Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3758: The power of the sword spirit

"Enough! This is Shenjian Mountain, the most sacred place in the sword world.

Now, that young man is being tested, you can’t fight here! "

Suddenly, the gray-clothed old man waved his sleeves, releasing Ximen Changfeng's past coercion, dispelling all of it, and shouting softly.

"Senior Sword Spirit, this is our personal grievance with him, please don't interfere!"

Ximen Changfeng said, no matter what, he is also a master god, and he is a little bit embarrassed to be reprimanded in person like this.

"Shenjian Mountain is not a place for you to resolve your personal grievances.

If you want to do it, please leave Shenjian Mountain.

Outside, no matter how you fight, I won't bother. "

The old man in gray said lightly.

"Senior Sword Spirit, what do you mean?

Could it be that you are partial to Tianluo Jianzi?

Have you forgotten that now, our four major forces are the true rulers of the sword world.

The era of Tianluo Jianzi has long passed.

Our four major forces, to deal with Tianluo Jianzi, do you still need Senior Sword Spirit to agree! "

Changle Fairy Boy stepped forward and screamed, imposingly.

In fact, the four major forces have been grabbing control of Shenjian Mountain over the years.

However, none of them has succeeded yet.

The reason for this, apart from the fighting among the four major forces, the biggest obstacle is the five sword spirits on the Shenjian Mountain.

The five sword spirits are the real masters of Shenjian Mountain.

If you want to control the Excalibur Mountain, you must let the five sword spirits bow their heads.

However, these five sword spirits will always stay on Divine Sword Mountain and will never leave.

In each one, the combat power is unfathomable.

Moreover, Shenjian Mountain is the site of five sword spirits.

In their territory, it is too difficult to control them and make them bow their heads.

Therefore, the four major forces have been unable to do anything.

At this time, the senior figures of the four major forces understood how terrifying the old man sword was and how clever the methods were.

Because, in the era when the old swordsman ruled the sword world, he had always lived on Shenjian Mountain, and he regarded Shenjian Mountain as a place of practice and retreat.

In that era, Shenjian Mountain was completely under the control of Old Man Jian! The senior figures of the four major forces all understand that the key to controlling the Divine Sword Mountain lies in the five sword spirits.

Therefore, now, the four main gods, facing the gray-clothed old man, are a little bit ready to move, wanting to try the gray-clothed old man's strength.

"What I mean is already very clear.

Shenjian Mountain is not a place for you to resolve your personal grievances.

If you want to fight, please leave Shenjian Mountain.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite. "

The old man in grey was a little impatient.

"Senior Sword Spirit, you are difficult for a strong man."

Changle Fairy sneered and said, taking a step forward, his eyes became dangerous.

"Senior Sword Spirit, please also open the net, Tianluo Jianzi, it is too important for our four major forces.

Since he has appeared, we must never let him go! "

Elder Ouyang of the Tianyi Sword Sect, Ximen Changfeng of the Ximen Family, and Elder Wei of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect also stepped forward at the same time to form a formation and encircled the Tianluo Sword.

Tian Luo Jianzi smiled coldly, looking very calm.

He knows Shenjian Mountain too well.

Now, Lin Fei is undergoing the test of Shenjian Mountain, and it is absolutely forbidden. Outsiders are making trouble here.

Back then, even the old man Jian treated the five sword spirits of Shenjian Mountain with courtesy, and treated them as peers, and didn't want to offend them.

The four main gods in front of them actually provoke the sword spirit in such a positive way.

"It seems that you don't take my words as the same thing."

The gray-clothed old man was obviously angry.

Rumble...On the Divine Sword Mountain, the endless radiant sword energy began to riot, like a roaring ocean.

Then, a huge sword appeared in the sky.

The form of this huge sword is very simple, and on the body of Cangsang, there is a peerless sword glow.

Huh! This huge sword traversed everything, like a horse training, from top to bottom, directly chopped down.

This sword is not hurried, magnificent, and full of sacredness.

It's like blessing the supreme kendo civilization, kendo history, and kendo belief! This sword was cut down, and all the sword light on the Divine Sword Mountain, bowed its head far away, as if to be a minister.

The four main gods couldn't help being shocked.

That huge sword, seemingly slashed at them unhurriedly, the sword strength was flat.

However, invisibly, countless sharp sword auras have penetrated and wrapped the four of them tightly.

These invisible sword auras were so terrible, even the four main gods were cut into shocking bloodstains.

The four main gods, roaring at the same time, billowing sword aura, a steady stream, ejected from their bodies, just like four glowing hedgehogs.

It's just that the sword aura they released, when they encountered the sword aura that was crushed by that huge sword, they were not rivals at all, and they were blown to pieces by the shock.

Puff puff... As the giant sword slowly cut down, the space where the four main gods stood began to collapse and collapse, disintegrating every inch.

This is Shenjian Mountain, the core of the sword world! Compared with other places, the space of Divine Sword Mountain is much stronger! Under the coercion of that huge sword, it was like tofu, and it was directly destroyed.


The four main gods were forced to retreat continuously, fighting back with powerful swordsmanship.

Bang... They only persisted for a moment, and they were thrown away. Although the injuries were not too serious, the bodies were covered with devastated sword wounds! Even one of Changle Fairy's arm was crushed by sword light, and blood splashed.

These are the four main gods! He was actually repelled by the gray-clothed old man with a sword.

"This is the power of Divine Sword Mountain! He is here and can borrow the power of Divine Sword Mountain."

Changle Fairy Boy screamed.

"I was originally part of Shenjian Mountain."

The old man in gray said lightly.

The four main gods, after being shocked, didn't dare to take the first half step, and stood in place. It was embarrassing to retreat and advance.

"Humph! We waited for him to leave Shenjian Mountain before we started."

Ximen Changfeng of the Ximen family gave a cold snort and said.

The other three main gods had very ugly faces, but they had to agree by default.

"In God Sword Mountain, you dare to bump into Senior Sword Spirit, I really convinced you.

This time, Senior Sword Spirit, just to teach you a little lesson.

Next time, I don't know if you can still leave Shenjian Mountain alive. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said with a sneer.

He knows Shenjian Mountain and the five sword spirits very well.

Therefore, knowing that you are now absolutely safe.

Otherwise, he would never let these four main gods see himself.

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