Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3747: Ten Great Sword Temple

It's just that Lin Fei's reincarnation mystery is extremely mysterious, the law of reincarnation, the law of time, and the law of space, layered on top of each other, covering Lin Fei's body surface.

Unless the main **** comes here, it is possible to perceive the existence of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei restrained his breath, wandered cautiously among the four major forces, and finally moved away from Shenjian Mountain.

"Something is wrong.

Must be reported immediately! "

A dozen and a half-step master gods gathered at the foot of Shenjian Mountain and exchanged opinions.

"I just saw a sword servant.

The appearance of the Sword Servant means that there must be an uninvited guest who has entered God Sword Mountain.

It's just that this uninvited guest is so powerful that we cannot perceive his existence based on our realm. "

One of the half-step main **** said.

"Not bad.

Just now, I felt that on Divine Sword Mountain, the sword energy was surging, and there was a small-scale riot.

Someone must be doing it. "

The other half-step main **** said.

"A terrifying existence that even we can't perceive, broke into Shenjian Mountain.

Could it be a master in the knife world?

! This matter is no small matter. "

Another half-step main **** said.

"Go, let's go up the mountain and have a look."

A half-step Lord God suggested.

So, these half-step master gods, one by one along the mountain road, climbed up.

Each of these half-step master gods is a master of kendo.

In addition, they are creatures of the sword world and stay here for a long time.

Shenjian Mountain does not reject them.

Therefore, the strength of these half-step master gods, although weaker than Lin Fei.

However, they climbed Divine Sword Mountain almost without any resistance.

However, these half-step master gods went up and down the Divine Sword Mountain and searched for it, but found nothing.

"This matter must be reported to the top!"

The half-step main gods of the four major forces immediately reported to their respective senior figures.

at this time.

Lin Fei was far away from Shenjian Mountain.

"This time, I couldn't climb the Shenjian Mountain. The main reason was that the sword servant thought that my kendo was flawed.

And, when you think about it, he makes a lot of sense.

For a long time, I practice swords only for quick success.

Too impatient, not natural enough, lacking roundness.

Impatience, light progress, in fact, should refer to my heart of sword practice.

Therefore, my kendo, although its power is good.

But from the point of view of the sword servant, eagerness for success is not a real sword. "

In Lin Fei's heart, remembering what the sword servant said on the Divine Sword Mountain, he felt a little emotional.

"It seems that I want to ascend the mountain of God Sword, and I must correct my shortcomings in the kendo in order to gain the approval of that sword servant."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"I don't have much time.

Only three months.

Three months later, Tiansangzi could return to the boundless sea of ​​chaos at any time.

In just three months, is it possible for me to correct my shortcomings in Kendo. "

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning.

"So how should I proceed.

Do you practice kendo directly in retreat? "

Lin Fei thought secretly.

A remote corner in the Divine Sword World.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

However, for a while, there is no good way.

Lin Fei sent the eight slaves conquered in the sword world with a move.

"See the master."

The eight big men respectfully saluted Lin Fei.

"In the sword world, is there any place, or, is there any way to polish the heart of kendo."

Lin Fei asked the eight big men.

"Horn the heart of kendo?"

The eight great men were all taken aback when they heard this.

"My kendo is too impatient, so I go in lightly, although I polish it."

Lin Fei explained.

These slaves can definitely be trusted, so if Lin Fei has any words, he can say to them with confidence.

"Master, let us think about it."

The eight big men understood what Lin Fei meant.

"Master, in our sword world, the best place to practice swords is Shenjian Mountain.

Shenjian Mountain is the core of the sword world and the spiritual support of all sword repairs.

If you can practice swords on the Shenjian Mountain, you should be able to sharpen your kendo heart well. "

Said a big man.

"I can't climb Divine Sword Mountain.

This method does not work. "

Lin Fei said.

"The master is right, Divine Sword Mountain, indeed, you can't go up casually."

The eight big guys started thinking again.

"Master, I thought of a way, I don't know, can it work."

Suddenly, a big man said in a loud voice.

"tell me the story."

Lin Fei said.

"In our sword world, there are ten great sword shrines in addition to Shenjian Mountain, the best places for sword practice.

These ten sword shrines are said to be the retreat of our sword world, the ten great kendo masters in ancient times, and the retreat during his lifetime.

After the fall of these ten great kendo masters, the younger generations set up an ancestral hall to commemorate them in the place where they usually retreat.

In these ten sword shrines, there are the sword aura and sword intent of the ten great kendos.

In the past, there were many sword cultivators who went to these ten sword temples to practice. "

Said the big man.

"Master, if you want to sharpen your kendo heart, maybe you can go to the top ten sword shrines to practice swords.

According to legend, each of the top ten swordsman masters in ancient times is a recognized master of swordsmanship with very powerful strength. "

Said the big man.

"Well, that's good, immediately lead the way and go to the Ten Great Sword Shrines."

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"Master, you don't know that the interface where the Ten Great Sword Temples are located has all been occupied by the army of the sword world.

This is the most troublesome point.

It is very dangerous to go to the top ten sword shrines. "

The big man sighed.


Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

"Go, let's go to the top ten sword shrines!"

Lin Fei thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said.

Lin Fei is an outsider, a man in the sword world, and a man in the sword world, to Lin Fei, they are the same.

Since Lin Fei dared to break into the turf of the sword world, he naturally dared to break into the turf of the sword world.

"Master! You have to think twice."

The eight big men couldn't help being shocked when they heard Lin Fei's words.

"Let's go.

Don't be afraid, I am here. "

Lin Fei said.

"Master, we are not worried about ourselves, we are worried about the owner's safety.

For the sake of our master, even if we lose our heads, we won't blink. "

Eight big guys answered quickly.

"Let's go.

Don't worry, I won't let you lose your head.

Follow me, it's safe. "

Lin Fei smiled.


The eight big guys, seeing that Lin Fei had made up his mind, did not persuade them, and replied at the same time.

"Master, the territory controlled by the swordsmen is very tightly guarded. We think of a way to get in."

A big guy suggested.


We just go in directly. "

Lin Fei smiled.

As a result, the eight big men, with Lin Fei, left the Divine Sword Realm and headed towards the interface where the Ten Great Sword Temple was located.

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