Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3709: action

"Well, everyone, the purpose of everyone gathering here this time is clear.

Just to deal with Tiansangzi. "

A figure shrouded in the mist of Green Law slowly said.

"I have investigated in detail.

The rise of Tiansangzi started from outside the law.

Before entering the land outside the law, he was just an ordinary second-generation elder in Nirvana Ridge, and his strength was only the upper **** true god.

This kind of strength, I think, everyone present can blow a few to death in one breath. "

Said the green figure.

"However, after Tiansangzi came out of a place outside the law, it changed completely.

He was in retreat for a period of time, and after leaving the gate, he broke through to the main **** realm strangely! Then, he challenged the old lord, and defeated the old lord, becoming the new lord.

Such a breakthrough speed, I think, everyone should know that there must be weird in this.

Especially, not long ago, the strength of Tiansangzi once again advanced by leaps and bounds, and it even defeated the court master of the Western Holy See.

You know, the court master belongs to the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and the old master **** has been in the master **** realm for a long time.

Tiansangzi's talent, no matter how high it is, his strength cannot improve so fast.

What is even more shocking is that the old lord of Nirvana Ridge and the Heavenly Demon Valley Snake Fang, after returning to Tiansangzi, their strengths have also improved by leaps and bounds.

All these signs indicate that Tiansangzi is very strange.

In this way, let him continue to develop, and it is estimated that in the future, the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, no one will be able to deal with him. "

The green figure analyzed the situation of Tiansangzi in detail.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac couldn't help but glance at each other.

The analysis of the main **** was exactly the same as Lin Fei's guess.

"Not bad.

I think so. "

"The rise of Tiansangzi is too weird and terrible.

I have a hunch that if we don't get rid of him, in the future, he will definitely overwhelm us old-brand master gods and cannot raise our heads.

Even, we might, like the old Lingzhu and Snake Fang, be forced to become his subordinates to serve him.

At that time, I think everyone's life must be like a year. "

The other figure, covered by a hazy golden glow, also nodded and said.

"That said, I also agree with this analysis."


...The other main gods all nodded one after another.

"So, from now on, we must work together and join hands to deal with Tiansangzi, and eliminate a major harm for the boundless Chaos Sea!"

Said the green figure.

"Okay, join hands to deal with Tiansangzi."

The other main gods all nodded in agreement.

"During this period, I don't know if you have noticed it.

Lord Tiansang, with Old Lingzhu, and Snake Fang, all three suddenly became quiet.

Not seeing the event.

I suspect that they should be practicing in retreat.

Especially Tiansangzi, this person is too weird, he is very likely to be in retreat, practicing some secret technique.

I suggest that everyone take this opportunity to join forces, sneak into Silent Hill, launch a surprise attack, and besieged Tiansangzi.

Today, those who come here are the top masters in the boundless sea of ​​chaos. I think, if we join hands, no matter how strong Tiansangzi is, we can kill him.

Everyone, do you agree to my plan? "

The green figure told his plan.

The other main gods all thought about it.

Then, they nodded in agreement.

Originally, everyone gathered here to deal with Tiansangzi, there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Well, in that case, I will now send someone to find out the secret room of Tiansangzi.

Then, we sneaked into Silence Hill and launched a surprise attack. "

Said the green figure.

"Everyone is here, rest for a while.

After receiving the signal of action, he immediately rushed to Silence Hill. "

The green figure added.

Everyone can see that in order to deal with Tiansangzi, the Lord God must have made very careful arrangements.

"no problem."

The other main gods all nodded.

After the green figure finished speaking, he left in one step and disappeared.

The other main gods all sat on this abandoned continent, closing their eyes and resting.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac also found a place and sat down cross-legged.

"It seems that this time, the demons are taking the lead to deal with Tiansangzi."

The Tianguo said to Lin Fei secretly.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded.

The green figure just now was a monster.

Although, he used great supernatural powers, but he used the power to cover the body.

However, Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac can still vaguely capture some of the evil spirits he leaked.

"The monster race is ambitious and wants to dominate the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Now, Tiansangzi, a powerful opponent suddenly appeared, so the Yaozu planned to concentrate other forces and get rid of Tiansangzi together, and then the Yaozu would conquer other forces.

In short, they are all for dominance. "

The goat secretly communicated to Lin Fei and others to express his opinions.

"Not bad.

In fact, Yaozu and Tiansangzi are all the same. "

Lin Fei agreed.

"We don't care about this for the time being, just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

If the Yaozu wants to dominate the boundless sea of ​​chaos, it will definitely find ways to get rid of Tiansangzi.

Let's follow, just watch the excitement. "

Tianguo said.

"That's it."

Lin Fei also nodded.

time flies.

Two days later.


"Everyone, everything is ready.

It's time to act. "

A magnificent voice sounded over this abandoned continent.

On the abandoned continent, all the main gods, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, stood up.

"Let's go."

A main **** said, stepping out in the direction of Ji Mie Ling, and disappeared.

The other main gods also exhibited their supernatural powers and swiftly headed towards Ji Mie Ling.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac also opened up a long-distance transmission channel to teleport towards the Silence Ridge.

After a while.

It came outside of Silence Hill.

More than a dozen main gods, Lin Fei, and the Chinese zodiac, all stood outside of Silence Hill.

Because he wanted to launch a surprise attack on Tiansangzi, every main **** would converge his breath, hide his true body, merge into the air, as if it didn't exist at all.

In Silent Hill, there are creatures coming out from time to time, and creatures coming in from time to time.

People come and go, very lively.

Many creatures passed by more than a dozen main gods, talking and laughing.

However, no creature at all could find that in this space, there are actually a group of the most terrifying big figures in the world.

"I have sent someone to find out the specific location of Tiansangzi's closed chamber.

Now, everyone follow me in.

Remember, move lightly.

Tiansangzi is too weird and too strong. We had better launch a surprise attack to have the greatest assurance against him. "

The green figure said to everyone.

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