Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3738: Space barriers in the sword world

After a while.

Lin Fei came to the door of the sword world.

At this time, there are still a large number of creatures gathered far around the door to watch the excitement.

Now, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are already several portals of the highest world revealed.

The portals of these supreme worlds have become the most popular tourist destinations in the boundless chaotic sea.

Every day, countless creatures come to visit these portals.

People come and go, and it is very lively.

This was also the case before the portal of the sword world.

In particular, the two bronze gates at the gate of the sword world will leak out some terrifying sharp sword aura from time to time.

These sword auras, for Jian Xiu, are actually a rare opportunity in a lifetime.

This is the sword spirit of the highest world! If there is a swordsman who can understand these terrifying sword auras a little bit, and his level of kendo, it is estimated that he will immediately advance by leaps and bounds and become a rare kendo master in the world.

It is said that since the gate of the sword world was revealed, almost half of the sword repairmen in the boundless sea of ​​chaos have been here to comprehend the sword energy leaking from the two bronze gates.

Among them, there are many talented swordsmen who have gained a lot, and the level of kendo has made a qualitative leap! Before Lin Fei came to the gate of the sword world, he used the law of time and space to hide his true body, and then walked toward the gate of the sword world.

The creatures around, no one knew that in this space, there was a top master of the main **** level.

Before Lin Fei came to the gate of the sword world, he sat down cross-legged.

Divine consciousness, toward the two bronze doors, perceiving the past.

The method that the middle-aged man taught Lin Fei was mainly to use the spatial positions of the two bronze gates in front of him as a reference to deduce the positions of the dozens of weak time and space nodes in the sword world.

Because the position of a portal on a plane is fixed.

Using the portal of the sword world, it is possible to follow the vines and slowly find other special positions in the plane.

Lin Feipan sat in front of the gate of the sword world, squeezing the tactics with both hands, practicing calmly.

This kind of deduction requires a very profound understanding of the laws of time and space to be possible.

And Lin Fei's law of time and space has reached a very high level.

Therefore, the middle-aged man said that Lin Fei was capable of entering the sword world.

Finally, three days later.

Lin Fei's face was happy.

"Finally found a weak space-time node!"

Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes and stared at a space not far from the sword world portal, very happy.

Lin Fei's figure moved, and in an instant, he came to this spatial location.

"This is it!"

Lin Fei shot sharply in his eyes, very sure.

"Try to see if you can enter the sword world from here!"

Lin Fei immediately displayed a traversal secret technique taught by the middle-aged man.

This kind of secret technique is the most advanced method of traversing time and space in the sword world. For the time and space environment of the sword world, it is the most suitable and useful traversing secret technique.

This kind of secret technique naturally requires a very clever law of time and space, as well as the law of reincarnation.

In addition, there is a very important condition.

Because Lin Fei's method of entering the sword world was to forcibly penetrate the space barrier of the sword world to enter it.

The space barrier of a world will give birth to special laws and energy to protect this world.

Generally speaking, it has a huge repulsive effect on external creatures.

Therefore, the middle-aged man attached a ray of spirit aura of his master and four seniors to Lin Fei's body, plus a ray of spirit aura of his own.

Because the old man sword, and five apprentices, were once the rulers of the sword world.

Now, the six powerhouses all have a ray of spirit aura attached to Lin Fei's body. It is estimated that the space barrier of the sword world will not have much repelling effect on Lin Fei.

This is one of the main conditions for Lin Fei to cross into the sword world! Lin Fei stood in the void, performing the traversing secret technique taught by the middle-aged man, and on the body, three laws were released.

Rumble...The law of time, the law of space, the law of reincarnation, and the three chaotic origin laws, superimposed on each other, surrounded Lin Fei's body, spinning crazily, roaring, and dazzling.

Lin Fei's body, like a drill with all strength, moved slowly into the void ahead.

The void in front of it hides the space barrier of the sword world.

Boom... Lin Fei's body produced amazing penetrating power.

Want to forcefully penetrate the void ahead.

It's just that huge resistance suddenly broke out in that void.

Then, you can see that there is indeed a space barrier hidden in the void, with a golden luster, bright yellow and extremely hard quality.

It was the most advanced space barrier that Lin Fei had ever seen.

Moreover, in the golden space barrier, there were also many law runes related to kendo, which turned into a golden yellow sword, and slowly wandered around inside the barrier.

In short, it looks mysterious and hard! "Is this the space barrier of the sword world! It really is much higher than the space barrier of any world in this world."

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

Moreover, this space barrier is one of the weakest positions in the sword world.

The space barriers in other locations in the sword world are much more advanced than here.

Before Lin Fei walked to this space barrier, he used the secret traversal technique, the law of time, the law of space, and the law of reincarnation. The three laws were combined and exerted force at the same time, cutting away towards the space barrier in front.

At the same time, the breath of Old Man Jian and five apprentices appeared on Lin Fei's body, wrapping Lin Fei.

In this way, the space barrier of the sword world would regard Lin Fei as a creature of the sword world, and would not produce too strong repulsive force.

Rumble... Lin Fei's aggressive behavior caused a violent riot in this void.

Time and space are chaotic, energy and laws roar frantically.

With the portal of the sword world as the center, hundreds of millions of miles of void began to tremble and sway.

The two bronze gates also reacted.

A sharp sword aura leaked out and shot out in all directions.

Ahhh... immediately, many creatures were hit by the move, and they were cut by the sword qi, and they screamed.

Some creatures were cut to pieces on the spot, splashing with blood.

"No! Who is it that angered those two bronze gates again and brought out those terrifying sword auras!"

"Which fellow is so hateful! I have said that the two bronze doors are unprovoking and dying!"

"Run away!"

…All the creatures around, one by one were so frightened that they were screaming and jumping. In an instant, they escaped cleanly without leaving any.

Not far from the gate of the sword world, Lin Fei used the secret technique of crossing, crossing with all his strength.

However, after trying for more than half an hour, Lin Fei gave up.

"It seems that this location is not the weakest node in time and space.

Have to look for it again. "

Lin Fei shook his head and sighed.

According to the middle-aged man, there are a dozen weak time and space nodes in the sword world.

Lin Fei must find the weakest time and space node among them, before it is possible to successfully cross into the sword world.

So Lin Fei went back to the two bronze gates, sat down cross-legged, and started deduction.

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