Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3705: Great opportunity

"Is this door ever opened?

There are creatures, have they ever gone in? "

Lin Fei was very surprised.

You know, since this period of time, I don't know how many strong people have tried to force a door, but they all ended in failure.

It is said that there are several main gods who have also personally stepped out to enter these three portals of the highest world, but they also failed.

Even the main **** can't break in, and other creatures don't have to think about it.

However, now, there are legends that some creatures broke in?

Under Lin Fei's gesture, a few True God slaves immediately walked over and inquired about the creatures who were discussing.

After paying some compensation, I got a message.

Half a month ago, the sealing power of this portal suddenly became weak, and a crack was pushed open.

That is what happened in a very short time.

However, some creatures broke in because of this! This news [], has now begun to spread gradually, which has attracted the attention of the powerful people passing by in the boundless chaotic sea.

Even Mr. Mu, who is best at deduction in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, came here in person and deduced it.

As a result, I came to an amazing conclusion that the sealing power of this gate has a period of fluctuation, and the sealing power will become weak every once in a while.

However, the time is very short, that is, in an instant, the sealing power will become stronger again.

At that moment, is the best time to enter this gate.

Half a month ago, precisely because of the sealing power of this door, it became very weak in an instant, and a creature took the opportunity to break in.

"Miss Ren's breath, no news when I get here.

Judging from the time calculation, it seems to be half a month ago.

Could it be that Miss Ren broke into this door? "

Tun Tiangu said.

"It's possible."

Lin Fei nodded, and Lin Fei's calculation was the same.

"Miss Ren has entered the highest world! With her strength, how can it be possible?"

Lin Fei was a little shocked.

"Perhaps, at that time, a strong broke in. Miss Ren followed and took advantage of this opportunity to break in."

The goat in the Chinese zodiac speculated.

"Well, this may be true."

Lin Fei nodded in agreement.

"You use this as a starting point, and then look for it in other places.

Miss Ren may have left here again and went to other places. "

Lin Fei commanded those true **** slaves under his opponent.


Dozens of true **** slaves took their orders and left.

"However, judging by the results of my deduction, Miss Ren has mostly entered this portal.

Lin Fei, believe me, my deduction has always been accurate. "

Big Black Bull said.

"Yes, I think so too."

Lin Fei nodded.

Although Da Hei Niu usually speaks unreliable, but the strength is good, and there are many ancient secret techniques for cultivation.

Soon after.

Lin Fei heard another news.

Mr. Mu has arrived at the exact time when the gate seal becomes weak next time.

At that time, a large number of powerful people will come here, ready to break in.

The highest world is the eternal yearning of all the creatures in the boundless chaotic sea.

Upon hearing this news, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac were shocked.

"We stay here, too, and see what happens."

Lin Fei said.

The Chinese zodiac likes to watch the excitement most, so naturally I don't want to miss it.

Two days later.

Countless creatures came one after another.

At a glance, in this chaotic void, there are people everywhere, densely packed, and very spectacular.

Lin Fei noticed that there were many half-step master gods mixed in the crowd.

Even outside the distant void, there are many truly terrifying figures standing.

Although separated from the distant time and space, they can still feel their breathtaking breath.

Lin Fei knows that these are the main gods! It can be said that the portal to the virtual spirit world has attracted the attention of the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Mr. Mu is here!"

Suddenly, a shout sounded.

An old man in white, surrounded by dozens of half-step master gods, came quickly.

This old man in white is just the famous Mr. Mu.

In the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, the deduction technique, respect him! "Mr. Mu, when will the sealing power of this gateway become weak?"

Immediately, many creatures came forward to inquire.

Of course, the attitude is very respectful.

This Mr. Mu, even the main god, would be very polite to him.

Not to mention ordinary creatures.

"To be precise, after these two hours."

Mr. Mu gave the answer directly without concealing it.

Two hours later! All the creatures were refreshed when they heard it.

"Great opportunity! Two hours later, we will have a chance to enter the highest world!"

"This is a great opportunity that has never been seen before! We must take good care of it. When the time comes, everyone will work together to open this door and break in together."

"Haha, we are about to enter the highest world, settle down and practice, just think about it!"

... It can be seen that most of the creatures are passionate and full of longing for the highest world.

In this chaotic void, it has long been densely packed with various creatures.

Everyone is anxiously waiting for the arrival of that time.

"What do we do, do we follow in?"

Said the tiger.

"What's so great about a supreme world?

Back then, we followed our master, and we drove through the highest world, are there still few? "

Da Hei Niu pouted and said.

"But, Miss Ren must be inside. We won't find Miss Ren if we don't go in."

Said the rabbit beside.

"This matter should be decided by Lin Fei."

Tianguo said.

The eyes of the Chinese zodiac looked at Lin Fei.

"Let's take a look at the specific situation first.

I think it might be possible to get in.

According to legend, the Supreme World does not allow outsiders to enter.

How could it be possible to allow so many creatures to break in. "

Lin Fei said.

"That said, is it weird?"

Big Black Bull said.

"Lin Fei also makes sense, so let's take a look at the situation first."

Tianguo nodded and said.

Two hours have finally arrived.

Boom... The huge portal in front suddenly heard a soft roar, shaking slightly.

Then, the sealing power emanating from the gate really weakened! "It's time!"

In an instant, the crowd began to go crazy.

"Kill, we blasted open the door and broke into the highest world!"

"Everyone works together, and a huge opportunity is in sight!"

... Countless creatures all rushed forward, like the tide, yelling.

In the distance, some strong men are also ready to move.

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