Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3825: Lin Fei's combat power

The vanguards of the imperial army densely surrounded the three thousand worlds.

In the rear, the imperial army's large forces are approaching in mighty force.


In the entire boundless chaotic sea, there are still a series of strong eyes, penetrating the distant time and space, paying attention to what is happening here in three thousand worlds.

Especially those main gods, all gloating, want to see Lin Fei's jokes.

"Hey, Lin Fei, you arrogant kid, now you can bear it."

A sneer sounded in every corner of the boundless Chaos Sea.

In short, at this moment, the attention of the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos is in the world of three thousand sizes.

Three thousand large and small worlds have completely become the focus.

at this time.

In a world of three thousand sizes, a large group of gods stood beside Lin Fei, waiting for Lin Fei's order.

Yang Song and Lin Fei stood side by side, looking out.

"You are so bold, dare to come to three thousand big and small worlds to shout, do you want to die?"

Lin Fei suddenly spoke, and said loudly, the voice was transmitted to the ears of every member of the Imperial Army.

While Lin Fei spoke, he used his divine consciousness to crush the members of the imperial army surrounding the three thousand worlds.

Every member of the imperial army, the soul body was trembling constantly, the mood jumped, breathing became difficult, and his face turned pale.

"Lin Fei, what are you fierce! In front of Lord Dijiang, you are nothing but a clown."

"Lin Fei, it's you who really want to die! Lord Dijiang's little finger is enough to crush you to death! You are so embarrassed to jump here!"

"Lin Fei, if you dare to speak in such a tone, you are dead.

Not only you, but all the creatures of the three thousand worlds, will be buried for you! "

... However, these men of the imperial army were even more aggressive.

Because, when they remembered that there was Di Jiang behind them, they didn't put Lin Fei in their eyes.

You know, not long ago, Dijiang defeated 21 main gods with one person! Such a record is shocking and invincible in the world! The troops of the imperial army have regarded Dijiang as the most powerful existence in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Well, since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

Lin Fei sneered.

call out! Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and he displayed the ultimate heart sword style.

An extremely faint, extremely faint, almost transparent sword light, appeared outside the three thousand worlds, among the men and horses of the imperial army.

Cut across.

Puff puff puff... the speed of this sword light was simply indescribable. Every member of the imperial army was refused to be cut in half, without any resistance.

Because the speed of this transparent sword light is too fast, and the members of the imperial army have no time to react.

I don't even know what happened.

When they reacted, the physical body, including the soul body, had been cut in half.

Even those true gods are the same, they simply can't resist this transparent sword light.

Just a breath time.

Outside the three-thousand-size world, all the members of the imperial army had their bodies cut open and died on the spot.

No member of the imperial army can escape death.

The vanguard of the imperial army is wiped out! Within one breathing time! At this moment, countless eyes became shocked.

You must know that this vanguard of the imperial army not only has a large number, but also has a large number of gods, including many high-level gods.

In just one breath, they were all killed.

Such combat power is really terrifying.

Even the main gods in the boundless sea of ​​chaos were slightly lost.

Although, their strength can also kill all the vanguard troops of the Imperial Army.

However, they might not be able to make Lin Fei so fast, so swift and clean.

These main gods looked at Lin Fei's gaze, a bit complicated and a little unwilling.

They understood that Lin Fei was already genuine and possessed the same combat power as them.

They can no longer treat Lin Fei as a junior.

Because Lin Fei's status, status, and strength are already on the same level as them.

Even if they are not reconciled, but Lin Fei has truly risen! "A true middle-ranking **** actually possesses the power of the main god. It is estimated that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, he is absolutely unprecedented!"

These main gods thought secretly in their hearts.


Within three thousand worlds.

With a single sword, Lin Fei killed all the vanguard of the imperial army.

This scene shocked the gods in the three thousand worlds.

Surprise! Lin Fei is now the core and spiritual pillar of the three thousand worlds.

Lin Feiyue is powerful, and these gods in a world of three thousand sizes are naturally happier.

"Lin Fei, you have repeatedly disobeyed me.

Even if I cherish your talent, I have to kill you. "

At this time, Dijiang's voice slowly sounded, and it spread into a world of three thousand sizes, rumbling and echoing.

"Give me in!"

Di Jiang lightly shouted.

"Kill! Go in and step into the ruins of three thousand worlds!"

"Smash that kid Lin Fei into ten thousand pieces!"

"Kill! Kill a chicken or dog without leaving!"

... Following Di Jiang's order, the mighty emperor soldiers launched a frantic attack.

The densely packed army, like a vast ocean, rushed in violently into a world of three thousand sizes.


Yang Song shouted.

Immediately, a large feng shui array of three thousand worlds emerged and was completely activated.

Rumble...The feng shui large array released a billowing yellow array energy, which condensed into a thick yellow mud wall, blocking the path of the emperor's soldiers and horses.

"Fight! Break this **** formation!"

"A mere formation can't stop the footsteps of our great imperial army!"

......The imperial army's men and horses, one by one, were aggressive, as if they were beaten with blood, and their fighting spirit was boiling.

Rumble... every member of the imperial army frantically attacked the feng shui array of three thousand worlds with loud noises.

"Those who dare to offend my 3,000 large and small worlds will all die!"

Lin Fei said coldly.

Show the ultimate heart sword style once again.

Puff puff puff... the members of the imperial army continued to fall quickly.

Less than a breath.

All members of the imperial army who attacked the Feng Shui Great Array were all killed.

Not one left! The entire boundless Chaos Sea was dead for a moment again.

The terrifying combat power that Lin Fei showed has once again lost countless powerful people.

"Huh! Not bad.

However, this ability can't stop my Dijiang's footsteps. "

Suddenly, Di Jiang, who had been sitting high-end on the dragon chair, snorted coldly.

Buzzing... immediately, in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, endless black bugs madly converged towards three thousand worlds.

In a moment, the world of three thousand sizes was completely surrounded by dense, vast sea of ​​black bugs.

Buzzing... the black bug that covered the sky and the sun rushed in frantically into a world of three thousand sizes.

This is a black bug, crawling on the feng shui array, gnawing frantically.

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