Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3762: the last one

puff! Under a shock, the space in front of Lin Fei, like rubble, was constantly shattering, turning into fragments of time and space, and then evaporating, nothing was left.

when! The intense sword light that Lin Fei cut out collided with the sword light the size of the young man's hair cut over.

this moment.

Time has completely stagnated, no longer flowing.

The space is completely solidified, everything is fixed there, and at a glance, it looks like a painting.


Click, click... the time and space of this kendo world, squeezed by the violent energy, began to deform, severely deformed.

Boom... A series of terrifying explosions continued to sound.

The mushroom cloud exploded by energy and law, constantly rising, like a bunch of fireworks, extremely brilliant.

"This guy..." Outside, on the mountain road of Shenjian Mountain, Tianluo Jianzi couldn't help but said, but he was very happy and satisfied inside.

Lin Fei's performance was beyond his expectations.

"Haha, there are interesting little guys, yes, yes..." The old man in gray smiled, and he could see that he was very satisfied with Lin Fei's performance and was full of praise.


The four main gods, including Changle Fairy Child, all had gloomy and ugly faces.

Just now, the four of them even made a mockery of Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei's various performances in that kendo world seemed to be hitting them in the face.

"It's just a tie.

It seems that the kid's potential is here.

Even if he wins this battle, there is one last sword technique, the most powerful one, waiting for him.

He wants to complete the test in the world of kendo, I see, no way. "

Changle Fairy Boy screamed.

His character is the most mean and unpleasant.

at this time.

In the world of kendo.

Lin Fei and the delicate boy stood opposite each other.

The eyes of both sides showed admiration.

Obviously, they admire the opponent's swordsmanship.

"Come again!"

Lin Fei shouted and took the initiative to attack.

"Haha, it's rare to meet an opponent like you, let's play a game!"

The handsome boy also laughed and greeted him.

Chi Chi... Suddenly, in this world of swordsmanship, there were only trails of fierce sword lights crisscrossing each other.

Everything else is dim, even, it seems to have disappeared.

In the whole world, there were only trails of sharp and brilliant sword light left.

I have to say that the young man's swordsmanship is too powerful.

Time passed quickly.

Day after day, Lin Fei and the boy were still fighting fiercely.

Even, month after month, this battle is still going on.

Until three years later.


"This battle, end it."

Lin Fei looked at the boy and said.

laugh! A strong sword light was cut out, bursting out with a terrifying light.

Boom... This sword light is upright, majestic, sacred and great, flawless and unsullied, pure to the extreme, as if it represents the supreme truth of the world of kendo! This sword cut out, there is a kind of irresistible taste.

Billions of sword light soared into the sky, like a blazing sun burning the sky.

The boy's eyes narrowed.

"Unexpectedly, your kendo has broken through, and it has gone a step further.

No need to fight, I lost. "

The boy shook his head and made no more moves.


Lin Fei was a little surprised.

However, with Lin Fei's current kendo level, he had already reached the state of being able to send and receive freely, and his mind moved.

The sword light that was cut out immediately disappeared, like ice and snow under the sun.

"Admit it."

Lin Fei clasped his fist.

Since the other party had conceded, it was impossible for Lin Fei to be aggressive anymore.

The boy turned around and disappeared in one step.

"There is one last one."

Lin Fei said to himself.

Before he knew it, Lin Fei spent nearly two hundred years in this world of kendo.

In these two hundred years, Lin Fei spent most of his time in battle.

This is a period of sword light surging and sword energy, and it is also a period of blood boiling.

It is a test and a rare opportunity.

In these two hundred years, Lin Fei's progress in kendo has been amazing.

Along the way, 35,999 kinds of swordsmanship were solved one by one.

It can be said that since then, most of the swordsmanship in the world is illusory in front of Lin Fei.

What Lin Fei is pursuing now is the purest and most original kendo.

For Lin Fei, the moves and techniques were a bit unreal.

Just now.


In front, a figure appeared slowly.

An old man in gray.

"Senior, it's you!"

Lin Fei was startled and hurriedly saluted.

Unexpectedly, this last one was actually the old man in gray.

It was this old man in gray that allowed himself to enter this world of kendo and be tested.

This is a sword spirit! How could he be his opponent.

Before entering the sword world, Tianluo Jianzi had already told Lin Fei about the five sword spirits on the Shenjian Mountain.

On the Divine Sword Mountain, the strength of the sword spirit is terrifying.

Even Tian Luo Tian Jianzi had to give three points to the sword spirit in the past few days.

Lin Fei didn't think he could beat a sword spirit.

"Are you scared."

The gray-clothed old man said lightly, expressionless, and could not see the joy or anger.

"In the face of seniors, I do feel pressure."

Lin Fei took a deep breath.

His eyes became firm.

"I am the sword spirit of Shenjian Mountain, and you are far from my opponent.

I want to beat you, easy to turn back. "

The gray-clothed old man stared at Lin Fei with a playful look.

His body is straight, like a sword about to be unsheathed.

"So, young man, think about it, whether you want to try.

Because, when I take a sword, you will be injured.

Even, it may fall.

Since ancient times, the sword repairmen who wanted to accept the test and forcibly climb the Shenjian Mountain, I don't know how many of them fell under my sword. "

The gaze of the gray-clothed old man became dangerous.

"Senior, you don't have to say much.

In any case, I must climb the Excalibur Mountain! "

Lin Fei said.

"Since you insist, well, I'll take it."

The old man in gray nodded and said.

The gray-clothed old man raised his palm and cut to Lin Fei.

The moves are ordinary and direct.

Looks unremarkable.

It looks like an ordinary mortal, raising his palm to hit someone.

There is no surging energy, no clever and mysterious kendo rules, and no fancy and dazzling sword moves.

Too ordinary.

However, facing the oblique cut, a flat palm.

Lin Fei felt that his body was suddenly stagnant.

In his body, all the energy and laws related to kendo were instantly frozen.

The body is stiff, the mouth is dry and tongue is irritable, and the mind is blank.

Nothing can be done.

Can only watch, the palm of the gray-clothed old man slowly slashed towards his head.

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