Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3719: Meeting in the long river

"Lin Fei, let's help you!"

The Chinese Zodiac rushed towards Lin Fei, ready to help.

However, several other main gods had flashed in their bodies, blocking the way of the zodiac signs.

"Today, just take care of your twelve beasts at once."

A main **** said with a sneer.

"Go away!"

Twelve [书趣阁] zodiac, one by one shouted, directly made moves, and went crazy.

Roar! Lin Fei let out a loud roar, and was about to perform various stunts for a battle.


On the altar, the whisk in the hands of the Taoist priest waved out.

Rumble...The energy and the law were overwhelming, covering the entire space, and tumbling in Lin Fei's direction.

boom! The few main gods who shot at Lin Fei were all blocked, and even these few main gods were shocked to retreat.

Because, before, more than a dozen main gods barely tied the Taoist priest, and now there are only a few main gods, so naturally they are not the opponent of that Taoist priest.

After the Taoist waved the whisk, he waved to Lin Fei.

Suddenly, a huge suction force wrapped Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's body couldn't help but slowly moved towards the altar and flew up.

Out of a kind of instinct, Lin Fei is preparing to use physical power to stop his body from moving.

However, after another thought, Lin Fei gave up.

Lin Fei remembered, the last time, in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Evil Valley, what happened in the Supreme World.

At that time, after the monk discovered the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card, he also forcibly took Lin Fei's body onto the altar to communicate.

Lin Fei estimated that the Taoist priest in front of him was not malicious.

call out! Lin Fei's body landed on the altar, standing in front of the Taoist priest.

"How can this be?"

The dozen or so main gods, the twelve zodiac signs, the snake side, and the old Lingzhu were all a little dumbfounded.

Everyone knows that the strength of that Taoist priest is terrifying, and no one dares to approach him.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei stood in front of the Taoist priest.

"Could it be that Lin Fei accidentally provoked the Taoist priest.

Therefore, the Taoist priest had to take action against Lin Fei. "

In the hearts of everyone, there are secret guesses.

"Haha, Lin Fei, how about it? It's too arrogant.

Just now, you must have done something that angered this corpse.

Well, at a young age, his personality is so arrogant, now I know I regret it! "

Snake Fang laughed.

The other main gods were also gloating and staring at Lin Fei on the altar with a sneer.

"Junior Lin Fei, I have met Senior."

Above the altar, Lin Fei took the initiative to salute the Taoist priest and said respectfully.

The Taoist priest didn't answer at all, and with a wave of his hand, the reincarnation card of Lin Fei flew out and fell into his hand.

The Taoist's dry palms lightly held the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card, his eyes became a little confused.

"Sure enough, it is the number nine card, so I miss the previous years!"

The Taoist muttered to himself.

"Well, it turns out that you got this number nine card by accident.

Perhaps, in the dark, this is also a kind of fate.

Now that the No. 9 card is in your hands, I hope that one day, you can play a corresponding role. "

The Taoist stroked the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card for a while, looked at Lin Fei, and said slowly.

"Senior, you are not the first to say this to me.

Before, there was a predecessor who said this to me. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei felt the kindness in the Taoist's eyes, and became bolder and said in a loud voice.

"Who is it."

The Taoist priest was a little curious and asked.

Lin Fei waved.

I simulated the altar and the monks on the altar in the supreme world in the Nine Heavens and Ten Divine Valleys.

"Well, it's him."

The Taoist priest stared at the monk and smiled slightly.

"Hehe, I'm not dead, we meet again.

Unexpectedly, in the long river of time, we actually met again through a strange junior. "

The monk suddenly smiled slightly and greeted the Taoist priest.

"How is this going?

! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked.

You know, that monk was simulated by his own magic power, which is illusory.

It stands to reason that there will be no self-consciousness.

But now, he was actually speaking on the initiative to greet the Taoist priest, which shouldn't have happened.

"Yes, old bald donkey, we meet again.

It's really rare. "

That Taoist priest was also a little surprised.

"Old bald donkey, unexpectedly, your cultivation of the law of time and space has improved a lot.

admire. "

Taoist said with a faint smile.

"Two seniors, what the **** is going on?"

Lin Fei couldn't help it anymore and asked in a loud voice.

"Hehe, young man, the last time you met this old immortal, he made a little hand and foot on your body, leaving a mark.

What you see now is the mark he left on you. "

The Taoist explained to Lin Fei.

"Two seniors, I have a question to ask."

Lin Fei asked respectfully.

"Say it."

Said the Taoist priest.

"Rebirth, what is going on."

Lin Fei asked.

After hearing Lin Fei's question, the Taoist priests and monks looked towards Lin Fei lightly.

"Rebirth, don't mess with, let alone talk about it."

Said the Taoist priest.

"Young man, I think you are connected to the cycle of rebirth, so you need to explore this problem yourself.

The cause and effect involved in the cycle of rebirth is too great, even we cannot say. "

Said the Taoist priest.

"No way."

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

"Yes, young man, the cause and effect of rebirth is too great, we can't say.

Once it is said, I am afraid that we will be wiped out in an instant.

Even you will suffer catastrophe. "

Said the monk.

at this time.

Around the altar.

"How is this going?

Lin Fei, that boy, not only was not killed, but he was talking and laughing with the Taoist priest. How could this be possible?

! Could it be because of that reincarnation card? "

A main **** said.

Just now, everyone saw with their own eyes that the Taoist priest took away the reincarnation card from Lin Fei.

"There is only this explanation."

The other main gods all nodded.

"Unexpectedly, the reincarnation card that Lin Fei obtained had such an effect.

Let the creatures on the cycle of rebirth look at him differently.

Doesn't this mean that as long as you get that reincarnation card, it is possible to explore the mystery of reincarnation? "

A main **** said.

"Not bad."

When the other main gods heard this, they were all refreshed.

Reincarnation is an eternal taboo in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

It is also the mystery that every strong man is eager to explore.

After all, every warrior, in his bones, has a side that likes to explore.

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