Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3704: Looking for Ren Shanshan

After saying this, Lin Fei could not help but secretly blame himself.

This time I went out, it seemed that I was specifically looking for Qing Luo and the three shark girls.

But Ren Shanshan did not deliberately look for it.

Lin Fei remembered that when he had some intersections with Ren Shanshan when he was in the Eastern Regions before, he began to miss this confidante in his heart.

"Senior Ren, don't worry, I will try my best to find it."

Lin Fei comforted Ren Xiaotian again.


Lin Fei, please.

If something happens to Shanshan, I don't know what to do..." Ren Xiaotian's mood was a little low.

In his mind, Ren Shanshan is the most doting baby, and his status is very important.

Lin Fei thought, dozens of true **** slaves immediately came to Lin Fei.

"You take a team of people separately to find Miss Ren."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei plunged Ren Shanshan's portrait and spirit aura into the sea of ​​knowledge of these true **** slaves.

"Yes, master!"

Dozens of true **** slaves answered at the same time.

Of these true **** slaves, most of them are upper gods and a small part are middle gods.

Lin Fei almost dispatched the most powerful slaves of the true gods.

"Senior, I will find it myself."

Lin Fei said to Ren Xiaotian.

"Lin Fei, thank you very much."

Ren Xiaotian said to Lin Fei gratefully, and turned to leave.

"Azi, Qingluo, you and Miss Ren set off to the Ice Palace at the beginning, but you know which way she went later."

Lin Fei asked Azi and Qingluo.

"After we arrived at the Ice Palace together, we separated.

I followed Qingluo sister.

We don't know where Sister Ren went. "

Azi replied.


Qing Luo nodded.

"Well, it seems that we need to focus on the ice palace and search."

Lin Fei said.

"Master, I will go with you."

Azi said.

"Lin Fei, let me go too."

Qing Luo, He Rong'er, and Wan'er also said in a voice.

"No, you stay.

I can go by myself. "

Lin Fei shook his head.

With Lin Fei's current strength, taking Azi and Qingluo with him, he had to take care of them instead.

Because Lin Fei understood that he had been targeted by those main gods in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

I don't know when, I will jump out and do it myself.

"Lin Fei, let's go with you."

The Zodiac said.

They were worried that there would be a master **** who would act on Lin Fei, so they had to follow along to ensure Lin Fei's safety.


Lin Fei nodded.

Among the three thousand worlds, there is a long-distance teleportation formation that connects with the ice palace.

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac set foot on this formation.

After a while, he arrived at the Ice Palace.

Among the Ice Palace, only a small part of the Ice Palace high-level staff stayed here.

Because there are still many planes here, and in each plane, there are countless weak creatures.

It is impossible for these creatures to leave the ice palace.

Therefore, the ice master left part of the upper level of the ice palace here to maintain the normal operation order of those planes.

"Soon, the Alliance army will come back here."

Lin Fei glanced at the Ice Palace and said.

"At that time, whoever dares to provoke the Alliance army again, I will definitely kill the door."

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Fei, wait until you have beaten those main gods before you say this."

Da Hei Niu stepped forward, patted Lin Fei on the shoulder, and said.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac walked out of the Ice Palace.

Lin Fei used the law of time and space and began to deduct it.

The zodiac signs also perform their own time-space secret techniques and perform deductions.

"Here, there is the breath of Miss Ren!"

After deducing for more than half an hour, Lin Fei suddenly changed his face and looked in one direction.

"Yes, the little girl surnamed Ren, most likely, went in this direction."

The zodiac signs are also deduced to some traces.


Lin Fei walked in that direction.

The Chinese zodiac also keeps up.

At the speed of Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac, it was natural to cross the distant void in an instant.

While Lin Fei used the power of the law of time and space to perform deductions, while unleashing his power of consciousness, he tried to capture the spirit of Ren Shanshan left behind.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness can instantly cover a distance of tens of trillions of miles, even a single dust of it can be sensed.

In this way, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac followed all the way.

With the strength of Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac, the entire boundless Chaos Sea can be visited anywhere, so naturally he is not afraid of any danger.

Those true **** slaves sent by Lin Fei also communicated with Lin Fei and exchanged information from time to time.

In this way, in the entire boundless chaotic sea, there are dozens of passers-by looking for Ren Shanshan's whereabouts.

at last.

Two days later.

All clues point to one direction! Lin Fei, the Chinese zodiac, and those true **** slaves all came to the same place.

This is a relatively remote chaotic void.

In front, a bronze gate filled with the mottled breath of time stands there.

On the plaque of the gate, three characters are inscribed.

Ethereal Realm! "Qingluo's breath disappeared here."

Lin Fei, the Chinese zodiac, and a group of true **** slaves under Lin Fei stood in front of the bronze gate.

This bronze gate is too large in scale.

It is majestic and majestic, and from time to time, there is some sacred breath overflowing, making people refreshing.

Not long ago, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, three portals to the highest world suddenly appeared.

They are the virtual spirit world, the mountain and sea world, and the **** beast world.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, these are three legendary supreme worlds that have been passed down for a long time.

Appearing at the same time naturally caused a sensation.

I don't know how many creatures came to these three portals to watch the excitement.

There are also many strong men who want to try to break through these three portals and enter the highest world, but none of them succeeded.

In short, before these three gateways, people come and go almost every day, which is equivalent to becoming three tourist attractions.

"It seems that Miss Ren came here especially to watch the excitement."

Lin Fei said.

This is normal, the entire boundless Chaos Sea, almost all creatures, are interested in these three portals of the highest world.

It's just that Ren Shanshan's breath disappeared completely when he came here.

Regardless of Lin Fei and the Zodiac, there are still a group of true **** slaves, no matter how they deduced, how they perceive, they can no longer capture the slightest breath of Ren Shanshan.

Here, the clue seems to be completely cut off.

"How can this be."

Lin Fei was a little anxious.

At this time, in addition to Lin Fei and the others, there were many other creatures, watching and talking in front of this door.

"is that true?

Has this door really opened a crack not long ago? "

"There was a creature that broke in?"

... Suddenly, there were some comments that caught Lin Fei's attention.

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