Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3834: Extermination

Not only that, there are dozens of golden roc birds in the surrounding void, staring at Lin Fei with cold eyes, ready to go, ready to besiege Lin Fei.

Boom! Two huge and sharp golden bird claws blasted in front of Lin Fei, and the terrible wind shook the space where Lin Fei was standing.

However, Lin Fei's face did not change in any way.

Lin Fei lifted a slap and gently slapped it out.

This action is like slapping flies.

In the process of being slapped out, Lin Fei's slap quickly turned into a golden hand.

The golden symbols are condensed in the palm of the hand.

This is a kind of inheritance control of the Tianjin clan, and its power is terrible.

Then, Lin Fei's golden slap collided with the two huge golden bird claws.

Puff! There was no imaginary collision of earth-shattering energy, two golden bird claws, like two bubbles, exploded on the spot.


boom! The body of that golden roc bird also exploded to pieces, its appearance and spirit disappeared! This golden roc bird is a top master in the Tianpeng clan, and a half-step master god.

But Lin Fei gave it a light palm, and it was smashed on the spot, and blood and bones were scattered everywhere.

Within the entire Tianpeng world group.

A dead silence.

Every member of the Tianpeng tribe seemed to be poured on their heads with a bucket of snow water, from head to toe.

You know, the half-step main **** is already the most powerful and top expert among the Tianpeng clan.

However, he was smashed by the opponent with just a slap, and there was no way to fight back.

How can I fight this?

In the Tianpeng world group, there was a dead silence.

Lin Fei moved.

call out! Lin Fei appeared ghostly, appeared in front of a golden Dapeng bird and slapped it over.

"help me!"

This golden roc bird looked very mighty, but at this moment, it discovered with horror that its body was firmly suppressed by a terrifying force.

Can't move the slightest.

Lin Fei's body contained more than one hundred human worlds, and the energy released at the same time was terrifying to the extreme. Even if he encountered the main god, he could fight.

How could these masters of the Tianpeng clan be able to resist.

Besides, Lin Fei's body already contains some world powers.

World power is a higher level of energy than chaotic energy.

The power is naturally terrifying.

With the world's mighty power, Lin Fei's destructive power is even stronger.

boom! Following Lin Fei's palm slap, this golden roc bird exploded into a cloud of blood and died on the spot.


Lin Fei kept showing her figure.

Bang Bang... one by one golden roc bird, constantly exploding.

In a moment.

Among the Tianpeng world group, dozens of golden roc birds were almost dead.

These dozens of golden roc birds are among the most powerful masters of the Tianpeng clan, all of them are senior figures of the Tianpeng clan.

Now, almost dead.

Only the last master left.

Chief Tianpeng! "Lin Fei, you..., you..., you are too cruel!"

At this time, the patriarch Tianpeng stood still, pointing at Lin Fei with his fingers, shaking all over, unable to speak a complete sentence.

He looked at Lin Fei's gaze, with fear, shock, and anger,... he saw with his own eyes that the top masters of the Tianpeng clan died in front of him, the patriarch of Tianpeng, completely unable to accept what happened before him. thing.


In the Tianpeng world group, all the members of the Tianpeng clan were shocked.

Do not dare to move.

call out! Lin Fei's figure moved, ghostly, and appeared in front of the Tianpeng clan.

"I said, it's going to be annihilated.

You Tianpeng Clan, it's over. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

After speaking.

call out! A faint sword light slashed over.


Patriarch Tianpeng, facing the ultimate source heart sword style cut by Lin Fei, he had no ability to resist, a sense of fear of death, and firmly grasped him. The only thing he could do was to beg for mercy.


There is no use begging for mercy.

Lin Fei is determined to destroy the Tianpeng clan.

next moment.

boom! The body of the patriarch Tianpeng was directly exploded, turned into a cloud of blood, and drifted away in the wind.

The strength of this Tianpeng patriarch is only a half-step main god.

For Lin Fei, it was naturally very weak.

"No! The patriarch is dead too!"

All the members of the Tianpeng clan screamed one by one.

At this moment.

These Tianpeng people no longer have any intent to fight.

The senior figures in the clan, including the patriarch, have all fallen! Moreover, almost all of them were killed by a spike! Such a scene completely scared all the members of the Tianpeng clan.

"Run away! Run away, everyone, as much as you can!"

Suddenly, without knowing who it was, he yelled.

Then, all the members of the Tianpeng tribe realized their understanding and began to flee frantically.

"It's useless."

Lin Fei said coldly.


A faint sword light chased up those clansmen of the Tianpeng clan.

Puff...One after another Tianpeng people, their bodies continued to explode, turning into masses of blood mist, just like blood-colored fireworks blooming brilliantly.

After a while.

Finally, in the Tianpeng world group, most of the Tianpeng clan members all fell.

Lin Fei did not kill only those women and children who had no combat power.

In this way, it finally left a little blood for the Tianpeng people.

Not that the blood of this race will completely disappear.

"Now, you should believe it.

I have destroyed the Tianpeng clan. "

At this moment, Lin Fei turned around, staring at the big man of the Tianpeng clan who had been following him, and said lightly.

"You..., you..." This big man witnessed the whole process, and the impact he received was simply unimaginable.

The depth of the fear experienced in my heart and the magnitude of the remorse generated are completely indescribable.

At this moment, what a hope he was, he was in a world of three thousand sizes, and he didn't say that to Lin Fei.

It is precisely because of what he said that brought the disaster of extermination to the Tianpeng clan! "Haha... I am wrong, I am guilty... I am a sinner of the Tianpeng clan! I am wrong!"

Suddenly, the spirit of this big man completely collapsed, he fell into a state of madness, and laughed out loud.

A huge sense of fear, a deep sense of guilt, and guilt, unexpectedly, made him crazy.


Lin Fei was a bit speechless.

With the movement of his mind, a powerful force was released and shattered the big man on the spot into a cloud of blood.


"Those who dare to provoke me to three thousand worlds, this is the end.

Di Jiang, wait.

I will come back to find you. "

Lin Fei left a sentence engraved in the void of the Tianpeng clan.

Then, take a step out and disappear.

In this sentence, Lin Fei used a clever time and space law.

It will be deeply carved in the void of the Tianpeng clan, and will not disappear after the baptism of years.

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