Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3720: Seek

Suddenly, every main god, looking at Lin Fei, became a little greedy.

In fact, there are many creatures in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and they have long known that Lin Fei has a reincarnation card.

However, rebirth is just a legend.

It's a bit emptiness, even these main gods don't know the true situation of the cycle of rebirth.

Therefore, for a long time, those strong men in the boundless sea of ​​chaos did not pay much attention to the reincarnation card on Lin Fei.

I just think that it might be a better magic weapon.

Unexpectedly, now, it has been confirmed that that reincarnation card is actually related to reincarnation.

Therefore, in the heart of every Lord God, he secretly made up his mind and must find an opportunity to grab Lin Fei's reincarnation card.

However, when the Taoist priest was talking to Lin Fei, a transparent formation rose above the altar to isolate the voice.

Therefore, the people around the altar had no way of knowing what Lin Fei on the altar, the Taoist priest, and the monk were talking about.

"Young man, I have a hunch that in the future, rebuilding the cycle of rebirth, maybe you will be a very crucial person."

Said the Taoist priest.

"Senior, what do you say?"

Lin Fei is a little strange.

I don't even know what's going on in the cycle of rebirth, how is it possible that he will be the key person in rebuilding the cycle of rebirth.

"This is my hunch.

However, my hunch is always accurate.

I have certain attainments above the law of time and space and the law of reincarnation, and have a certain ability to foresee the past, present, and future.

So, trust me. "

Said the Taoist priest.

"Hehe, I am not dead, I can't think of it, your premonition is the same as mine.

When I met this young man, I also had this hunch. "

The monk laughed.


Lin Fei was a bit speechless.

It seems that Taoist priests and monks are the same. They speak very tightly and refuse to reveal anything about the cycle of rebirth to themselves.

Everything can only be guessed by yourself.

"I really have a destiny with rebirth?

In the future, I will be the key person in rebuilding the cycle of rebirth? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but think secretly in his heart.

That monk and Taoist think so, maybe it's true.

Lin Fei was a bit unwilling.

Obviously, I met two old antiques who had something to do with the cycle of reincarnation, but I couldn't ask anything or get anything.


Regarding the cycle of rebirth, it seems that this Taoist priest would not say anything.

Why not, I beg him to teach me some secret techniques.

In this way, it is not in vain, this opportunity. "

Lin Fei thought quickly in his heart.

"Senior, rebuilding the cycle of rebirth is a heavy responsibility.

My current strength is very weak.

Therefore, juniors, dare to seek the law from the seniors. "

Lin Fei said boldly and boldly.

Lin Fei knew that this old Taoist priest was definitely an old monster who couldn't grow old, and his cultivation base during his lifetime was absolutely earth-shattering.

Maybe, he has some long-lost tactics and secret techniques.


You ask me for the law? "

The Taoist priest was taken aback.

"Hehe, this kid, just this character.

I was blackmailed by him last time. "

The monk laughed.

Lin Fei couldn't help being very embarrassed when he heard the monk's words.



Young man, I am reading, you are destined to reincarnation.

I will promise you.

Our cycle of reincarnation has been in decline for a long time. Indeed, we need to add some fresh blood to see if there is a chance to revive in the future. "

The Taoist nodded and said.

"How about this.

Young man, I can feel that you are not weak in the three laws of reincarnation, time, and space.

It just so happens that I have a certain experience based on these three rules.

I will discuss the mystery of these three laws with you. "

Said the Taoist priest.

"Young man, thank you.

This old immortal law of reincarnation is much stronger than me. "

Said the monk.

"Thank you seniors for spreading the law."

Lin Fei was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

"Wait, wait until I get rid of all the annoying flies."

Said the Taoist priest.

"Fuck all! Remember, reincarnation, don't mess with it!"

The Taoist screamed.

Rumble... the whole altar shook violently and was completely activated.

Endless energy and laws are released from the altar.

boom! The dust in the hands of the Taoist priest swung out, and every dust thread turned into a giant dragon, roaring, and rushing towards the dozen or so main gods.

"I am not dead, I will help you!"

The monk shouted.

I saw him recite a paragraph of profound scriptures, pinch the tactics, and his body burst out with bright golden light.

Some of the energy and laws released by the altar are blessed on him.

boom! The monk slapped it out with a palm, and there was a huge world of Buddha in the palm of his palm.

In that world of Buddha, there is an ancient Buddha sitting cross-legged and chanting.

There are countless good men and women who are paying respects.

Thousands of Buddhist artifacts shine brightly.

Boom... The Taoist priests and monks attacked with all their strength, and the power they exerted was terrifying.

Suddenly, with the altar as the center, the surrounding space began to crumble every inch.

Everything is ruined! "Let's quit and talk about it!"

The dozen or so main gods were all shocked, looked at each other, and said in unison.

Shoo...a dozen main gods, one after another showing their bodies, disappeared in an instant.

"Lin Fei, be careful.

We also leave temporarily. "

The Chinese zodiac said loudly to Lin Fei.

"Seniors, be careful."

Lin Fei nodded and exhorted.

The dozen or so main gods not only wanted to kill Lin Fei, but also wanted to kill the Zodiac.

"Don't worry, we can't beat them.

However, they want to kill us, it is not so easy. "

The Chinese zodiac went away in an instant, leaving a word, and said to Lin Fei.

At this time, all the strong men around the altar had left.

Only on the steps of the altar, the snake side and the old Lingzhu.

"You two, go away too, do you still need me to ask."

Lin Fei stared at the two with a sneer, and said in a loud voice.

"Okay, Lin Fei, you wait!"

In the end, Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu also gritted their teeth, unfolded their bodies, left the altar, escaped into the void, and disappeared.

After a few days of recuperation and healing for the two of them, their injuries have clearly recovered.

However, the dozen or so main gods waiting outside would certainly not let them go easily.

Once the two of them go out, they will be hunted down again.

After driving away all the people around the altar, the Taoist priest began to teach the Fa.

Lin Fei naturally listened to the lectures and comprehended carefully.

At the height of Lin Fei, no matter what secret technique he cultivates, the most important thing is to pay attention to a word of comprehension.

No matter what the secret technique is, once you understand it, you won't have the slightest problem when you practice it.

Sometimes, in order to comprehend a certain secret technique, some powerful people will retreat for thousands of years.

Once you understand it, you will be successful in cultivation instantly.

The higher the level of cultivation, the closer to this kind of cultivation method based on enlightenment.

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