Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3835: A terrifying existence

After Lin Fei left, the words left behind were still resounding in the Tianpeng world group.

Moreover, this sentence was also transmitted to the outside of the Tianpeng world group mightily, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, transmitted far away.

Almost, most of the boundless Chaos Sea was shaken.

Countless ethnic groups and countless forces have been alarmed.


One by one, strong men followed the sound source and looked at the Tianpeng world group from a distance, wondering what happened.


What happened in the Tianpeng world group was perceived.

"Oh my God! Tianpeng clan has been annihilated!"

"It was Lin Fei who did it. I used the technique of time-space retrospect and saw Lin Fei's figure!"

"Lin Fei annihilated the Tianpeng clan!"

...The entire boundless sea of ​​chaos began to stir.

The news that the Tianpeng clan was annihilated by Lin Fei spread throughout the boundless sea of ​​chaos in a very short period of time at an astonishing speed.

This is an extremely shocking news.

There was a huge wave.

You know, the Tianpeng clan has been the most popular force in the boundless sea of ​​chaos since this period of time.

Relying on the power of Dijiang, the status and power of the Tianpeng clan reached a peak that no one can match.

Such a hot group, unexpectedly, in this way, was annihilated! In the entire Tianpeng world group, there is blood and bones floating everywhere, and there is a strong smell of blood everywhere.

Everywhere, there are remnants of howling souls.

In this place, it was explained that the Tianpeng clan was completely finished.

"I can't believe it. Dijiang trusts the most, the most powerful group of [Pencil Novel], just like that, it was destroyed!"

"Obviously, Lin Fei was aiming at Dijiang to destroy the Tianpeng clan.

Lin Fei, this is revenge on Dijiang! "

"Not bad.

The Tianpeng clan is really pitiful. Originally, there was no deep hatred with Lin Fei, but because of following Dijiang, it caused the scourge of the clan. "

"I heard that in the past few days, the Tianpeng Clan has sent a large number of people to search for the whereabouts of the missing creatures in three thousand worlds.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that Lin Fei was angered. "

...In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are creatures everywhere, talking frantically about this amazing news.

Because the Tianpeng clan is the most trusted and powerful force in Dijiang.

Such ethnic groups, naturally, are the focus of attention.

at this time.

Ice Palace.

The ice palace is now empty.

In the past, the Ice Palace was the headquarters of the Alliance Army.

However, afterwards, the Alliance army had already withdrawn to a world of three thousand sizes, so the Ice Palace remained empty.

Lin Fei came to the Ice Sword plane in the Ice Palace.

In the depths of the void on the ice sword plane, there is a sword shrine.

This sword shrine is very hidden.

Except for Lin Fei and some high-level members of the Ice Palace, no other creatures knew about it.

Lin Fei walked into the sword shrine.

In the sword temple, it is very simple.

In the center, there is an altar table, and on the altar table, there are five soul tablets.

"Lin Fei, you are here."

Tianluo Jianzi appeared, standing in front of Lin Fei.

"I have seen Senior Tian Luo."

Lin Fei Li said.

"Haha, Lin Fei, don't be polite.

Lin Fei, during this period, your combat power has improved too fast.

Well, the progress in Kendo is amazing. "

Tianluo Jianzi looked at Lin Fei and couldn't help but praise.

"Senior Tian Luo praised.

I can make such a great progress in Kendo.

The main reason is the cultivation of senior Tian Luo. "

Lin Fei said gratefully.

It is also true that if there is no Tianluo Jianzi to guide Lin Fei into the sword world.

Some time ago, Lin Fei was definitely not able to achieve such a great achievement in kendo.

"Haha, Lin Fei, in fact, the main reason is your own talent.

If, your aptitude talent is not enough.

Even if you enter the sword world, it is of little use. "

Tian Luo Jianzi laughed.

"Senior Tianluo, in the next period of time, I want to enter the sword world and practice."

Lin Fei said.

"Well, go ahead.

Indeed, with your current strength, the sword world is the most suitable place for your cultivation.

Lin Fei, with your current combat power, you are not yet Dijiang's opponent.

Therefore, you need to practice to improve your combat power. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

Although he has stayed in the sword shrine, he never asked about the boundless chaotic sea.

However, he knew everything that happened in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

After all, he used to be the top powerhouse who ruled the sword world.

A ruler of the highest world will naturally possess some abilities that others cannot compare.

"I am indeed not Dijiang's opponent."

Lin Fei shook his head and sighed.

"However, Dijiang destroyed three thousand worlds. Sooner or later I will find him to settle this account."

Lin Fei continued.

"Well, I understand your mood."

Tianluo Jianzi nodded and said.

"By the way, Senior Tianluo, what do you think is going on with that hand of God in the sword world?"

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

In the sword world, a terrifying big hand suddenly appeared, and from time to time, it would appear in the sword world, killing a large number of creatures.

Even if he is the main god, he has to avoid this terrifying hand of God and dare not fight hard.

In the current sword world, because of the hand of God, most of the creatures choose to hide in their own plane, and if it is not necessary, they will not walk around.

Lin Fei entered the sword world twice, and became interested in the hand of God.

Therefore, I came here specially and asked Tianluo Jianzi about this matter.

After all, Tianluo Jianzi had ruled the sword world before, and was extremely familiar with everything in the sword world.

"The Hand of God..." Tian Luo Jianzi's face changed slightly when Lin Fei asked.

"The hand of God is extremely strange.

It suddenly appeared in the sword world, crushing everything.

For a while, I also couldn't understand what was going on. "

Tianluo Jianzi looked towards the direction of the sword world and said to himself.

"However, this hand of God reminds me of a word that Master once said to our five brothers.

That is, all the supreme world has been targeted by a terrifying existence.

One day, that terrifying existence will take action to deal with every Supreme World.

Could it be that this hand of God is what Master said, that terrifying existence? "

Tian Luo Jianzi recalled.

"A terrifying existence, eyeing all the highest world?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.


Master, I did say so. "

Tian Luo Jianzi nodded.

The old man is the first person in the sword world.

What he has experienced, what he knows, and what he deduced is naturally much more than that of others.

Therefore, the reliability of what the old man said is naturally very high.

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