Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3800: One sword divides yin and yang

This team of gods scolded very cheerfully.

Also right, in the recent period, the imperial army has occupied the limelight in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, with boundless awe.

Wherever the imperial army went, the world's creatures retreated.

Even no one of the six superpowers took the initiative to provoke the imperial army.

Those forces and creatures that first followed Dijiang secretly rejoiced, feeling that their choice was correct.

Although, they are slaves in front of Dijiang, just like a dog beside Dijiang.

However, relying on the power of Dijiang, these slaves of Dijiang, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, are extremely majestic, wherever they go, no one dares to provoke them.

Especially the Tianpeng clan.

The Tianpeng clan has become the lair of Dijiang.

The Tianpeng clan, because of the Emperor River, has risen sharply. In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, it is equivalent to the six superpowers of the past. It is even worse.

Among the imperial army, the status of the Tianpeng clan is very high.

The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan was Dijiang’s most powerful right-hand man.

Therefore, the Tianpeng clan now supports Dijiang very much, and simply regards Dijiang as a patron saint.

In short, in a word, the current boundless sea of ​​chaos belongs to the era of the imperial army! The imperial army began to rule the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

As long as the six superpowers are not born, Dijiang will be the king of the boundless sea of ​​chaos! According to the legend in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the six super powers suffered a great loss of vitality and their strength in the battle with Tiansangzi.

The status of the six superpowers has dropped sharply in the eyes of the many creatures in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Unexpectedly, the era of the six superpowers has just passed and ushered in the era of Emperor Jiang."

"From then on, Dijiang will become the only king of the boundless Chaos Sea!"

...Countless creatures sigh secretly.

This situation made the imperial army in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, arrogant, and acting more and more arrogant.

The gods of this small group of Emperor Army, with the imperial decree of Emperor Jiang, came outside the three thousand worlds, waited for a long time, but no one came out to pay attention to them.

This made them jump their feet with anger and become extremely angry.

"I'm pooh, Lin Fei, do you think you are amazing?

He even dared not accept the imperial decree of Lord Dijiang, and he was really impatient. "

"What **** alliance army, do you really consider yourself a superpower?

Now, our imperial army is the only superpower in the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

"Wait, wait for the day when our imperial army arrives, it will be the day when the three thousand worlds are destroyed!"

...... The gods of this small group of imperial army have yelled and cursed for most of the day, but still did not leave.

Because if they don't complete the task, they are afraid that Dijiang will punish them after returning.

Dijiang's opponents' slaves would fight and kill if they wanted to.

During this period, I don't know how many slaves who surrendered him were killed.

Just now.


"It's really annoying that a group of dog minions dare to come to a world of 3,000 sizes and bark and bark."

A young man, carrying a double queen, stepped out of a world of three thousand sizes.

It is Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, it's you! Have you finally showed your face!"

The group of gods recognized Lin Fei all at once and started to drink.

Lin Fei's appearance and spirit aura, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, had long been spread, and it was easy to recognize.

"Well, the legend is true.

Lin Fei, you are nothing but a true middle god.

Although, at a young age, being able to cultivate to this level, indeed, belongs to a small genius.

However, this kind of strength is not qualified yet, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, call the wind and rain! "

"Lin Fei, if you don't have Luoshengu behind your back, what are you, I can slap you to death with one palm!"

"Not bad.

Lin Fei, I really thought that you were a remarkable person.

Seen today, I was disappointed! It seems that you are indeed true, only relying on the support of Falling God Valley, reluctantly, in the boundless chaotic sea, dominate the blessing. "

... The gods of this small team of imperial army have never seen Lin Fei before, and their understanding of Lin Fei is all hearsay.

Now, when I saw Lin Fei, I realized that Lin Fei's realm was only a true middle-ranking god, and all of them suddenly felt contemptuous.

It is also true that a warrior with a high realm is very difficult to pay attention to a warrior with a lower realm.

"Lin Fei, forgive you for not daring not to accept Lord Dijiang's decree.

Now, immediately kneel down and take the order! "

A high-ranking god, true god, immediately took out a golden imperial decree, held it in both hands, faced Lin Fei, and shouted with majesty.

"Lin Fei, kneel down to take the order!"

The other gods also shouted loudly at the same time.

"It's really annoying."

Lin Fei was angry and funny, and shook his head.


"Be quiet!"

Lin Fei shouted.

Huh! A sharp sword light suddenly rushed out of Lin Fei's body and slashed towards the **** holding the imperial edict.

This sword light splits time and space, one side is Yin and the other is Yang, the sword intent is boiling, and the sword light is rolling.

In an instant, this piece of void, the blazing magma-like sword intent, and the icy cold sword intent, were constantly rotating, forming black and white eyes of yin and yang, swallowing toward the god.

This trick is called a sword to divide yin and yang.

It was Lin Fei who realized it by himself in the sword world, in the test of five sword mountains and five sword spirits.

Belongs to the world, the first-class brilliant sword move.

"You..." The **** was surrounded by black and white sword-intent yin and yang eyes, and found that his body was completely unable to move half a minute, and he couldn't help but lose his soul.

Pupu...His hands and feet were all crushed by sword intent.

Then, his head and body were also crushed by sword intent.

The imperial decree he took out was also continuously strangled and torn by the sword intent. In an instant, it was shredded and turned into nothingness.

"Ah... don't kill me!"

The soul body of the **** appeared in midair, making a heart-piercing cry.

"Lin Fei, stop, Hugh succeeded!"

The other gods were also shocked and screamed.

Huh! Lin Fei's mind moved, and another sword light slashed out.

It is still a sword dividing yin and yang.

Hundreds of thousands of miles in the void, filled with black and white sword intent, vast and mighty.

The gods of this small group of imperial troops seemed to be one by one.

Puff puff puff... billowing sword intent, crushing all their bodies into nothingness.

After a while.

In the void of hundreds of millions of miles, all the sword intent finally disappeared.

Calm was restored.

In the chaotic void, more than a dozen spirit bodies, one by one suspended in the air, all showed a panic expression.

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