Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3763: Passed this level

"too frightening!"

In Lin Fei's heart, he couldn't help but feel amazed and felt the unprecedented pressure.

Even, a deep sense of life-threatening crisis.

Seeing that the palm of the gray-clothed old man was about to fall on Lin Fei's head, Lin Fei desperately backed away, trying to dodge.


The gray-clothed old man's movements paused.

The palm that looked like a sharp sword stopped in front of Lin Fei's head, still.

"Young man, now, you know the difficulty of this level.

If you push hard, it is possible that you will pay the price of your life.

So, do you want to continue?

I advise you to take your life first and withdraw from the test.

After all, you were brought by Tianluo Jianzi, and I don't want to kill you. "

The old man in gray said.

"Senior, I said, I must climb the Excalibur Mountain, go ahead."

Lin Fei said without any hesitation.

what! Lin Fei made a long roar, and all the sword energy in his body surged like a volcano about to erupt.

At this moment, Lin Fei went all out and was extremely determined.

"All magical swords!"

Lin Fei shouted.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, almost all of the power of divine consciousness was released and mixed into the sword energy in the body.

This is a kind of swordsmanship that Lin Fei has realized during the two hundred years.

Blessing all of his divine consciousness power in the sword aura, the speed and strength of the sword aura soared exponentially.

The sword energy that was slashed out was terrifying.

In fact, this kind of swordsmanship is not unique to Lin Fei.

Before in the Yuan Wu realm, Lin Fei had cultivated the Sword Emperor's Domineering God Sword.

The core of the Domineering Sword of Divine Consciousness is to combine Divine Consciousness and Sword Qi into one.

Now, Lin Fei is just perfecting and upgrading the tyrant sword.

It can be called an upgraded version of the Sword of Absolute Ability.

Of course, with Lin Fei's current level of divine consciousness and swordsmanship, the upgraded version of the Overlord Divine Sense Sword displayed was so powerful that it was beyond description.

Chi Chi...The sword light that was sharp to the extreme, combining sword energy and divine consciousness, surged crazily, demanding Lin Fei's body to gush out to resist the gray-clothed old man's attack.


"Heart Sword!"

Lin Fei thought.

Huh! Heart sword cut out.

At this moment, Lin Fei's kendo was imprisoned by the gray-clothed old man, trapped in his body, unable to rush out.

However, the Heart Sword was actually unrestricted, and instantly rushed out of the body and blocked the gray-clothed old man's palm.

Dangdangdang... The speed of the Heart Sword was approaching a terrifying level.

In an instant, the gray-clothed old man's palms were cut hundreds of millions of times! what! Lin Fei looked up to the sky again, and the surging sword aura in his body surged crazily, roaring and deafening.

"Yes, Not Bad."

The old man in gray praised.

"Although your heart sword belongs to the scope of your heart strength, it actually blesses some swordsmanship, and you can't do it without a high level of understanding.

Therefore, the heart sword you use is also a kind of kendo, and there is no foul. "

The gray-clothed old man continued.

However, while speaking, his palm was still slowly beheaded towards Lin Fei's head.

Chi Chi... Suddenly, on the palm of his hand, a dazzling sword aura burst out, like a swimming fish, swimming towards Lin Fei, and immediately submerged Lin Fei.

Swish...On Lin Fei's body, shocking bloodstains were cut, the muscles rolled over, revealing white bones, and blood spurted.

A deep sense of crisis enveloped Lin Fei.

If this continues, it is very likely that Lin Fei will be divided! "Haha, I just said, that kid, it's impossible to pass the test.

He was about to die in that world of kendo. "

At this time, in the outside world, on the mountain road of Shenjian Mountain, the four main gods, such as the Fairy Child of Bliss, laughed and gloated.

"I hope he can hold on."

Tian Luo Jianzi thought secretly in his heart, staring at Lin Fei motionlessly.

The gray-clothed old man had plain eyes without joy or sadness.

what! At the juncture of life and death, Lin Fei shouted violently and fell into a state of madness.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Soul Tree, Soul Heart, Soul Dragon, and Chaos Ice Lotus, at the same time burst out appalling Divine Soul Light, almost all of the Divine Soul energy was released, and blessed above the sword aura in Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei's kendo was also used to the extreme.

The kendo practiced in the past years, the kendo inherited by Tianluo Jianzi, and the kendo harvest in this world of kendo for two hundred years, at this moment, began to ferment, merge, and sublimate violently.

At this moment, Lin Fei's kendo level began to soar.

The sword energy in the body is constantly increasing at an astonishing speed! boom! Finally, in Lin Fei's body, hundreds of millions of sword qi seemed to have found a catharsis, and all of a sudden it spewed out.

Rumble...booming sword glow, like a violent ocean, roaring and spreading in all directions.

Time, space, energy, laws, air, everything, everything is destroyed.

The entire world of kendo was shattered by endless sword light, and began to disintegrate every inch.

The world is destroyed! Everything is gone.

Only Lin Fei was left, standing opposite the gray-clothed old man.

"Young man, congratulations, you have passed this level.

Your unrelenting heart of swordsmanship, not afraid of danger, but the will to break through difficulties, shows that you are an excellent swordsman. "

The gray-clothed old man retracted his palm and said to Lin Fei in a tone of appreciation.

At this time, Lin Fei realized that he was no longer in the sword world.

Instead, standing on the mountain road of Shenjian Mountain, in front of him was the old man in gray.

Tian Luo Jianzi, standing by.

Not far away, there are four main gods who are surrounded by terrifying sword aura, with weird eyes.

"Senior, thank you very much."

Lin Fei bowed sincerely to the gray-clothed old man.

Although, just now, Lin Fei experienced a moment of life and death.

However, Lin Fei has gained a lot.

In the past two hundred years, 36,000 sword repairs have been played against and 36,000 sword skills have been cracked. This experience is simply too precious.

Such opportunities for refining are hard to come by! This made Lin Fei's kendo level a qualitative leap.

Especially in terms of swordsmanship, moves and skills, Lin Fei has become an absolute master.

From then on, all kinds of swordsmanship in the world, in front of Lin Fei, will lose their color.

Even Lin Fei found that as long as he wanted to, he could already create a variety of new swordsmanship.

Yes, Lin Fei's level of kendo has risen to a level where he can create a new level of swordsmanship at will.

He cracked 36,000 kinds of advanced swordsmanship, this kind of experience brought Lin Fei's breakthrough, it was not a joke.

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