Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3716: Reincarnation

Sure enough, in a moment, everyone came to the center of the mainland.

A huge and unparalleled ancient altar appeared before his eyes.

The altar is engraved with various graphic designs, including mountains and rivers, the earth, birds and beasts, human races, gods, ghosts, Buddhas, various creatures, and many unreadable mysterious runes.

The most striking thing is that this altar is surrounded by countless coffins.

Then, everyone's eyes fixed on the altar, a figure sitting in the center.

That is a Taoist priest.

Wearing a Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, sitting quietly with his eyes closed.

The body of this Taoist priest was covered with a thick layer of dust, which was accumulated during the long history.

At this time, the snake side had fled to the steps of the altar and stopped.

"Hey, come here, I don't think you dare to do it.

To tell you the truth, this altar is part of the cycle of rebirth.

With your strength, you are not yet qualified to do it in rebirth. "

Snake turned his head and showed a grinning smile.

"Part of the cycle of rebirth?"

Lin Fei's heart moved.

Lin Fei knew that it was definitely not the first time that Snake had entered the Land of Nothingness. He must know a lot about the Land of Nothingness.

At this time, the spirit body of the old Lingzhu was also standing beside the snake side.

"Brother Snake, what you said is true.

We are now, but once again engulfed. "

Old Lingzhu was a little scared.

His body is a bit weak and his injury is very serious.

Until now, he has not reorganized his body, because reorganizing his body requires a certain amount of energy.

"Don't worry, here, they can't do it."

The snake side seemed very calm.

He even began to sit cross-legged on the steps of the altar, taking out a large number of top treasures, swallowing them, and starting to heal his injuries.

"Hmph, Snake Fang, don't comfort yourself.

A mere altar, can it stop us? "

A main **** snorted coldly.

Although, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are various mysterious legends about reincarnation.

These main gods have also heard of the old saying that reincarnation is not to be messed with.

However, these are the main gods, standing on the top of the pyramid in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the top powerhouses in the world.

In the minds of these main gods, everything in the world is under their feet.

Regarding rebirth, although they don't want to provoke them, they don't necessarily have it, and they are very afraid.

Moreover, entering this special space, all the way to the present, nothing unusual happened.

Therefore, these main gods feel that the various legends about reincarnation may be exaggerated.

"Snake Fang, I will kill you now."

The speaking god, stepped forward, turned into a big hand, and patted the snake.

Rumble...The big hand is wide in the sky, zooming in at a very fast speed, overwhelming the sky, facing a giant cloud, condescendingly, and shrouded in the direction of the snake.

Above the big hand, the torrential energy is released, and there are clever rules.

"Brother Snake, let's run away!"

Old Lingzhu's face turned green with fright.

He was seriously injured, and now, the only reliance is for the snake to take him away.

"What are you afraid of.

I have said, here, they can't do it. "

Snake Fang replied, motionless, not even opening his eyes.


A giant palm covering the sky and the earth is about to shoot the snake side and the old lord.


Above that altar.

The Taoist priest who had been sitting cross-legged suddenly moved.

His head, which was hanging softly on his chest, was like a spring. He quickly lifted up, opened his eyes, and shot two sharp gazes.

"Reincarnation, don't mess with it!"

This Taoist priest slowly uttered this sentence.

Then, the whisk in his hand lifted and waved forward.

Rumbling... On the altar, the strong energy of reincarnation surged crazily, and in an instant, it condensed into an old-style machete and slashed suddenly.

Roar! The hands-on Lord God felt the tremendous pressure, and with a roar, his palm changed direction and blocked the machete.

boom! The giant palm and the machete collided violently, and the terrifying energy flowed in turbulence and rushed in disorder.

However, above the altar, the horse rose up with dazzling runes, blocking all the energy turbulence caused by the battle.

Click! After the collision, a huge gap was cut out in the palm of the main god, and blood surged.

With just one move, the master **** who did it suffered a dark loss.

He couldn't help but his face was gloomy, and he took a few steps back.

Fortunately, as the Lord God, he had boundless mana, and the injury on his palm was not serious, and he recovered in a moment.

"Here, it really is part of the cycle of rebirth."

Lin Fei could not help but sigh secretly in his heart.

Lin Fei remembered the mysterious altar that he encountered the last time he entered the highest world in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Valley.

At that time, there was a monk's corpse on the mysterious altar.

Because of the reincarnation card of the Ten Thousand Realms, I had some exchanges with that monk.

The monk also taught Lin Fei a reincarnation technique and a Buddhist scripture.

The altar in front of him gave Lin Fei the feeling that it was almost the same as the altar in the highest world in the Nine Heavens and Ten Divine Valleys.

"Let's do it together! I don't believe that a dead Taoist priest can prevent us from killing!"

The demon clan's main god, who was covered by green laws, shouted in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's move! Today, we will move the circuit!"

The other main gods all nodded.

As master gods, they dominate the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and they all have high self-esteem, and they are not afraid of heaven and earth.

Although, I also know that reincarnation is very strange and mysterious.

However, he refused to shrink.

"Those who have died should guard themselves, return the dust to the dust, and the dirt to the earth.

Is it interesting to still guard the road of the world and fight against the living? "

A main **** shouted loudly.

More than a dozen main gods surrounded the altar, Tuan [], and released the strongest pressure one by one, shaking the world, shaking, and it seemed unbearable.

"Lin Fei, you guys do it too.

Don't just stand and watch! "

The demon god, looked at Lin Fei and the Zodiac, and said.

"Reincarnation, don't mess with it.

You are not afraid, I am afraid.

If you want to do it, just do it, don't drag me. "

Lin Fei replied lightly.

"Huh! Lin Fei, don't forget, we are now in a cooperative relationship."

The eyes of the demon clan main **** shrank, becoming a little cold.

"is it.

I found that the cooperative relationship between us, in fact, is not too strong. "

Lin Fei remembered that when he was fighting with the snake side just now, the main gods stood deliberately in the distance, but came to help.

"I already said, this kid, unreliable.

Leave them alone, let's kill Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu first, and then settle accounts with Lin Fei! "

The other Lord God shouted.

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