Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3715: Re-enter the land of nothingness

"There is an invasion by foreign enemies!"

At this time, in the Sky Demon Valley, one by one masters rushed out from their planes.

"Hide all of them!"

The snake side was furious and sent a voice transmission.

These masters in the Sky Demon Valley are all his subordinates, and running out at this time is undoubtedly going to die.

Maybe, the Sky Demon Valley will be wiped out.

Under the order of the snake side, the masters of the Sky Demon Valley and he retracted again.

After a while.

Snake Fang had already fled to the depths of the Sky Demon Valley, in a confused chaotic space.

"Sure enough, I want to escape into nothingness."

Lin Fei could understand, and said in his heart.

The most mysterious thing in the entire Sky Demon Valley is the Land of Nothingness. The Land of Nothingness, also called the ancient land of reincarnation, contains the rich laws of reincarnation.

Lin Fei knew that the land of nothingness was very mysterious, even if the Lord God entered, it would not necessarily be able to pass unimpeded.

Therefore, the snake side definitely wanted to use the weirdness of the void to get rid of the pursuit.

"The patriarch of the nine-tailed demon fox clan, I don't know what happened."

Lin Fei remembered that the patriarch of Azi's clan was very likely to be still in the void. Until now, there has been no news.

The patriarchs of the nine-tailed demon fox clan are now all in a three-thousand-size world.

If the patriarch fox ring has come out of the void, the first thing is to go to the three thousand worlds to find the tribe.

call out! Sure enough, the snake rushed into a space-time passage.

Lin Fei recognized that the passage of time and space was the entrance to the void.

More than a dozen main gods, without even thinking about it, followed the snake directly and rushed into that space-time passage.

"Let's go in too."

Lin Fei said to the Zodiac and followed in.

Lin Fei has already entered the land of nothingness, and he has some numbers in his heart, so I am not afraid.

After walking through a rocky passage full of the fog of the law of reincarnation, he entered the land of nothingness.

This is a strange starry sky, with gray as the main tone, and the old gravel roads are suspended in the starry sky, extending in different directions.

"What a strong law of reincarnation!"

"This space is a bit weird.

My spiritual perception is greatly restricted! "

"Mine too, the distance range perceived by divine consciousness is far inferior to the outside world!"

"Unexpectedly, in the Sky Demon Valley, there is such a mysterious place."

...A dozen of the main gods, entering the land of nothingness for the first time, could not help but be a little surprised.

Stronger than them, entering this mysterious space, the perception of God's consciousness is also greatly restricted.

"Snake Fang fled toward that gravel road!"

A main **** shouted.

The snake side has been seriously injured, and the speed is not fast.

More than a dozen main gods, as well as Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, are almost closely behind the snake's side, so even though the divine consciousness is limited, they can still lock the snake's side.

As a result, everyone followed the gravel road where the snake fleeed.

"Hey, look, many statues!"

A main **** walking in the front screamed.

"It's a puppet!"

Shouted another Lord God.

I saw that each of the puppets were more than ten meters high, all carrying an old-style sword, standing motionless, standing next to the gravel road, seemingly guarding something.

"I remembered, these puppets seem to be under the eighteenth reincarnation envoy! They are responsible for guarding the reincarnation circuit!"

A master **** suddenly cried out in shock.


The men of the Eighteen Reincarnation Envoy! Reincarnation! "

The other gods were shocked when they heard this.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the higher the level of strength, the more you know about rebirth, and the more you are in awe! Not to mention now, even in ancient times, everything involving the cycle of rebirth is taboo, and it is not something that ordinary strong people can touch.

"Could it be that this is a cycle of rebirth?"

A main **** said with a solemn expression.

"Don't provoke these statues, otherwise, maybe you will cause some trouble.

The purpose of our coming in is to kill the snake side and the old lord.

After killing the two of them, we immediately quit.

Reincarnation, don't mess with it. "

Another main **** spoke up.

"it is good."

The other main gods all nodded.

These main gods have all heard the old saying, reincarnation, don't mess with it.

If you provoke reincarnation, even the main **** will not end well.

Therefore, there is no main **** who dares to provoke those statues standing beside the stone road.

"Snake Fang, you can't escape!"

The main god, who was covered by the green law, suddenly increased his speed and kept approaching the front shadow of the snake.

"Hey, enter the void, you want to kill me, it's not that easy!"

Ahead, Snake sneered.

Just now.

Suddenly, a huge and boundless broken continent appeared in front of him.

The main color of the mainland is still gray, with countless tall buildings standing on the ground.

However, these buildings are already empty and dilapidated.

When the snake saw this continent, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and suddenly accelerated, rushed into the continent and disappeared.

Shoo... More than a dozen main gods, Lin Fei, and the Chinese zodiac have landed on the mainland one after another.

Lin Fei discovered that the continent in front of him was not the continent he had reached last time when he entered the land of nothingness.

It seems that there are many such gray continents in the land of nothingness.

"Everyone is looking for it separately, and find out the Snake Fang and the old Lingzhu! With so many of us, we can't kill the two of them. If we spread it out, it will become a laughing stock."

A main **** said.

The other main gods also nodded.

More than a dozen main gods were dispatched and tossed for a long time. Until now, they still couldn't kill the old Lingzhu and Snake Fang, making these main gods a little aggrieved.

However, this also proved that it is very difficult to kill a main god.

Therefore, everyone parted and went deep into this continent, looking for the snake side.

Walking on the mainland, looking around, a desolate, lonely, emptiness aura rushed to his face.

The scale of the mainland is too huge.

Lin Fei estimated that even if a few hundred of the outside world were added up, it would not be as good as one-tenth of the continent before him.

Moreover, on this continent, there is a coercion related to the law of reincarnation, which has imposed huge restrictions on intruders from outside.

More than a dozen main gods, as well as Lin Fei, and the Chinese zodiac, all felt that their sense of consciousness was greatly restricted. At most, they could only perceive half the area of ​​this continent.

If it is in the outside world, a master **** can easily perceive the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos! It is conceivable that this continent has a limit on the perception of divine consciousness.

At this time, the snake side fled all the way towards the depths of the mainland.

Everyone was in the rear, chasing after him.

"Hey, look, there is an altar ahead!"

Suddenly, a main **** screamed.

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