Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3759: Master showdown


After hearing what Tianluo Jianzi said, the faces of the four main gods were very ugly.

At the same time, they looked at the gray-clothed old man's gaze, and they also became jealous.

Before, although they were very respectful to the gray-clothed old man on the surface, in their hearts, they thought that the gray-clothed old man's strength might not be much higher than them.

Now, they knew that the combat power of this gray-clothed old man was much stronger than each of them.

Especially in the Divine Sword Mountain, their four main gods were defeated with one move.

This kind of result made them finally settled down and didn't dare to make another mistake.

at this time.

In the world of swordsmanship suspended in mid-air, opposite Lin Fei, a man in white was walking slowly.

This white-clothed man looked so laid-back and lazy, with a piece of withered grass dangling at the corner of his mouth, and a handful of long hair tied diagonally on top of his head.

The white clothes are fluttering, spotless, and the temperament is inexhaustibly detached, ethereal and free and easy.

It seems that all mundane things in the world have nothing to do with him.

"My swordsmanship has only one move.

Win or lose with one move.

If there is a tie, you are considered a winner. "

The white-clothed man walked up to Lin Fei's body unhurriedly, stopped, and said lightly.

He stood in the void, with white clouds that came out of nothing, sliding from the bottom of his feet and beside him, he seemed to be standing on the top of the sea of ​​clouds, a kind of overlooking the sky, like a cloud of nine heavens, and like a peak of snow.

"Okay, please give me a move."

Lin Fei didn't dare to slow down, raised the long sword in his hand and pointed out diagonally.

Lin Fei could feel that although the white-clothed man seemed to be laid back and laid back, his every move, more than a smile, and a glance, contained the smell of a sword and was extremely mysterious.

It seems that he is a sword, a subtle, hidden sword.

Once out of the sheath, it must be earth-shattering! Lin Fei has almost entered this world of kendo, more than 180 years.

In these 180 years of time, every day, every hour, Lin Fei was fighting, fighting with sword repairs that appeared constantly.

The harvest is huge.

Faintly, Lin Fei also developed a kind of master demeanor.

The demeanor of a master of sword repair! No arrogance or rashness, no spoiling or humiliation, no matter who the opponent is, what he has is just a pure heart of kendo.

Lin Fei held a three-foot long sword in his hand, without desire and wave, unmoved by everything.

At this moment, two kendo masters stood opposite each other.

"Very well, then I'll make a move."

The white man said lazily.

The voice fell off.

His temperament began to change from idleness and weakness to sharpness.

The strands of sword aura, born out of nothing, began to appear and wander around his body.

The breath of the white-clothed man is rising.

Huh! Suddenly, it was impossible to see whether he had made a move. In the faint, there was a sword light that broke through the air.

The magnificent magnificence, shocking the world! Lin Fei couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, surprised and praised in his heart.

This sword of light is flawless and unsullied, graceful and unrivaled, overwhelming the country, everything is cut! "Good swordsmanship!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but praised.

However, Lin Fei is not to be outdone.

The mighty sword light, gushing out, all gathered on the long sword in his hand.

When the sword was out, Lin Fei's mind, all kinds of comprehension, understanding, obsession, and spirit of kendo were all blessed on the long sword.

The long sword slashed out in the air, the sword light was stunning, and the rolled up sharp sword aura cut this piece of heaven and earth into a sneer.

This sword seemed to strike from nine days away, tearing open the world and sweeping everything.

Like thunder anger, lightning crit, invincible, the magnificence of this sword is indescribable! when! Finally, two stunning sword lights collided together.

The whole world trembled violently.

Time and space, at this moment, are still for a while, entering a blank period.


Boom... At the center of the impact, a wave of airflow ripples spread out in all directions.

If a storm passes through the border, everything is blown into dust.

Lin Fei and the white-clothed man stood opposite each other, and both sides still maintained the posture of making moves.

puff! Suddenly, with a crisp sound, the long sword in Lin Fei's hand was directly blown to pieces.

laugh! On the right shoulder of the white-clothed man, there was a sword-scarred wound, and red blood gurgled out, dyeing a white shirt into blood.

Soon, all the energy waves of the battle disappeared.

The two stood in the void, looking at each other. The scene was strange and calm.

"You won."

After a while, the white-clothed man sighed softly and turned and floated away. In an instant, he disappeared.

"Actually, it was a tie."

Lin Fei replied.

However, the white-clothed man did not reply.

"This is the thirty-two thousand five hundred."

Lin Fei put away the sword and muttered to herself.

In this world of swordsmanship, Lin Fei's task is to solve 36,000 different sword skills one by one.

Now, there are three thousand five hundred kinds left.


Lin Fei said.

"I entered this world of swordsmanship. For more than 180 years, the time outside is close to two hours.

I have to hurry up. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

Lin Fei stepped forward and continued to move forward, preparing to fight the next sword repair.

at the same time.

Beyond the boundless sea of ​​chaos, in another chaotic space.

A tall cliff, on top of a huge bird's nest protruding.

The area of ​​this bird's nest is too large, like a small piece of land.

In the center of the bird's nest, two giant eggs.

A giant egg, extremely calm and calm.

The other big egg was rumbling, with various colors of light billowing out.

The shell of this giant egg is densely covered with cracks, and it looks like a series of weird runes.

Vaguely, one could see that a strange-looking creature, curled up inside the dome, exuded amazing vitality.

"Haha, it's coming soon, and the incubation is about to succeed! Unexpectedly, in this life, I am so lucky to get the body of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast. This is the most terrifying primitive beast in absolute vacuum.

Even if I meet a real dragon, I don't need to be afraid! "

A frantic laughter of triumphant ecstasy passed from the dome.

Kaka...There are more and more cracks on the shell of the dome.

Obviously, the creatures in this dome are about to burst out of their shells! "What day mulberry, go to hell! From now on, I will restore my own name! The boundless Chaos Sea will be ruled by my Dijiang! Haha..." A frantic laughter came from the dome. , The billowing sound shook the entire bird's nest.


Snapped! A corpse was thrown out of the giant egg and fell onto the bird's nest.

This corpse is the current lord of Ji Mie Ling, Tian Sang Zi!

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