Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3826: Repel the army of black bugs

"No, these beasts are so terrible, they can even destroy the formation."

Within three thousand worlds, Yang Song's expression couldn't help but change.

Those black bugs, in a moment, bit the surface of the Feng Shui array into pits and pits, and continued to deepen.

"These black bugs seem to be able to bite through anything."

Lin Fei frowned and said.

"Haha...Look, this big formation is about to be broken!"

"Master Dijiang is invincible in the world. With a mere feng shui formation, how can you resist Master Dijiang's advancement!"

...The imperial army's men and horses were applauded in a loud voice, and all kinds of nasty pleasing voices were endless.

"Huh, is it really a bully for a three-thousand-sized world!"

Lin Fei said coldly.

After speaking, Lin Fei directly displayed the ultimate heart sword style.

A faint sword light slashed out.

The speed of this sword light is the same as the speed of the mind.

At such a terrifying speed, even the main **** cannot dodge.

Dangdang... At the next moment, on the surface of the feng shui array, there was a burst of dense and clear metal crashing sound, endless.

One by one, the black bugs were hit, and they were thrown out by the shock.

The number of black bugs, although many.

However, the sword light that Lin Fei slashed out was too fast, and almost hit all the black bugs in an instant.

Hula la... Suddenly, the dense black bugs were blasted out continuously, like patches of black tide, quickly retreating back.

"Lin Fei, your attack speed is estimated to be the first in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos."

Yang Song stood by and couldn't help sighing.

"Mental power is indeed a very practical force."

Lin Fei also nodded.

Lin Fei understood that his attack speed was mainly due to his mental strength.

"It's a pity that I have always been above my mental strength and I haven't made much progress."

Lin Fei sighed.

Mind strength is a peculiar, practical, and difficult practice.

Lin Fei found that his mental strength seemed to be stuck in a bottleneck. Since this period of time, he has not made much progress.

If he can make progress above his mental strength, Lin Fei believes that his combat power will definitely rise to a new level.

Because, at this stage, for Lin Fei, Origin Ultimate Heart Sword is his most powerful and lethal hole card.

And the ultimate heart sword style of the origin requires the cooperation of two aspects, first, the level of kendo, and second, the mental strength.

Lin Fei's kendo level has improved a lot during this period, which can be described by leaps and bounds.

Only mental strength, stagnation.

Di Jiang, who was sitting on the dragon chair at the center of the mighty Emperor Army, looked a bit ugly.

Those black bugs are one of his trump cards. It can be said that they are invincible and invincible.

Even if he was a main god, he had to retreat obediently when he encountered so many black bugs.

Because these black bugs are too hard to kill.

Moreover, you can bite through anything and eat everything.

At the same time, there are a large number of them, and the speed is fast, and the Lord God is also helpless! Unexpectedly, now it seems to have encountered an opponent.

This opponent is Lin Fei.

Lin Fei could shake all the black bugs flying in an instant.

"Huh! Give it to me! I see how many times you can block it!"

Di Jiang felt that his face was a little uncontrollable, and said angrily.

Buzzing...under Dijiang's order, the overwhelming black insects once again collectively flap their wings, turning into a black ocean, sweeping toward the feng shui of three thousand worlds.

Bang Bang... the dense black bugs crashed frantically on the feng shui formation, and then began to bite the surface of the formation.

In an instant, the feng shui great array was bitten into small and uneven holes.

Lin Fei and Yang Song both changed their colors slightly.

The feng shui array really can't stop these black bugs.

Originally, Feng Shui Dazhen has always been the patron saint of three thousand worlds.

It is precisely because of the protection of the feng shui array that the world of three thousand sizes is like a paradise. No matter how chaotic the situation in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the world of three thousand sizes is also safe.

Because even the main gods cannot break this geomantic formation.

Unexpectedly, now, in front of Dijiang, this feng shui grand formation is a bit vulnerable.

However, it was impossible for Lin Fei to watch the Feng Shui array being broken.

As soon as his mind moved, Lin Fei performed the ultimate heart sword pose again.

Dangdang... The dense metal crashing sound resounded again, endlessly shaking the sky.

Wow...In the void, it seemed that there was a black rainstorm, and the dense black bugs were constantly thrown out by the shock.

The attack of the black bug, once again, was repelled by Lin Fei.

at the same time.

Beyond the distant time and space, in the valley of God.

"Well done!"

"Lin Fei, this kid, is actually stronger than me!"

"The apprentice the master accepted is really not easy.

In a short period of time, he has reached this point in his cultivation. "

"According to me, it's mainly the master who taught well.

Without the master's instruction, this kid wouldn't make such progress. "

... the Chinese zodiac signs, all of them cheered for Lin Fei, talked and talked a lot.

The zodiac signs are all concentrated on the square in the depths of Luoshen Valley.

In the middle of the square, the statue that has been standing still has two gazes, looking into the direction of three thousand worlds, watching the progress of things.

"Lin Fei's progress is indeed very good.

This is mainly because of his talent. "

Inside the statue, a sound came out, with a somewhat comforting taste.

"Well, that's right, Lin Fei, the boy, I saw him at that time.

It didn't disappoint me. "

The most proud of it was the Tianguo Swallowing Dog. Back then, it was he who brought Lin Fei back to Luoshengu.

"Master, what do you think will be if Lin Fei and Di Jiang face each other."

Tuntiangu asked curiously.

"In terms of combat power, Lin Fei must not be able to beat Dijiang now.

Dijiang came from another chaotic space, and the secret technique he cultivated was strange and terrifying to the creatures of three thousand worlds.

Moreover, Dijiang possesses the body of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, which is not only infinitely powerful, but also extremely hard, almost unkillable.

Therefore, if Lin Fei and Di Jiang were to fight hard, he would definitely not be an opponent.

However, Lin Fei's practice of the shadowless style, and the original ultimate heart sword style, can greatly contain Dijiang, and at the same time, Lin Fei also has a nearly immortal body.

As a result, even though Lin Fei could not beat Dijiang, he did not worry about his life.

Don't worry, let Lin Fei toss himself, this is a rare exercise for him. "

A voice came from the statue.

Obviously, this statue master of Lin Fei did not intend to help Lin Fei.

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