Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3746: Kendo disadvantages

Shenjian Mountain, the sword is billowing like a vast ocean.

Lin Fei walked upward step by step. Gradually, he felt great pressure. The endless sword aura, and the kendo coercion released, were so rich that they turned into water vapor, squeezing towards Lin Fei layer by layer.

The more Lin Fei went upward, the greater the pressure he received.

"Young man, please stay."

Suddenly, on the mountain road above, a lean white-clothed old man appeared, eyes like cold electricity, staring at Lin Fei, and slowly said.

"Sword Servant!"

Lin Fei's heart moved.

Sure enough, the sword servant appeared.

I saw that this old man in white had a straight body, like a sharp sword, with sharp eyes, like two sword lights, extremely frightening.

His expression is with a kind of majesty and indifference.

"See senior."

Lin Fei respectfully saluted the old man in white.

At the same time, around Lin Fei, the spirit of the old man Jian and the four disciples emerged, transforming into five figures, standing beside Lin Fei.

This is what Lin Fei did deliberately.

It was also in the plane of Ice Sword, that middle-aged man told Lin Fei to do this.


When the white-clothed old man saw the figure of Old Man Jian and the four disciples, his face immediately became more relaxed, showing a friendly look.

"See the Five Venerables."

The white-clothed old man saluted the figure of Old Man Jian and the four disciples.

However, the spirit auras of the old man Jian and the four disciples were very weak, and had almost no consciousness, just standing blankly on the spot, motionless.

"Young man, you are not a creature in our world."

The gaze of the white-clothed old man stared at Lin Fei again, shook his head, and said.

"For the sake of several venerables, I don't make it difficult for you, young man, you can go down the mountain.

This is not where you should be. "

The old man in white added.

"Senior, I am entrusted.

Hope that the predecessors can open up the Internet. "

Lin Fei said respectfully.

"Young man, don't say much.

To climb Divine Sword Mountain, two conditions must be met. First, it must be a sword repairman, and second, it must be a creature of the sword god. "

The old man in white shook his head and replied.

"Senior, I am a sword repairman.

Moreover, although I am not a creature in the sword world, the sword doctrine I practice is the inheritance of the sword doctrine in the sword world. "

Lin Fei said.

Rumble... As soon as the voice fell, the bright flying sword shot out from Lin Fei's mouth, spinning around Lin Fei, dazzling.

"Well, this kind of swordsmanship is indeed a heritage in the sword world."

The old man in white nodded and said.

"Well, I'll try you.

Remember, you can only use kendo, and it must be the kendo of the sword world. "

The old man in white said.

"I understand."

Lin Fei nodded.

In fact, in this situation, in the Frost Sword plane, the middle-aged man had already told Lin Fei in detail.

Sword Servant, is the spirit of God Sword Mountain.

Shenjian Mountain is the representative of the world of kendo.

Therefore, the few sword servants on the Shenjian Mountain are the guardians of kendo.

You must be a kendo master to be qualified to climb the Shenjian Mountain.

The weak are not qualified to climb the Excalibur Mountain.

If you want to climb the mountain, you must pass the test of the sword servant and get the test of the sword servant.

Therefore, Lin Fei was mentally prepared.

Shabu ...... and saw that the old man in white gently waved, the vast Jianqi, surging, tumbling, rolling forward from.

In an instant, the endless sword energy condensed into a sharp sword as thick as an adult's finger, aimed at Lin Fei, and slowly cut it.

Although this sharp sword was very small in size, it released a monstrous sword intent, which made Lin Fei's expression change drastically.

Lin Fei's mind moved, and the sword qi he had cultivated in his entire life also spurted out of his body, with sharp sword qi covering Lin Fei's body surface.

Lin Fei looked like a sparkling hedgehog.

Huh! The resplendent flying sword, dragging thousands of sharp waves of swords, greeted that sharp sword.

The dazzling flying sword is like the first ray of morning light that breaks the earth, and the surge of sword waves that cover the sky and the earth is huge and powerful, turning into a vast ocean of layers upon layers.

And the sharp sword cut out by the white-clothed old man was quietly sliding through the void, like a small fish, following the mysterious track, aiming at Lin Fei's position, and wandering over.

Dangdang... the bright flying sword, and that sharp sword, kept hitting each other, just like hitting iron, and there was a continuous sound of metal crashing.

This is the hard shock of kendo and kendo.

It is the real and purest swordsmanship competition.

There is no other energy and secret arts.

As the two sides competed, on the Divine Sword Mountain, the endless sword aura, like a sea of ​​fury, had terrifying fluctuations, and the surging sword aura was mighty and magnificent.

You know, Lin Fei's kendo level is also very important.

Once the fight started, it was naturally very dynamic.

Suddenly, around Shenjian Mountain, on the dozens of sacred mountains, the guards of the four major forces began to discover.

"No, someone has rushed to Shenjian Mountain!"

"Go, go up and see, what is going on!"

...One after another, sharp figures rushed out from the dozens of sacred mountains.

"Young man, your swordsmanship is not natural enough.

Yes, your current level of kendo, in terms of combat power alone, is already pretty good.

Many swordsmen in the world can't beat you.

However, your kendo looks aggressive and sharp, but it has flaws.

The true state of swordsmanship, pay attention to sending and receiving from the heart, smooth and free.

Your kendo is impatient, vain, sharp, and lacking in stamina to control perfectly.

You see, as soon as you did it, so many creatures were alarmed. "

The old man in white said lightly.

"Senior's swordsmanship is powerful, and the younger generation is ashamed."

Lin Fei seemed to be moved in his heart after hearing the words of the white-clothed old man, and said ashamed.

"You go.

You are not a creature in the sword world. Your swordsmanship is too impatient. I guess, you used to cultivate swords, you must be eager to achieve success and pursue speed, which left such shortcomings.

For the time being, you are not qualified to climb the Excalibur Mountain. "

The old man in white waved his hand to Lin Fei and said.

"Senior, thank you for your advice.

However, I will come back.

In any case, Shenjian Mountain, I must climb it! "

Lin Fei respectfully bowed to the old man in white, turned around and left.

"Well, this young man, although he has shortcomings in his kendo cultivation, he is firm in his will, but he is in line with the true meaning of kendo."

The white-clothed old man looked at Lin Fei's back and nodded. Then, his body continued to be twisted and deformed. Finally, it turned into strands of sharp sword aura and disintegrated completely.

Lin Fei walked down a mountain road towards the foot of the mountain.

At this time, groups of creatures came to the foot of Shenjian Mountain and blocked the road down the mountain.

Lin Fei used the secret technique of reincarnation to hide his body.

"Just now, I saw clearly that there was a fight on Divine Sword Mountain! Someone must have broken in!"

"Could it be someone from the knife world, sneaking in quietly!"

"Everyone, be careful, we must not let the intruder escape from under our eyes!"

... the four major forces in the sword world yelled.

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