Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3836: The Hand of God Reappears

"Master and his elders also said that the Supreme World will one day usher in catastrophe.

Could it be that in the sword world, the hand of God is the catastrophe that the master said. "

Tian Luo Jianzi guessed.

"The catastrophe of the highest world?"

Lin Fei was a little dumbfounded.

The highest world is the most advanced, mysterious, seductive, and happiest world in the minds of all beings in the boundless chaotic sea.

However, it now appears that the Supreme World is not peaceful and prosperous either.

Also, it will be like the boundless sea of ​​chaos, with all kinds of catastrophes.

"Not bad.

Moreover, back then, the reason why Master and four seniors entered the sword world was that mysterious hole.

One of the reasons is that Master felt that the mysterious cave entrance might be related to the catastrophe of the Highest World.

Therefore, the master realized that the cave entrance was dangerous, but he still entered it. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

"Senior Tianluo, where is the mysterious hole in the sword world? I have entered the sword world twice, but I haven't found the hole."

Lin Fei said.

In fact, Lin Fei had heard Tianluo Jianzi say before about the mysterious hole in the sword world.

Lin Fei entered the sword world twice, and had also paid attention to it, trying to find the mysterious hole.

However, nothing has been discovered.

"Lin Fei, you must not mix with that mysterious hole.

Not to mention you, even my master, and four seniors, entering the cave, it's not easy. "

Tian Luo Jianzi was taken aback and said quickly.

"Lin Fei, promise me not to explore the cave."

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

"Senior..." Lin Fei didn't know how to answer.

"Unless, when your strength is reached, you can beat Dijiang.

Wait until that day, if you still insist on exploring that mysterious cave.

I will not stop you again.

Otherwise, before then, if you enter that mysterious cave, you will undoubtedly die. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

"OK then."

Lin Fei nodded and agreed.

"Senior Tianluo, next, I will enter the sword world to practice."

Lin Fei said.

"Go, boy.

You can only protect everything you care about if you keep getting stronger.

Also, the five sword spirits of Shenjian Mountain seem to be very optimistic about you.

Have a good relationship with them.

Back then, even my master was very kind to them.

My master once said that Shenjian Mountain is the root of the sword world.

The five sword spirits are the patron saints of the sword world.

So, on the surface, it seems that the powerful forces that rule the sword world are those few powerful forces.

However, now, the real master of the sword world should be those five sword spirits. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

"So that's the case!"

Lin Fei was a little shocked.

"All right.

Go ahead. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

"Then I will go."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Feizhan left the sword shrine, left the ice palace, and headed towards the gate of the sword world.

Soon, Lin Fei came to the door of the sword world.

In and out of the Sword Realm, Lin Fei had long been familiar with the road, found the weak time and space node in the Sword Realm, and then entered the sword world.

In the chaotic void of the sword world.

Still the same as before, without any vitality.

Obviously, the threat of the hand of God is still there.

Lin Fei used various laws of the origin of chaos, covering his body tightly, looking into the depths of the chaos void.

Nothing was found.

The hand of God comes and goes without a trace.

No one knows when it will appear.


Perhaps Senior Tian Luo is correct.

After my strength is able to defeat Dijiang, I will definitely study carefully what is going on with the hand of God and the mysterious hole. "

Lin Fei's gaze scanned the chaotic void of the sword world, and said inwardly.


Just at this time.


Rumble... Deep in the chaotic void of the sword world, there was a loud noise.

Then, a giant hand slowly emerged from the depths of the void, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

In an instant, the entire sword world was shaken by the terrifying aura of that giant hand.

The mighty energy aura quickly permeated, and in an instant, it spread throughout the sword world.

"No, the hand of God has appeared again!"

At this moment, all the creatures in the sword world knew what had happened.

Because, every time the hand of God appeared, it was such a scene.

"It's a bit bad! The hand of God seems to be directed at me!"

As soon as the giant hand appeared, Lin Fei felt locked in.

A strong breath of death enveloped Lin Fei.

Rumble...Sure enough, the hand of God pointed at Lin Fei and stretched out.

It seems slow, but in fact, it is terribly fast.

The speed of this giant hand, even Lin Fei, was shocked and sighed.


Lin Fei discovered that chains condensed by laws were continuously extending from the void, sealing the space where he was.

Then, Lin Fei found that his body began to become heavier, and his actions began to become difficult.

Rumble...The hand of God slowly shot towards Lin Fei.

"No way.

I can't, just like that, die here. "

Lin Fei shouted.


Rumble...In Lin Fei's body, everything that could be mobilized was mobilized.

The physique of the chaotic heaven and earth, the physique of the Tianjin people, too last week's induction chapter, chaotic energy, law power, and even, spirit energy...boom...infinite energy, mighty, released from Lin Fei's body .

The time and space around was shattered instantly.

Finally, Lin Fei found that his body was able to move.


call out! Lin Feizhan's starting method, rushed towards the chaotic void in the distance.

It's just that the hand of God chased after it, aimed at Lin Fei, and chased it.

Lin Fei's body speed is so fast that even the main **** may not be able to catch up.

However, the speed of the hand of God is even more astonishing.

But in an instant, it caught up with Lin Fei.

I don't know, how far the giant hand spread over the sky and covered the earth, shooting towards Lin Fei.

The horrible power was surging and crushed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei only felt that his breathing was not smooth anymore.

at this time.

Above the Excalibur Mountain.

"No, I seem to feel the breath of Lin Fei.

In the void outside. "

"It just so happens that at this time, the hand of God also appeared.

Lin Fei, is there any danger? "

...Five sword spirits appeared at the same time, standing on the top of Shenjian Mountain, looking at the void outside.

Boom...In the chaotic void of the sword world, the hand of God patted Lin Fei.

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