Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3797: Huiyanhuang plane

At this time, in a world of three thousand sizes.

Deep in the void, in an independent space secret room.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, closing his eyes and meditating.

Lin Fei is comprehending the laws of yin and yang, the laws of life, and the laws of thunder and lightning.

The statue master has already put the seeds of these three laws into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

If Lin Fei can successfully comprehend, it is possible to successfully cultivate these three chaotic principles.

The world of three thousand sizes at this time is busy.

All gods are running on every plane, every interface, and every star.

Lin Fei and Yang Song's plan was that if Dijiang came to invade three thousand worlds, if they could not resist, they would flee to other places with creatures of three thousand worlds.

Therefore, under Yang Song's arrangement, every **** is dispatched to mobilize the world's creatures and prepare to leave his hometown at any time.

Therefore, in a world of three thousand sizes, one by one gods walk in the world and have close contact with mortals.

Lin Feipan sat in the depths of the void, calmly feeling the law.


"Lin Fei, will the creatures in the Yanhuang plane, especially the creatures of the earth, also take them away?

The Yanhuang plane has been separated from the outside world for a long time.

The creatures in the Yanhuang plane have never seen a **** since ancient times.

Once a **** enters the Yanhuang plane, or the earth, it is estimated that it will cause a huge reaction. "

Lin Fei received Pangu's transmission.

Pangu, once settled on the earth, also left many legends.

Therefore, Pangu has a special affection for the Yanhuang plane and the earth and is more concerned about it.

He probably guessed the relationship between Lin Fei and the earth.

Therefore, Transmitting Voice specifically discussed with Lin Fei about the earth.

After receiving Pangu's transmission, Lin Fei temporarily ended the retreat, and his figure flashed before he came to Pangu's side.

At this time, Pangu, Nuwa, and a group of 3,000 local gods in the world were all standing outside the plane of Yan and Huang.

Around the Yanhuang plane, there is a very wide isolation zone.

This isolation zone is intertwined with violent energy, laws, and various taboo formations.

This was when Pangu and Nuwa led a group of three thousand worlds of Yangshen, and all the gods were arranged together.

At the same time, in this isolation zone, there are also many dangerous places, Jedi, and fierce earth dragons that pass through them.

It can be seen that when this isolation zone was laid out, there must be a geologist to help.

In ancient times, there were still geographers in three thousand worlds.

Back then, Lin Fei crossed this isolation zone, and went through many difficulties before returning to the Yanhuang plane.

However, for Lin Fei, this isolation zone is no longer dangerous.

With Lin Fei's current strength, this layer of isolation could be easily destroyed.

"Lin Fei, the creatures in the Yanhuang plane have been isolated from the world for a long time.

They don't even know what is happening outside.

If they were suddenly moved away, I don’t know, would they be willing? "

Pan Gu said.

"However, the current situation is beyond their choice.

Besides, we are gods.

Even if the creatures in the Yanhuang plane are unwilling, we can use our supernatural powers to forcibly take them away. "

Nu Wa said.

"Not bad."

The other gods also nodded.

There are about hundreds of gods standing beside Pangu and Nuwa.

In ancient times, the earth was once one of the centers of three thousand worlds.

There are many gods who settle on the earth.

So far, on the earth, there are still many legends about various gods.

Lin Fei's gaze penetrated the isolation layer and looked into the Yanhuang plane.

In the Yanhuang plane, it was very calm.

Above all the stars, the living beings live and work in peace and contentment and develop steadily.

On the earth, modern science and technology civilization still dominates.

And the practice style has almost disappeared.

This is because on the earth, the spiritual energy is very thin and the laws are incomplete, and entering the Age of Domination, it is no longer suitable for cultivation.

There are two main reasons why the earth will enter the Age of Doom.

The first point is that outside the Yanhuang plane, it is isolated from the outside world by an isolation belt.

This causes external energy and laws to be unable to enter and replenish the Yanhuang plane.

The second point is that there is an isolation zone outside the earth, so that the earth is separated from the Yanhuang plane again.

Under the double isolation, the earth was completely cut off from the chaotic void outside.

The earth could not get the supplement of the energy and laws of the external chaos and void. Slowly, the spiritual energy died down, the laws were not obvious, and it entered the era of the end of the law.

With Lin Fei's current strength and vision, he could see all the problems clearly at a glance.

"Senior Pangu, this isolation zone on the Yanhuang plane and the isolation zone outside the earth is no longer necessary.

These two isolation zones are harmful and unhelpful. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"Indeed, these two isolation zones were used to protect the Yanhuang plane and the earth.

Now, it has lost its meaning. "

Pan Gu nodded and said.

"In this case, I will destroy these two isolation belts now."

Lin Fei said.

"Take these two isolations away! Lin Fei...can you do it."

Pangu couldn't help being surprised.

Nu Wa and the other gods were also very shocked, looking at Lin Fei.

You know, this isolation zone outside the Yanhuang plane, but Pangu and Nuwa, with all the gods of the Yangshen faction, spent a lot of material, manpower, and time, and finally arranged it successfully. .

The power of this isolation belt is very powerful.

Even the isolation zone outside the earth, it is Pangu, Nuwa, and several top masters of the Yangshen faction, working together, the power of the arrangement is not weak.

Even Pangu and Nuwa had no ability to destroy these two isolation zones.

However, Lin Fei said very lightly. It seemed to be a very simple matter to destroy these two layers of isolation.

"Lin Fei, your strength is naturally much stronger than us.

However, it is not easy to destroy these two barriers.

Instead, let's study it first, and work together to find a way to destroy the two layers of isolation. "

Nu Wa said.

"Yes, these two isolation belts are not simple.

Back then, I don’t know how much resources, energy, time, and power we spent.

Lin Fei, you just want to destroy these two isolation belts, which is a bit unrealistic. "

"Yes, it's better for everyone to put it together and do it again."

...Other gods are also talking about it.

"Haha, seniors, trust me."

Lin Fei smiled.

Then, he walked towards the isolation outside the Yanhuang plane.

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