Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3710: Just a clone

The other main gods all nodded slightly to express their understanding.

These main gods, on weekdays, dominate the chaotic area one by one and are kings alone.

Today, in order to deal with Tiansangzi, it is very rare to be willing to obey the arrangements of others. This also shows how much pressure Tiansangzi puts on these main gods.

More than a dozen main gods, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, all converge their auras, display their supernatural powers, travel through space, and sneak into the Silence Ridge.

The various defensive levels and formations in Nirvana Hill are nothing but nothing to these main gods and have no effect.

These main gods are not only boundless mana, but also proficient in the laws of time and space, and can easily control time and space.

Even when you raise your hand, you can change time and space.

For them, Silence Hill is like entering the land of no one.

Silence Ridge is a famous forbidden area in the boundless chaotic sea.

In the long history, it was once a rather mysterious forbidden place.

However, since the rise of Tiansangzi and the battle for hegemony in the boundless Chaos Sea, the mystery of Ji Mie Ling gradually opened up in front of the world.

In Silent Hill is a huge world group.

Entering it, high-level planes, like honeycombs, are suspended in the boundless void.

This is a very prosperous world group, with powerful creatures coming and going, exuding a terrible atmosphere.

With the rise of Tiansangzi, Ji Mie Ling quickly developed into one of the most powerful world groups in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

In the deepest part of the void of Silence Hill.

In a special space shrouded by heavy arrays.

A sacred mountain, standing in the void, exudes dazzling divine light.

Densely dense chaotic origin laws linger on it.

"This small world is the private space of Tiansangzi.

It is the place where he retreats to practice. "

More than a dozen main gods, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, worked together to break through the space barriers of this small world in the depths of Nirvana Ridge, and broke in, said the main **** who was covered in green laws.

"Go, let's go.

Taking advantage of Tiansangzi's opportunity to practice in retreat, kill him with lightning speed. "

The main god, who was covered by the green law, displayed the supernatural powers of time and space, completely drifting away from the space of this small world, quietly moving towards the tallest mountain.

Lin Fei and others also quietly followed behind.

Soon, more than a dozen main gods, Lin Fei, and the Chinese zodiac, surrounded this sacred mountain.

Above the sacred mountain, there is a cultivation cave, erupting a strong chaotic spirit.

There are also hundreds of them, the world's top spirit gathering array.

Needless to say, this cave is definitely a retreat for Tiansangzi.

"It's not too late.

Do it! "

The main god, who was covered in green laws, gave a soft drink.

Boom boom boom... a dozen main gods, Lin Fei, and the twelve zodiac signs, at the same time, they used all kinds of terrifying great supernatural powers to blast towards the cave mansion.

boom! In an instant, not only the cultivation cave mansion, but even the entire sacred mountain, was bombarded and turned into flying ashes.

More than a dozen main gods, plus Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, this is a very terrifying force, enough to destroy anything in the boundless Chaos Sea! A sacred mountain, not worth mentioning! "presumptuous!"

As the sacred mountain exploded, a figure rushed out from the ashes in the sky, spurting blood continuously, and its aura was extremely weak.

It is Tiansangzi! "It's just a clone!"

The dozen or so main gods who launched the attack, Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac, were stunned when they saw this Tiansangzi.

Everyone can see it.

The mulberry in front of him is not the main body.

It's just a clone.

"Where is your body!"

A main **** shouted loudly.

"Hey, I understand, you guys want to join forces against me.

It's also right, you so-called master gods, before me, are vulnerable.

If you don't join forces, you don't have any chance.

However, even if you join hands, it is the same in front of me, there is no chance. "

Tian Sangzi sneered and looked disapproving, with a very contemptuous expression.

"Huh! Tiansangzi, you are too arrogant! Do you really think that you can suppress the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos on your own! Many unrighteous actions will kill you, Tiansangzi, your deadline is coming!"

The main god, who was covered in green laws, stepped forward and said sharply.

The monstrous green law turned into thick green beams of light, blasting towards the mulberry.

"Cut off his clone first, and then find out his body!"

The other main **** stretched out a big hand and suppressed it overwhelmingly.

The two main gods shot at the same time, and the attack that broke out was naturally terrifying to the extreme.

In an instant, this space was completely sealed.

Tiansangzi's clone, where it was sealed, remained motionless.

It's just that his face didn't panic at all.

Instead, it was showing a disdainful expression.

"Too weak."

Tiansangzi shook his head and smiled.

Boom...A pitch-black energy burst out from his body.

The waves of terror, like the ocean, spread.

Then, his body began to move.

call out! In an instant, he retreated far and stood in the void in the distance.


The two hands-on master gods were shocked.

This is just a clone of Tiansangzi.

Suddenly, they broke free from their joint offensive.

It's really incredible that a clone can do this.

"I said, you master gods, all of you are proud.

In fact, you are vulnerable in my eyes.

When my injuries are healed, I will kill you like chickens and dogs. "

Tiansangzi's face showed a disdainful expression and said in a mocking tone.

boom! The main god, whose body was covered by the green law, started again.

boom! He squeezed a weird seal to kill Xiang Tiansangzi.

This time, he held the meaning of killing, with billowing energy and mighty laws, overwhelming the sky, surging out, as if to prop up this world and recreate the universe.

This time, the main **** was displaying nirvana, which was very powerful.

Boom! The sky is falling apart and the river will be destroyed for a long time.

"My avatar is not a pity to die.

Just wait.

My body will return soon.

At that time, you have only two choices.

First, surrender, follow me forever and listen to me.

Second, die! "

Tian Sangzi's clone did not resist or evade, but stood there calmly, with his hands on his back, and said coldly.

He knew that with so many main gods here, he was bound to die.

So, simply gave up resistance.

puff! In the end, the sky mulberry was like a bubble, crushed by the terrifying energy, and turned into fly ash.

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