Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3714: Chaos Golden Bell

boom! During the fierce battle, a dark palace rushed out of the void behind the old lord, and hit him in the waist.

The result was a direct cut in the middle, causing his body to break between the upper and lower half, causing blood to splash into the void.

Wow...More than a dozen main gods, at the same time, exerting the power of the law, the endless chain of order gods is constantly being born, piercing the void, and intertwined in the void, forming a huge web of laws, blocking the old lord In the net.

"Kill him! Remove Tiansangzi's left and right arms!"

More than a dozen main gods roared forward to kill, a dozen surging energy, like a vast ocean, flooded the old Lingzhu.

"Even if you kill me, it's useless.

Tiansangzi went to heal.

When he is healed from his injury, the day he returns, even if you work together, you won't be able to beat him! The boundless Chaos Sea will fall into the palm of Tiansangzi sooner or later! "

The old ling master roared.

"Say, what is the origin of Tiansangzi!"

The main **** who was covered by the green law shouted.

Other main gods, including Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, all want to know this question.

Everyone faintly guessed that the origin of Tiansangzi is by no means simple.

"Hey, you guys also found out.

It's okay to tell you.

The real mulberry has long since fallen.

The current Tiansangzi is actually a monster from outside the chaos.

This monster is too scary, too weird.

It is absolutely impossible for us to be his opponent.

I advise you to accept your fate. "

Old Lingzhu sneered.

Sure enough! When everyone heard it, they were all stunned, confirming the conjecture that had always been in their hearts.

The real mulberry has long since fallen.

The current Tiansangzi had been taken away, and there was another strange and terrifying monster in his body.

"The boundless Chaos Sea cannot be ruled by a monster.

We will kill that monster! "

The main god, who was covered by the green law, sneered.

This main **** is from the Yaozu.

Yaozu has always had the ambition to rule the boundless sea of ​​chaos, how could it be possible to allow others to step in.

"Haha, you don't even know how terrifying that old monster is. You want to kill him, it's a delusion!"

Old Lingzhu laughed.

After listening to the old Lingzhu's words, the hearts of more than a dozen main gods were a little heavy.

When the old ling master mentioned Tiansangzi, his eyes were deeply jealous, and his tone of voice also contained obvious fear.

It can be seen that the old Lingzhu was full of fear for Tiansangzi.

Old Lingzhu is one of the oldest master gods in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

It can make him so afraid, enough to prove that the current Tiansangzi is indeed terrifying.

"We can't kill Tiansangzi, it's not you who have the final say.

It's just that you have no chance to see us beheading Tiansangzi.

go to hell! "

A master **** stretched out his big hand, driving the endless law, and blasted towards the old lord.

puff! The old Lingzhu had been suppressed tightly by the power of a dozen main gods, unable to move, unable to dodge at all, and his body was shattered all at once.

Boom...Strong energy blasted past the old Lingzhu's soul body.

The power of the monstrous law completely sealed this chaotic void.

The vitality of the main **** is too tenacious.

A main **** is very difficult to be killed.

Therefore, more than a dozen main gods all attacked without reservation.

More than a dozen master gods' ultimate moves were played at once, and it was terrifying to the extreme.

It is the most terrifying attack in this world.

Boom... The soul body of the old Lingzhu, surrounded by a flood of energy, was murderous in all directions.

"Tian Sangzi will avenge me!"

Old Ling Master Li roared.

Just now.

when! With the long sound of the bell, a big golden bell appeared, protecting the soul body of the old Lingzhu.

The clock wave rippled, and in an instant, it spread throughout the boundless sea of ​​chaos and all corners of space.

At this moment, the endless endless sea of ​​chaos, endless creatures, all heard the melodious ancient bells.

"It's Chaos Golden Bell!"

More than a dozen main gods were all very surprised.

This chaotic golden clock was famous in ancient times.

It is said that the Golden Bell of Chaos, born in the chaos when the boundless chaotic sea just opened the world, represents the most original and fundamental energy and the general principle of the boundless chaotic sea.

Moreover, it is said that Chaos Golden Bell also represents the luck of the entire boundless Chaos Sea.

In ancient times, this chaotic golden clock suddenly appeared, which once caused competition among the powerful.

Later, this chaotic golden bell was missing.

Unexpectedly, now, it has appeared again.

The golden bell of chaos, protects the soul body of the old lord, and flees far and wide.

"It's the snake party!"

More than a dozen main gods have all found out. Outside the distant void, there is a horrible figure with a monster air, which is casting mana and controlling the golden bell of chaos.

"Hmph, Snake Fang, unexpectedly, Chaos Golden Bell actually fell into your hands."

A main god, coldly snorted.

More than a dozen main gods, as well as Lin Fei, and the Chinese zodiac, all rushed towards the snake.

The chaotic golden bell, in an instant, escaped into the hands of the snake.

"This Chaos Golden Bell was found by Tiansangzi, and he gave it to me.

I can't let you kill the old Lingzhu, otherwise, after Tiansangzi returns, he will find me to settle the account. "

Snake Fang said coldly.

While speaking, he turned around and walked away.

"Snake Fang, today, even you are killed together, just to remove Tiansangzi's left and right arms!"

A main **** said coldly.

The direction in which the snake side escaped was the Sky Demon Valley.

In just a moment, the snake side rushed into the Sky Demon Valley.

Shoo... More than a dozen main gods, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, followed closely and rushed into the Sky Demon Valley.

The Sky Demon Valley is the base camp of the snake side.

It's just that he didn't call a helper, but kept escaping towards the depths of the Sky Demon Valley.

He understood that the chasing soldiers in the rear were too powerful, they were all at the level of the main god, and they were the top masters in the world.

In the entire Sky Demon Valley, there are no creatures that can help.

Boom... More than a dozen main gods broke into the Sky Demon Valley, unscrupulously, the terrifying energy released by the coercion caused the space of the Sky Demon Valley to continuously explode.

Wherever they passed, countless creatures were crushed into powder in an instant, and died violently.

Only Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac signs did not kill them. For ordinary creatures, they couldn't bear to start.

"The snake is fleeing towards the land of nothingness!"

Watching Snake Fang fled towards the depths of the Sky Demon Valley, suddenly, Lin Fei understood the destination of Snake Fang's escape.

In the Sky Demon Valley, there is a mysterious ancient land called the Land of Nothingness.

Before, Lin Fei had entered the land of nothingness and found Azi's clan, the nine-tailed monster fox clan.

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