the peak of the boundless Chaos Sea, and was about to become the top group of masters.

However, in front of his mother, Lin Fei, like his father and eldest brother, did not dare to talk back.

This is a habit that has been developed since childhood.

In this family, the mother is a bit too emperor.

"Lin Fei, where's Shanshan, have you found her!"

Suddenly, a figure came to Lin Fei like lightning and asked Lin Fei.

This is a middle-aged man.

It is Ren Shanshan's father, Ren Xiaotian, the former proprietor of the Eastern Luohai Commercial Bank.

However, his current business business has spread across the entire plane of immortality, and even in the world of three thousand sizes, many branches have been opened in other planes.

The scale of his current firm is less than one million times larger than in the Eastern Region in the past! "Senior Ren..." Lin Fei looked at the person in front of him, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer.

Because, this time, Lin Fei mainly went to Yueyin Valley to find Qingluo and the three shark girls.

But he did not deliberately go to Ren Shanshan.

"Now in the boundless chaotic sea, the situation is so chaotic.

Qing Luo has been out of contact for so long, and there is no answer. How can this be good? "

Seeing Lin Fei's expression like this, Ren Xiaotian knew the result and couldn't help being very disappointed.

"No, I'm going out and looking for Shanshan."

Ren Xiaotian gritted his teeth and said.

Ren Xiaotian's current realm is Heavenly Wonderland.

In such a realm, it is very dangerous to enter the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

It's just that Ren Shanshan is the jewel in his palm, the most cherished.

"Lin Fei, you lend me an advanced warship."

Ren Xiaotian said to Lin Fei.

"Senior, you don't have to go in person.

Looking for Miss Ren, let me arrange it. "

Lin Fei quickly stopped Ren Xiaotian.

Lin Fei knew that with Ren Xiaotian's current strength, entering the boundless sea of ​​chaos would definitely be more awful than good.

"Yes, Brother Ren, you believe Lin Fei.

With Lin Fei's current strength, it shouldn't be difficult to find someone in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

What's more, if you can't find Lin Fei, you will be even more unlikely to find it. "

The really old Dao came long ago and stood aside, comfortingly said.

"Senior Ren, don't worry, I will find Miss Ren."

Lin Fei said.

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