Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3801: so amazing

at this time.

Within three thousand worlds.

There are also a large number of gods who are watching the development of things.

"so amazing!"

All the gods were shocked by Lin Fei's terrifying swordsmanship.

With one sword, all the bodies of a dozen gods were shredded.

Simply effortless.

These dozen or so gods are all true gods.

"Not bad."

Yang Song couldn't help but nodded again and again, extremely surprised.

"Lin Fei's swordsmanship is simply invincible in the world."

Within three thousand worlds, every **** is amazed.

"Master is mighty! Master cuts the enemy with a single sword, there is no one in the world!"

The one who called the loudest was naturally the gang of **** slaves under Lin Fei.

These **** slaves, seeing Lin Fei showing great power, yelled with joy one by one, shaking the entire 3,000-size world.

"Master is amazing!"

Azi clapped his hands again and again, and screamed very cheerfully.

Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, and three shark girls also came out to watch.

They are all gods, each one is sensitive, and they know what is happening outside.

"It's my man..." These stunning women stared at Lin Fei with admiring eyes.

"Little guy, in the future, if you can have your father's ability, mother will be relieved."

Qing Luo touched his belly and said softly.

"This kid is absolutely against the sky.

I thought that after I broke through to the gods, there was hope that the gap with this kid would be narrowed.

Unexpectedly, it expanded. "

In a corner of a three-thousand-size world, in a secret room, the goblin's gaze penetrated the void, seeing the scene that had just happened, couldn't help but shook his head and exclaimed.

The goblin is now also a god.

It is the realm of ordinary lower gods.

After becoming a god, the goblin puts more time on cultivation, and all his time is either cultivating or experiencing.

Because, with the birth of a large number of true gods, ordinary gods are nothing.

Goblins, as a race of ancient beasts, naturally have his pride.

He has always followed Lin Fei as an example to practice hard.

at the same time.

In a certain plane in a world of three thousand sizes.

In an ancient relic.

A teenager is watching a crystal screen in his hand.

This boy is Lin Fei's apprentice, Xiao Shi.

In the crystal screen, the scene of Lin Fei's fight against the gods of the emperor army was played repeatedly.

This video was sent to Xiaoshi by the real old man.

Although Lin Fei is Xiaoshi's master, in fact, most of them are really old people who are in direct contact with Xiaoshi.

"Master, his old man's combat power is simply shocking, weeping.

With a single sword, more than a dozen gods were killed.

And I, until now, have not broken through to become a god.

If this continues, I am afraid that sooner or later Master will despise me.

No, I must, hurry up and practice hard.

Become a **** soon! "

Xiao Shi secretly swears in his heart.

In short, at this moment, almost all the gods in a world of three thousand sizes stared at Lin Fei with shocked eyes.

Lin Fei had his hands on his back and looked at the soul bodies of the dozen or so gods.

"Lin Fei, you are so bold! We are from the Imperial Army, so you dare to do it too!"

The soul body of one of the gods, boldly shouted to Lin Fei.

"The bold one is you.

How dare you speak to me in this tone! "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

Mind moved.

laugh! A sword light flashed.

The soul body of this **** was cut open from it and divided into two.

"Ah... forgive me, Lin Fei, Lin Fei, don't kill me!"

Finally, the **** was completely afraid and felt the breath of death.

"Go back and tell Dijiang that he will not offend me, and I will not offend him.

If he dares to provoke me to three thousand worlds, he will regret it. "

Lin Fei said lightly.


Finally, Lin Fei shouted.

The dozen or so gods dared to talk back and fled one after another.

In an instant, he left without a trace.

Lin Fei didn't kill these gods because they were too weak for Lin Fei now.

So weak, Lin Fei couldn't be interested in killing them.

Otherwise, Lin Fei's sword light would be enough to wipe them all out.

It is not much different from killing a group of ants.

Therefore, facing a group of ants, a normal person would not have much interest in killing it.

This is the reason why Lin Fei didn't kill the gods of the imperial army.

"Dijiang, sooner or later there will be three thousand worlds."

At this moment, Yang Song came to Lin Fei's side and sighed softly.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Lin Fei, with your strength, how much confidence do you have to deal with Dijiang."

Yang Song asked.

"With my current strength, I am not Dijiang's opponent."

Lin Fei answered simply.

Yang Song fell silent upon hearing this.

"Master, I went back to retreat and practiced."

Lin Fei said to Yang Song.

Lin Fei intends to spend time studying the Law of Yin and Yang, the Law of Life, and the Law of Thunder and Lightning.

These three primitive laws of chaos are all very mysterious laws.

Once the enlightenment is successful, Lin Fei believes that his strength will definitely be improved.


Yang Song nodded. He understood that Lin Fei was under great pressure now, and he wanted to become stronger.

"Lin Fei."

Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, the three shark girls, and Azi all greeted them.

"Master, you are so amazing! I admire you so much!"

Azi smiled.

"Azi, you are the lower **** now, when will you break through to the middle god?"

Lin Fei said.

"Master, I want to cultivate a true god, and I won't break through to an ordinary middle god."

Azi replied.

"Yeah, too."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei took out a batch of training resources and handed them to Zi.

These training resources were obtained by Lin Fei in the palace where the old man of sword retreat in the sword world, on the mountain of God Sword.

In that palace, in addition to tens of millions of famous swords and the sword intent left by the old sword man, there were also many precious pill and medicine, heaven and earth treasures, etc., which Lin Fei took at hand.

One can imagine how precious the treasure left by the old man Sword.

If it's not the closest person, Lin Fei is absolutely reluctant to give it away.

"Qingluo, you also have it."

Lin Fei took out several training resources, Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, and the three shark girls, all of whom had a share.

Naturally, Lin Fei would leave these most precious training resources to the people closest to him.

"Lin Fei, stay with us."

Qing Luo looked at Lin Fei and said expectantly.


Lin Fei looked at several of his women, feeling a little guilty and unbearable. He and them have always been together.

So Lin Fei took a few women back to the headquarters of Cangyan Holy Land and spent a few days with them.

Then, Lin Fei began to practice in retreat.

Ten days later.

A news came.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, except for the six superpowers, most of the other forces have already surrendered to Dijiang.

Only a very small number of forces and creatures fled far and found a place to hide.

Dijiang has ruled the world! Of course, there are still six superpowers, and there hasn't been any movement from start to finish.

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