Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3824: The arrival of the imperial army

I saw a large space floating in the void, ups and downs.

The Cangyan Holy Land was wrapped in this space.


Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

A powerful force of time and space slowly dragged that space, into Lin Fei's body, and stored it in one of the human worlds.

"Lin Fei, most of the creatures have been collected into the space magic weapon."

Yang Song appeared in front of Lin Fei and said.

Among the various planes of the three thousand worlds, most of the creatures agreed to leave.

However, there are also a small number of creatures who are reluctant to leave because they are attached to their homeland. They want to live and die with their homeland.

These creatures, the gods don't want to force them, they have to let them fend for themselves.

"Ah, very good.

Let all the gods try to keep a certain distance from me.

Once the situation is critical, I will take everyone away. "

Lin Fei said.

"I have ordered to go down."

Yang Song nodded.

"After we leave, Dijiang will definitely destroy three thousand worlds."

Lin Fei sighed.


However, this is no alternative.

Dijiang is too powerful.

We stayed, it was useless.

Instead, he died. "

Yang Song sighed.

"This is the end of the matter, see walking."

Lin Fei sighed.

"Lin Fei."


"the host."

...At this moment, a large number of gods surrounded Lin Fei one after another.

Every **** carries many space magic weapons on his body.

In these space magic weapons, there are a large number of creatures from all planes in three thousand worlds.

Tens of thousands of gods surrounded Lin Fei, their eyes all falling on Lin Fei.

Lin Fei is already the core of a world of three thousand sizes.

"Well, I believe everyone is very clear about the current situation.

We are ready at any time to leave the world of three thousand sizes. "

Lin Fei's gaze slowly looked around the gods.

"Unfortunately, such a beautiful home is about to be destroyed.

Lin Fei, I don't know, will we still have a chance to come back to a world of three thousand sizes in the future. "

Pan Gu said sadly.

Pangu is one of the oldest gods in three thousand worlds, and he has a very deep affection for this world group.

I think back then, he took the Yangshen faction, in order to protect the three thousand worlds, and the Yinshen faction, a great war broke out, leaving a glorious legend in the three thousand worlds.

This world group is of great significance to him.

Now, they are facing the fate of being destroyed.

How not to make him sad.

"Even if we have a chance to come back later, what's the use?

The world of three thousand sizes will soon be completely destroyed by Dijiang.

When we come back later, all we can see is a ruin. "

Nuwa stood beside Pangu and couldn't help sighing.

Nuwa's feelings for the three thousand worlds are the same as Pangu.

The others, the native gods of three thousand worlds, also looked downcast and secretly sad.

"I understand everyone's feelings, but based on the current situation, we can only evacuate, and there is no other choice."

Yang Song comforted the gods.

"Please rest assured, everyone, assure you.

We will definitely come back in the future.

Moreover, three thousand large and small worlds will be rebuilt.

We are only leaving temporarily, not abandoning this home. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"Okay, Lin Fei, we trust you.

You are the pillar of our three thousand worlds, and our hope. "

Many gods said to Lin Fei.

Just at this time.

"Report! The imperial army is coming soon!"

A **** hurriedly rushed in from outside the world of three thousand sizes, and gave an urgent return.

"Emperor Jiang is here!"

All the gods in a world of three thousand sizes felt heavy in an instant, with their eyes penetrating time and space, looking far away.

"Master Dijiang, dominate the world forever!"

...In the chaotic void in the distance, there were bursts of huge shouts.

The billowing sound shook the entire three thousand-sized world.

Rumble...The mighty army swept like a torrent of steel.

Team after team, densely packed, packed in the void, all murderous.

You know, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, most of the forces have already surrendered to Dijiang.

Therefore, the number of imperial troops is amazing.

Wherever the imperial army went, everything was trembling, and the void was dim.

In the forefront of the imperial army.

A half-step master god, personally carrying a banner.

The banner was hunting and hunting along with the hurricane of time and space, shaking the surrounding void to pieces.

On the surface of the flag, two characters were engraved: Emperor Jun! These two words are very eye-catching, exuding an astonishing aura, like two beasts about to swallow people, transformed into two runes, cast on the flag surface.

The banner hunting, rumbling, like thunder, and like a drum, shocking people.

This is the pomp of Dijiang! "Master Dijiang, dominate the world forever!"

The imperial army yelled slogans while advancing, and never stopped.

This pomp is exactly the same as the emperor in the world on tour! Dijiang enjoys this feeling most.

He sat in the most central position of the army, on a high dragon chair, half-squinted his eyes, and heard the rumbling slogans in his ears. He was very comfortable and satisfied.

Around the dragon chair are piles of treasures like mountains.

There are treasures of heaven and earth, all kinds of rare spars in the world, magical elixir, ... these treasures are all dedicated to him by various factions.

Every force that surrendered to Dijiang must regularly quantify and tribute a large amount of resources for the use of Dijiang.

This is one of Dijiang's main purpose to conquer the boundless sea of ​​chaos, that is, to control all the resources in this chaotic space in his hands and use them arbitrarily.

"Report to Lord Dijiang, there are three thousand worlds ahead."

A half-step main god, cautiously came to Dijiang's dragon chair, and said respectfully.

"Immediately let Lin Fei roll out and kneel to greet him.

Otherwise, go straight in! Take this **** world group into ruins! "

Di Jiang said coldly.

"Subordinates understand!"

This half-step main **** quickly replied.

Soon, the mighty and mighty imperial vanguard troops came outside the three-thousand-large world. The leader of the team gave an order, and immediately, the three-thousand-large world was surrounded by water.

"Boy Lin Fei, get out immediately and run to meet Master Dijiang!"

"Lin Fei, you clown who doesn't know the heights and heights of the earth! Our Lord Dijiang has already arrived, and the smart one will roll out to greet him.

Otherwise, let you die without a burial place! "

"Lin Fei, you stinky boy, Lord Dijiang has already said that if you come out and kneel to greet you, you can also leave a corpse.

Otherwise, you will be crushed to pieces and souls scattered! "

...The imperial army's men and horses roared, shouting and cursing, aggressively.

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