Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3757: Tests in the world of kendo


Where the sword formation passes, everything is cut into powder! Lin Fei seemed very calm, staring at the sword formation with a torch.

The divine consciousness was also released, tightly locking the sword formation.


laugh! Lin Fei pointed the sword together, aimed at the sword formation, and chopped out a plain sword aura.

Rumbling... the huge sword formation, rolling, endless sword aura, domineering.

A flat sword aura, silently, slowly cut forward.

when! A soft sound.

The plain sword aura collided with the aggressive sword formation.

Lin Fei and the strong man stared at the collision.

puff! At the next moment, a crisp noise came from the sword, and a sharp sword exploded.

"How can this be?"

The brawny man couldn't help frowning, feeling something wrong.

His voice just fell.

boom! With a loud bang, the sword formation made a loud bang, and it was so direct that it was blown to pieces.

A sharp sword flew out in all directions.

A powerful sword formation just disintegrated! "how is this possible!"

The brawny man couldn't believe it.

Lin Fei just smashed one of the sharp swords with a light sword, breaking the entire sword formation.

"Young man, very good.

You broke my sword formation.

Let's talk about it, what shortcomings you see. "

The brawny man was stunned for a long time before he recovered and said to Lin Fei.

"Your sword formation is composed of thousands of sharp swords, connected end to end, echoing each other, interlocking and forming a whole.

It looks very tight and powerful.

However, your sword formation has a very obvious shortcoming.

That is, these thousands of sharp swords, as long as one of them is broken, the order of the sword formation will be destroyed.

Because, in this sword formation, each sharp sword has a specific position and a specific function.

Destroying any sharp sword, the entire sword formation cannot form a whole, and naturally, it collapses. "

Lin Fei said.

"Well, yours makes sense."

The strong man was silent for a moment, then nodded and said.

"It's just that my sword formation is complicated and contains all kinds of magic. Thousands of sharp swords defend each other and become a whole.

Wanting to smash one of the swords is easier said than done.

It is necessary to have a very high level of kendo, a strong sense of consciousness, and an absolutely calm soul analysis ability, to make an accurate shot and smash one of the swords.

Young man, your kendo level is very good. "

The strong man praised, then turned and left, disappearing instantly.

"Such a test is indeed an opportunity for me."

Lin Fei smiled.

In such a test, Lin Fei found that his kendo level was constantly improving.

Next, Lin Fei encountered sword repairers who came to challenge one after another in this world of kendo.

Every sword repairer is good at a kind of swordsmanship.

These swordsmanship are powerful and unique.

Lin Fei's task was to crack these sword skills one by one.

With the passage of time, the swordsmanship that Lin Fei encountered became stronger and stronger.

The time required to crack these swordsmanship is getting longer and longer.

However, due to the time flow of this Kendo world, it is different from the outside world.

Therefore, Lin Fei didn't need to worry about time, and could immerse himself in this world of kendo with peace of mind.

At the same time, during the battle with these swordsmen, Lin Fei's gain was very large, and his kendo level was improving day by day.

Time, year after year.

In the blink of an eye, decades passed.

"I have broken 20,000 swordsmanship!"

On a peak in the world of kendo, Lin Feipan sat on the top of the peak and said to himself.

Lin Fei spent the past few decades in battle almost every day and every hour.

The process is a bit arduous.

However, the harvest is also very big.

Lin Fei felt that his kendo level had improved by leaps and bounds.

at this time.

In the outside world.

Shenjian Mountain, on a mountain road.

The gray-clothed old man, and Tianluo Jianzi, sat cross-legged on the mountain road, looking up at the world of kendo suspended in mid-air.

Lin Fei's every move in the sword world can be seen clearly.

In that world of kendo, one hundred years, outside, is an hour.

Therefore, Lin Fei has been fighting for decades in that world.

However, in the outside world, only half an hour has passed for the old man in grey clothes and Tian Luo Jianzi.

In this half hour, the gray-clothed old man and Tian Luo Jianzi watched every battle of Lin Fei carefully.

"This young man is very talented in kendo.

His comprehension is very powerful. "

The old man in gray admired.

"Hehe, the person in my picture is definitely not bad."

Tian Luo Jianzi was also very satisfied with Lin Fei's performance and said with a smile.

Just now.

On the mountain road below, four figures appeared, walking up towards the mountain.

They are Elder Ouyang of the Tianyi Sword Sect, Ximen Changfeng of the Ximen Family, Changle Fairy Child of the Changle Sword Sect, and Elder Wei of the Feixian Sword Sect.

"Tianluo Jianzi!"

The four main gods saw it at a glance, and Tianluo Jianzi sitting on the mountain road could not help but scream.

Tianluo Jianzi, in the sword world, is definitely a well-known big man, a super strong man who has suppressed an era! After the old man and his four disciples disappeared, Tianluo Jianzi once ruled the sword world for a long period of time.

Tianluo Jianzi also saw the four main gods, but just glanced lightly, without any response.

Back then, these four main gods, in front of Tianluo Jianzi, carefully followed their deployment.

Tianluo Jianzi naturally would not take these four main gods to heart.

"Tianluo Jianzi, haven't you been completely destroyed?

How could there be a mark of the soul left behind! "

Changle Fairy Boy screamed.

"My business, you are not qualified to ask."

Tianluo Jianzi replied faintly, without looking straight at Changle Fairy Child.

"Tianluo Jianzi, don't put on a stinky face, do you think you are still the kendo expert back then?

The current you is nothing but a mark of the soul, which can be destroyed by raising my hand.

The smart, just answer my question obediently.

Say! The old man Jian and the four disciples are dead or alive! "

Changle Fairy Boy screamed.

"A clown is not worthy to question me."

Tian Luo Jianzi said in disgust.

"You..." Changle Fairy was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Venerable Tian Luo, today is not what it used to be.

Your time has become a thing of the past, and there are some things you should say.

Don't make it difficult for us.

After all, it is not easy for you to leave a mark of the soul. "

Ximen Changfeng took a step forward, rolling over with pressure, and crushed him towards Tianluo Jianzi.

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