Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3843: Dijiang is injured

There is no need to doubt the power of Dijiang.

Twenty-one main gods, who joined forces to deal with Dijiang, were also defeated by Dijiang! In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the power of Dijiang is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The vast majority of the creatures almost recognized that Dijiang is the most powerful existence in the boundless sea of ​​chaos! Now, in the Valley of the Fallen God, a layer of inconspicuous transparent ripples actually forced Dijiang back twice.

It is conceivable how terrifying the power of that transparent ripple is! "Haha..., Dijiang, how about it? I'm right.

Break the cowhide.

If you are savvy, just get out, I'm in the valley of God, you can't afford it! "

The big tiger in the Chinese zodiac laughed happily.

The other zodiac signs also laughed.

"You hateful sick cat, you are actually taking our cattle clan as an example again, do you want to have a fight!"

Only the **** cow was furious and roared at the big tiger.

"Falling God Valley, must be destroyed!"

At this time, the giant beast that Di Jiang had transformed was already furious.

Roar... The beast roared, rolling noises, and instantly spread throughout the boundless chaotic sea.


The giant beast suddenly opened its big mouth and swallowed forward.

The mouth of this blood basin expanded continuously, swallowing everything wherever it went.

Booming... The huge mouth is in the air, like a dark bottomless abyss, emitting amazing swallowing power, everything in front, being affected, began to fly in into the big mouth of the blood basin.

In a moment, this big mouth of the blood basin swallowed all the emptiness around Falling God Valley.

Seeing, Falling God Valley will also be swallowed by this terrifying big mouth.


Wow...In the valley of the gods, a chain of transparent chains, like transparent sharp arrows, kept shaking and stretched out.

These are all chains condensed by laws, exuding a strong atmosphere of laws.

Shoo... the transparent chains of the law shot into the big mouth of the blood basin.

Chi Chi...A stream of blood arrows continued to splash out.

Obviously, that big mouth with blood basin was stabbed! Ho Ho Ho... A roar came from the bottomless mouth.

At this time, Di Jiang was extremely angry.

Wow...In the depths of Falling God Valley, there are more transparent chains of laws, and they stretch out continuously, and shoot at the big mouth of the blood basin.

A steady stream of blood arrows spurted out from the big mouth.

"Look! Dijiang, it seems to be injured!"

Finally, some creatures couldn't help but screamed.

Most of the creatures who witnessed this scene were shocked to the extreme.

The powerful and invincible Dijiang is injured! "It's incredible!"

"what happened?

Isn't Dijiang invincible in the world? "

……Many creatures can't believe it.

Dijiang, who was unable to defeat the 21 main gods, was injured now! The impact of this scene is really shocking.

The large number of imperial troops, at this time, were silent, one by one, all a little dumbfounded.

"Haha, Dijiang, you fellow, you know how good it is."

The Chinese zodiac laughed one by one.

at last.

The behemoth began to retreat.

The speed of the giant beast is very fast, instantly, it retreats, hundreds of billions of miles away.

The chains of transparent laws did not chase Dijiang, but began to slowly retract.

After retreating, Di Jiang transformed back into a human body, standing in the void, staring at the depths of the Fallen God Valley, without saying a word, his face was extremely gloomy.

It can be seen that there are bright red blood stains at the corners of his mouth, constantly oozing out.

His face was a little pale.

In this period of time, his mouth has been injured for the second time.

The first time, it was hurt by Lin Fei's ultimate origin heart sword style.

Now, he was wounded by Falling God Valley.

As everyone knows, Lin Fei is also a person in Lost Valley.

This means that both times, Dijiang was injured by the Fallen Valley! This made him mad, and wanted to rush in and destroy Luoshengu.

However, after the first battle, he understood that Falling God Valley was not as weak as he imagined.

On the contrary, it is very scary and difficult.

He might not be able to get in! Although Di Jiang was very unwilling, he had to admit this.

At this moment, the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos was deadly silent.

Countless strong men looked at Luoshen Valley with fearful eyes.

Sure enough, it is the most mysterious, scariest, and most powerful forbidden land known as the boundless sea of ​​chaos! Most of the creatures sighed in their hearts.

Even among the headquarters of those superpowers, there are many strong people who are very surprised and shocked.

The power of Falling God Valley was beyond the expectations of these superpowers.

"Falling God Valley, it's not easy.

Compared with our demon nest.

Before, I ignored the Valley of Lost Gods.

Pass the order, from now on, you must not provoke God Valley. "

Demon City, in a mysterious space isolated from the world, an old voice sounded with a bit of surprise.

"No way, Falling God Valley, is it comparable to our Demon Nest?

Don't look at Di Jiang's aggressiveness now, as long as our Demon Nest is officially born, it will not be difficult to deal with Di Jiang.

Falling God Valley, no matter how powerful it is, it is about the same as Dijiang.

How could it be comparable to our demon nest. "

In this mysterious room, another voice sounded, a little suspicious.

"My feeling can't go wrong.

If it is not necessary, try not to provoke Luoshengu.

Even Lin Fei, don't mess with him. "

The old voice sounded again.


The boundless sea of ​​chaos, another space.

The headquarters of the demons, in the demons.

"How is it possible that Luoshen Valley is so terrible, even Dijiang was injured! I used to look at it.

What is there in Falling God Valley? "

An old demon with an old age, sitting cross-legged in a hidden secret room, his eyes pierced through the void, looking at the Valley of the Fallen God, looking very shocked.

"Well, Luoshengu, it's not easy.

It seems that in the future, we should try to avoid conflicts with Luoshengu. "

The old demon muttered to himself.

In the corpse hall and the headquarters of the underworld, there are also top masters who speak similar words.

"Haha..., Dijiang boy, didn't you just keep saying that you want to destroy the valley of God?

You would kill one and show me! "

"Dijiang, you know it's amazing.

I fell into the Valley of Gods, how can you run wild! "

"Dijiang, just go back where it came from, don't be here, it's embarrassing!"

……At this time, I feel that the most venting is naturally the Chinese zodiac.

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