Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3737: Go to the sword world

"Not bad.

It can be said that a supreme world can deal with the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

The middle-aged man said.

"It deserves to be the highest world."

Lin Fei sighed.

"Young man, you enter the sword world, except for bringing back the soul tablets of my master and four seniors.

There is still a chance to get a big chance.

Deep in the void of the sword world, there is a sacred mountain called the Sword Mountain.

Shenjian Mountain is actually a secret place for my master to retreat.

In the Shenjian Mountain, there are world-famous swords that my master has collected throughout his life.

Every famous sword is the top chaos magic weapon.

The number is tens of millions! If you can get tens of millions of famous swords and bring them to me, I can teach you a way to smelt tens of millions of famous swords into a flying sword.

It is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Moreover, in the Excalibur Mountain, there is the sword intent of my master. You can feel the sword intent of my master in the Excalibur Mountain.

For you, it is a huge opportunity.

Take it as your reward for helping me. "

The middle-aged man said.

"Tens of millions of chaotic-level famous swords, the sword intent left by the senior master!"

Lin Fei was so shocked that he almost couldn't speak.

If you can get tens of millions of Chaos-level magic weapons, it will be an unimaginable wealth! And the sword intent of the old man! It can be said that both of these are absolutely fatal to the world's sword repairman.

"Senior, this opportunity is too precious.

I am ashamed.

Especially those tens of millions of famous swords are your master’s lifetime collection. How am I embarrassed to take them as my own. "

Lin Fei said.

After all, those famous swords are a lifetime collection of the sword old man.

"Hehe, you don't have to refuse.

In fact, with my master's kendo level, those tens of millions of Chaos-level swords are not very helpful to him.

Collecting famous swords is mainly his hobby.

What's more, the whereabouts of Master, his old man, and four seniors have been unknown for many years.

Those tens of millions of famous swords are buried in the Shenjian Mountain. The famous pearls are in dust. It is meaningless. It is better to give it to you to enhance your strength.

In the future, maybe, I still need your help.

So, if possible, try to bring out all those famous swords. "

The middle-aged man said.


Thank you seniors. "

Lin Fei was not a mother-in-law, so he no longer declined and said gratefully to the middle-aged man.

"I will now pass on all the information of Shenjian Mountain to you."

The middle-aged man stretched out his finger and punched a message of spiritual knowledge into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Well, that's all I want to tell you.

So, when do you plan to enter the sword world. "

The middle-aged man asked.

"I don't know when Tiansangzi will come back.

I'm afraid that when I entered the sword world, Tian Sangzi will come back, and I will not be in the boundless chaotic sea. I am afraid that there will be no one to take care of the three thousand worlds. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei is the most powerful person in a world of three thousand sizes.

Without Lin Fei, the strength of a three-thousand-large world might not necessarily be able to resist Tian Sang Zi.

This is what Lin Fei is most worried about.

"You tell me the situation of Tiansangzi in detail.

I try to deduct it and see if I can figure it out about the day when Tiansangzi returns. "

The middle-aged man said.


Senior, can you deduce, when will Tiansangzi return?

! "

Lin Fei couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

You know, Tiansangzi has a deep realm and amazing strength, and the cause and effect involved in deducing such a master is too great.

Even in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the well-known old man Mu, can't deduce when Tiansangzi will return.

"let me try."

The middle-aged man said.

So Lin Fei told the middle-aged man about the situation of Tiansangzi from beginning to end.

Then, the middle-aged man began to deduct it.

Every master, based on his own understanding of the laws of time, space, and reincarnation, will have his own set of deduction techniques.

at the same time.

Beyond the boundless Chaos Sea, in a barren world.

On a tall cliff, a bird's nest stretched out in the sky.

On the broad bird's nest, lie two giant eggs.

One of them lay calmly without any change.

The other one is shining, constantly shining with all kinds of mysterious runes, with terrifying energy, leaking out.

"Haha, it's about to succeed.

I'm about to break out of the shell! "

Inside this egg, vaguely, there was a vague and spiteful laughter.

This sound, it sounds, a bit hysterical.


Huhu...In this barren world, endless energy flows continuously, converging towards this egg, and is all sucked into the egg.

This egg, as if, is a greedy bottomless pit, madly absorbing external energy and laws.

Huhu... endless energy and laws, turned into a monstrous tsunami, rolling in, swallowed by this giant whale! As more and more energy and laws are absorbed, the life fluctuations emanating from this giant egg become more and more intense.


Click! Click! ...A series of small, crisp sounds continued to sound.

Many small cracks began to appear on the surface of the dome, which continued to extend.

Obviously, this dome is about to hatch! "Haha..., great, great!"

Inside the dome, there was an indescribable voice of ecstasy.

"When I return to the boundless sea of ​​chaos, I will surely be able to sweep the world and crush everything! From that chaos space, from now on, I will be the supreme ruler and command the world!"

The crazily distorted laughter kept coming out.

At this moment, the entire bird's nest was completely overwhelmed by boundless energy and laws.

However, the race represented by this dome was too powerful, and was one of the most powerful and terrifying beasts in the sea of ​​absolute space.

It is definitely not a matter of one or two days for this dome to hatch completely. At the very least, it will take several months for the creatures in the egg to completely shed its shell.

at the same time.

Boundless Chaos Sea, Ice Palace, Ice Sword plane.

"According to the result of my deduction, Tiansangzi will return in three months."

Finally, the middle-aged man finished the deduction and spoke to Lin Fei.

"Three months.

Seniors are quite sure. "

Lin Fei asked cautiously.

"80% sure."

The middle-aged man nodded and said.

"Well, I believe your deduction, senior.

I will enter the sword world first, and after three months, I will come out of the sword world on time. "

Lin Fei said.

"Well, I support your decision."

The middle-aged man nodded, very satisfied with Lin Fei.

"Senior, I am going to leave."

Lin Fei bid farewell to the middle-aged man.

"be careful.

Don't force it.

If, at a critical moment, put safety first.

If you can't bring out the soul tablets of my master and the four seniors, just withdraw first and wait for future opportunities. "

The middle-aged man urged.

"I understand."

Lin Fei replied, turning to leave the ice palace and heading towards the position of the sword world portal.

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