Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3745: Mount Shenjian

"The area around Shenjian Mountain is covered with a layer of radiant sword energy.

This layer of sword aura is very powerful, and even the main **** can't force it to break into this layer of sword aura.

If you want to enter Shenjian Mountain, you must honestly follow the uphill road and climb it up.

It is estimated that those roads to the mountains must be guarded by the four major forces in the sword world. "

In Lin Fei's heart, secretly thought.

Before entering the sword world, Lin Fei knew everything about Shenjian Mountain.

"Well, I will first use the Secret Technique of Reincarnation to see if I can fish in troubled waters, and sneak into Shenjian Mountain along those mountain roads.

In case it is unsuccessful, think of other methods. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

So Lin Fei waved his hand and hid the eight slaves into the human world inside his body.

Now, there are more than one hundred human worlds in Lin Fei's body.

Every human world is a complete interface that allows creatures to settle.

Therefore, Lin Fei hid some of the true **** slaves in his body in the human world to ensure that they could be called immediately when needed.

After hiding the eight slaves, Lin Fei used the secret technique of reincarnation to hide his body.

Lin Fei's current law of reincarnation is much more powerful than that of ordinary gods.

The secret technique of reincarnation displayed is very powerful.

Lin Fei walked in the void, and wherever he passed, the space was self-enclosed and formed a realm of its own, completely isolated from other surrounding spaces.

The law of reincarnation, the law of time, and the law of space formed a mysterious light curtain around Lin Fei's body, and the power of divine consciousness could not perceive it at all.

After a while.

Lin Fei approached Shenjian Mountain.

More than a dozen sacred mountains, surrounded by a huge and boundless main mountain, suspended in the void.

It feels too majestic.

The main mountain in the middle is extremely dazzling, densely packed with bright sword qi, intertwined to form a thick sword qi light net.

Layer after layer of sword energy, silver brilliance transpired and brilliance flowed.

The terrifying kendo power, mighty, makes people tremble.

These sword auras are the sword aura and sword intent that all sword cultivation has left since the birth of the sword world.

In the sword world, there is such a saying.

All sword repairs belonging to the sword world, when they fall, no matter where they are, their sword aura and sword intent will eventually return to the sword world and gather here in the divine sword world.

Therefore, the sword aura here in Shenjian Mountain represents the sword aura and sword intent left by all the fallen sword repairs in the sword world since ancient times.

This is also the reason why Shenjian Mountain is the spiritual pillar of all sword repairs.

Now, Lin Fei stood in front of the Shenjian Mountain, looking at the towering mountain, and couldn't help feeling of reverence in his heart.

Lin Fei stepped up and walked towards the foot of the main mountain in the middle.

Swish...As Lin Fei approached, a sharp sword aura suddenly struck Lin Fei's position and killed him.

Every sword aura easily cut the void open, leaving a series of pitch-black space cracks.


what happened! "

At this time, on the surrounding sacred mountains, there immediately sounded a series of shocks.

A series of powerful divine consciousness, like a thick searchlight, shot towards Lin Fei's position.

Lin Fei had been prepared long ago, and his mind moved.

The spirit aura of the old man Jian and the four disciples immediately emerged from Lin Fei's body and enveloped Lin Fei.

Shenjian Mountain is the most central and sacred place in the sword world.

It's not easy to get close.

Weak creatures cannot be approached.

The alien creatures are also inaccessible.

If you break through, you will be obliterated every minute! Lin Fei knew this for a long time.

However, the Old Man Sword used to practice in retreat at Shenjian Mountain, and several of his disciples used to go to and leave the Mountain frequently.

Therefore, Shenjian Mountain would certainly not reject the spirit of the old man Jian and the four disciples.

Sure enough, after the spirit aura of Old Man Jian and the four disciples appeared, those sword auras that had killed Lin Fei immediately calmed down.

This space is quiet again.

Shoo... Silhouettes flew over.

All of them were sword repairs, all exuding fierce sword aura, their eyes were like torches, and the sword aura was soaring.

Lin Fei used the secret technique of reincarnation to the extreme.

The standing space is completely isolated from the surrounding space and becomes an independent and enclosed small world.

The law of reincarnation, the law of time, and the law of space tightly covered Lin Fei's body.

A few sword repairmen flew past Lin Fei, but did not find Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's current strength is equivalent to an ordinary Lord God in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Although the sword repairs in front of him were creatures of the Supreme World, they were still inferior to Lin Fei.

"It seems, nothing happened."

"Maybe we are suspicious."

"In any case, we have to be careful.

Now is the age of war and chaos, the people of the sword world have sent people to sneak into the sword world many times over the years, wanting to seize the sword mountain. "

... a large number of sword repairers, after searching for a while, they didn't get any results, they just returned to the surrounding sacred mountains.

"so close."

In Lin Fei's heart, secretly rejoiced.

Then, Lin Fei continued to hide, and finally set foot on Shenjian Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there are several winding mountain roads winding upward.

Lin Fei, like a non-existent ghost, moved slowly along one of the small mountain roads.

In the surrounding air, there were sharp and extreme sword auras, continuously cutting Lin Fei's skin, causing a dull pain.

"The first level is over.

Next, look at the second level. "

Lin Fei looked up at the towering Shenjian Mountain, and thought to himself.

On Divine Sword Mountain, there is Sword Servant! Sword servant is not a creature of flesh and blood.

It's the infinite sword spirit, sword intent, kendo power, and kendo civilization within Shenjian Mountain, intertwined, and the sword spirit born after endless years.

In layman's terms.

Shenjian Mountain is tantamount to a high-level magic weapon.

Sword Servant is the will and magic weapon born from Shenjian Mountain.

There are five sword servants in Shenjian Mountain.

These five sword servants are usually hidden inside the Shenjian Mountain.

Once there are outsiders, these five sword servants will appear.

Lin Fei knew that he must face five sword servants.

This is also Lin Fei's biggest headache.

On the winding mountain roads, dense forests cover the sky and the sun.

The beast flies, the tiger vibrates the hill.

On this Excalibur Mountain, many animals and birds live.

Lin Fei discovered that all of these beasts and birds were related to the kendo, and a strong sword aura was released from the body.

Lin Fei walked alone quietly, climbing upwards.

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