Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3833: Primitive ancestor

"Lin Fei, stop!"

"Lin Fei, you really dare to do it! You are not afraid of Lord Dijiang, do you want to settle the account!"

... The high-level members of the Tianpeng clan, seeing the Tianpeng clan members, continue to die tragically on the spot, they are startled and angry, and roar.

"It's useless to mention Dijiang to me.

Dijiang cannot protect you.

Moreover, your genocide disaster, in the final analysis, was brought to you by Dijiang. "

Lin Fei sneered with his hands on his back.

Puff puff puff... the faint sword light flashed everywhere in the Tianpeng world group, and the creatures passed by, directly blasted to pieces.

The ultimate heart sword style that Lin Fei showed, even Dijiang can cut.

Used to deal with these people of the Tianpeng tribe, it is simply a sledgehammer, and an overkill! Just between a few breaths.

In the Tianpeng world group, almost half of the creatures were swept by the sword light and died tragically on the spot.

Look around.

The fog of blood in the sky was too dense to dissolve.

The endless blood mist gathered into a river of blood, flowing slowly in the void.

Countless remnants of souls manifested in the void, howling and screaming.

All this happened too fast.

That is, things between a few breaths.

"Little Thief Lin Fei! I'm fighting with you!"

A true **** of the Tianpeng clan, with a crazy appearance, roared sharply and charged towards Lin Fei.


Lin Fei said lightly.

A faint sword light swept past.

puff! This upper god, true god, exploded on the spot and turned into a cloud of blood.

"Stop! Lin Fei, are you really going to destroy my Tianpeng clan!"

The sudden change caused the patriarch of the Tianpeng clan to be extremely angry.

Seeing the tragic deaths of all the people, he was so angry that he trembled, and at the same time, the coldness in his heart was rising.

Lin Fei's combat power is too terrifying.

He has no time to stop all this, and he has no ability to stop it.

Only, watching, his people continue to die.

"Not bad.

I really want to destroy the Tianpeng clan. "

Lin Fei replied lightly, expressionless, as if neither joy nor sadness.


Patriarch Tianpeng asked angrily.

"Well, do you need to ask?

Naturally, it is because of Dijiang. "

Lin Fei replied.

"It's also because of him.

It was he who told me that your Tianpeng tribe is Dijiang's most trusted tribe and most capable assistant.

Dijiang is my enemy.

Since you are Dijiang's most capable assistants, of course, I want to kill you.

Otherwise, you will help Dijiang deal with me in the future.

What I said is not difficult to understand. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"Peng Lin! You! It was you who attracted Lin Fei!"

The furious gaze of the Tianpeng patriarch fell on Lin Fei, the big man of the Tianpeng clan.

This big man is called Peng Lin.

"Patriarch, I..." At this time, Peng Lin, completely frightened, was so frightened that he was boundless and almost unable to stand. He didn't even know if he answered the patriarch's question.

Because it was him who attracted Lin Fei.

If not what he said to Lin Fei.

Perhaps Lin Fei would not notice the Tianpeng clan and would not come to the Tianpeng clan.

In other words, it would not bring such a terrible disaster to the Tianpeng clan.

After all, the most direct cause of all this is Peng Lin.

At this moment, Peng Lin really regretted his intestines.

He regretted why he said those words to Lin Fei at that time.

As a result, such a terrible disaster was brought to the Tianpeng clan.

At this moment, what a hope he was, he hadn't said anything to show off to Lin Fei! Unfortunately, in the world, there is no regret selling medicine! "Patriarch, I didn't mean it, I really don't know, it would be like this..." Penglin hesitated and hesitated to face the patriarch's murderous gaze, and didn't dare to face it.

"Damn it!"

The patriarch Tianpeng was so angry that Liushen jumped.

"I will kill you!"

The patriarch Tianpeng slashed out with a sharp palm light, slashing towards Penglin.

"I said, let him see with his own eyes how I destroyed the Tianpeng clan.

Therefore, he has to stay till the end before he can die. "

Lin Fei shook his head and said.

A force of power shook the palm of the Tianpeng clan.

Puff puff puff... the faint sword light that Lin Fei sent out was still chasing and killing the people of the Tianpeng clan, and a cloud of blood mist continued to bloom.

Tianpeng clan is a big clan.

The number of tribesmen is a lot.

It's just that Lin Fei's ultimate origin heart sword style is too fast.

Sweep everything, crush everything.

The number of Tianpeng people is decreasing at an alarming rate.

"Go! Everyone shows the ancestral body, go together, and fight with Lin Fei.

Otherwise, our Tianpeng clan will really be annihilated! "

An old man with a dreadful old age appeared in the void of the Tianpeng world group, staring at Lin Fei with bitter eyes, and shouted harshly.

Boom... Those high-level Tianpeng clan, one by one, began to transform.

It turned into a big, huge body, with golden wings.

In the blink of an eye, I saw a head of golden roc bird, spreading its wings, soaring in the void.

Claws point to Binghan, eyes are cold, golden wings, like golden spears, are draped over the body.

It turned out that the people of the Tianpeng clan had cultivated to a certain level, and waited until the bloodline of returning to the ancestor appeared in the bloodline, they could, in the battle, become a golden roc bird.

The golden roc bird is the original ancestor of the Tianpeng clan.

However, not that every member of the Tianpeng tribe can cultivate to the realm of the primitive ancestor body.

Those who can cultivate to this step are the high-level experts in the Tianpeng clan.

"Lin Fei, die!"

A huge golden roc bird flapped its long golden wings, flapped the sky, rolled up an endless hurricane in time and space, and charged towards Lin Fei.

This is a senior figure in the Tianpeng clan.

Has the strength of a half-step main god.

In the entire Tianpeng clan, there are only four and a half-step main gods.

Therefore, this golden roc bird is one of the top masters in the Tianpeng clan.

"Haha, it's useless to show the body."

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back and did not evade.

Let the golden Dapeng bird rush over directly.

Huhu...The golden roc bird, two wings hanging from the sky, rolled up the monstrous space-time hurricane, shaking the void for hundreds of millions of miles.

The terrible pressure, like a vast ocean, overwhelmed Xiang Lin Fei.

It has to be said that after the ancestral body appeared, this master of the Tianpeng clan, at least, had increased his strength several times! Even, faintly, close to the power of the main god! Moreover, the speed of the attack, at the very least, increased hundreds of times.

Because speed is one of the most important talents of the Tianpeng clan! However, Lin Fei stood steady like a mountain with a plain expression.

"Lin Fei, die!"

Finally, the golden Dapeng bird flew in front of Lin Fei.

Two cold golden claws, tearing the sky, terribly sharp, pounced at Lin Fei.

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