Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3798: Destroy the isolation zone

This isolation zone is very wide, full of violent energy and laws, and from time to time, terrifying space-time hurricanes are scouring.

There are also dangerous places and Jedi, densely everywhere.

Even the gods do not want to get involved in this isolation zone easily.

Before Lin Fei came to the isolation zone, his face was flat. He simply turned a blind eye to the dangers in the isolation zone ahead, and walked into the isolation zone with one step.

"Lin Fei, be careful!"

Behind, Pangu, Nuwa, and other gods, saw Lin Fei walk into the isolation zone with a grin, were shocked and reminded.

Boom... Immediately, there were various attacks, one after another, blasting towards Lin Fei.

Energy attacks, law attacks, array attacks, and those attacks launched from dangerous places and Jedi, all directed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei thought.

Huhhhhh...Sword lights are jetted out from the body, and every sword light is extremely bright.

All around, all the attacks against Lin Fei, encountering these sword lights, seemed to be that the ice and snow met the sunlight and melted instantly and turned into nothingness.

After returning from the sword world, Lin Fei's kendo level is estimated to be much stronger than any sword repair in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Swishw...The dazzling sword light continuously sprayed out of Lin Fei's body, blasting out to all directions.

Where Jianguang went, everything in the isolation zone, energy, laws, formations, dangerous places, and Jedi were all fragile and shattered.

"That's amazing..." Pangu, Nuwa, and other gods were shocked to see this scene.

Lin Fei stood in the isolation zone, carrying his hands on his back, and doing nothing. The sword light emitted from him destroyed all the isolation zone outside the Yanhuang plane in a moment! The wide isolation zone was completely wiped out and vanished.

Nothing is left! Rumble...The void of the Yanhuang plane, and the void of the outside world, finally began to connect.

The energy and laws in the outer chaotic void began to flood into the Yanhuang plane.

The energy, laws, and various rules of heaven and earth within the Yanhuang plane are constantly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the past, because of the isolation zone, the Yanhuang plane was separated from the outside world and could not supplement the energy and laws of the outside world, so it gradually became a weaker and weaker low-quality plane.

Now that the isolation zone was destroyed by Lin Fei, the quality of the Yanhuang Plane began to improve instantly.

[Literature Museum] "Lin Fei, your strength is terrible.

I can't see through you at all.

I feel that I am as weak as an ant in front of you! "

Pangu sighed.

"Lin Fei, I really didn't expect you to be so strong."

Nu Wa is also very emotional.

The other gods also looked at Lin Fei with marvelous gazes, as if they were watching monsters.

"Haha, you guys have been awarded."

Lin Fei smiled.

Lin Fei, Pan Gu, Nu Wa, and other gods walked into the Yanhuang plane.

In the Yanhuang plane, it was very calm.

Stars, floating in the void, release the light of stars. Numerous stars form a galaxy belt, shining brightly, looking very dreamy.

Lin Fei saw many stars and constellations that he had known since he was a child.

Before, Lin Fei could only look up at these stars from above the earth, but now, it is possible to pass by these stars and look carefully.

"The Yanhuang plane is a beautiful world of stars."

Lin Fei said.

"Not bad.

This is a major feature of the Yanhuang plane.

Among other planes, there are stars and interfaces.

However, in the Yanhuang plane, there are only stars and no interface. "

Nu Wa nodded and said.

Soon, the gods came beyond the earth.

From afar, blue stars hang in the void.

There is also an isolation zone around the earth.

This isolation zone was laid down by Pan Gu, with the top gods of the Yangshen faction.

"Senior Pangu, there is no need for this isolation zone of the earth.

I will destroy it too. "

Lin Fei said.


Pangu nodded.

So Lin Fei waved.

Swish...a steady stream of sword light sprayed out of the palm.

Every sword light contains an amazing sword intent and is extremely powerful.

Wherever the sword light goes, time and space disappear.

The isolation zone outside the earth, before Lin Fei's sword light, was like a thin layer of paper, instantly torn to pieces, making it vulnerable.

After just a few breaths.

The isolation zone outside the earth was destroyed and completely disappeared.

"This..." Pangu, Nuwa, and other gods were shocked again.

This layer of isolation, with their strength, could not forcefully break through.

Even Pan Gu and Nu Wa, it is not necessarily, it is very difficult to break through.

But for Lin Fei, it was really fragile like a thin layer of paper.

"Lin Fei, is this the power of the true god?"

Pan Gu was a little lost and asked Lin Fei.

"For the true gods, we are ordinary gods, indeed, weak as ants."

Nu Wa also sighed.

Aside, the other gods were also depressed.

Pangu and Nuwa are ordinary upper gods.

Among ordinary gods, the realm of the two of them is at the top level.

However, in front of the true God, it is very weak.

Lin Fei heard what Pangu and Nuwa said, but didn't know how to answer.

How could one's own strength be comparable to a true god.

Even in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, Lin Fei wouldn't be afraid of the arrival of the ordinary gods.

However, it was useless to explain this to Pangu and Nuwa.

"Two seniors, do you want to become true gods?"

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

"Become a true god!?"

Pangu and Nuwa were all taken aback when they heard Lin Fei's words.

"Of course.

For our ordinary gods, we all want to become true gods when we dream.

However, becoming a true **** is not easy said than done.

First of all, our talents are limited.

Secondly, only the super powers in the boundless sea of ​​chaos can master the tactics of becoming a true god.

"Nu Wa sighed.

"Two seniors, I have a way to make you true gods."

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei decided to help Pangu and Nuwa become true gods.

Pangu and Nuwa were once the leaders of the Yangshen faction in three thousand worlds.

Moreover, it was once the most prestigious **** on earth.

Until now, Pangu and Nuwa are still very high in the three thousand worlds.

However, their strength is too weak.


! "

Pangu and Nuwa heard Lin Fei's words, their first reaction was that they felt a little weird.

Really think that the true **** is something bad, you can get it at hand.

"Hehe, two seniors, believe me, I'm serious."

Lin Fei smiled.


Lin Fei waved his hand, and the two true gods flew out and landed in the hands of Pangu and Nuwa respectively.

"Two seniors, this is the true **** fruit. If you take it, you can directly become the true god.

The way to take it is..." Lin Fei transmitted the sound and taught Pangu and Nuwa the way to take the true fruit.

"Lin Fei, this is true...!"

Pangu and Nuwa, holding the true **** fruit in their hands, were so shocked that they could not speak. This feeling is like, on the earth, a penniless poor beggar, suddenly, 100 billion fell from the sky. The jackpot hit the head.

However, Pangu and Nuwa are gods after all.

After a long while, they finally woke up.

"Lin Fei, thank you very much!"

Pan Gu and Nu Wa saluted Lin Fei heavily.

Then, leaving with the true **** fruit, ready to go to retreat and take food.

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