Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3844: Unite the body of the future

At this time, Dijiang stood in the chaotic void, his eyes still staring at the depths of the Fallen God Valley.

Raging anger, visible to the naked eye, shrouded his body surface.

Around him, time and space are constantly twisting and changing, seeming to be overwhelmed, and will collapse and disintegrate at any time.

It's just that he was trying to restrain himself and didn't take any further action.

"Very well, Luoshengu, I remember.

withdraw! "

After a long time, Di Jiang slowly uttered this sentence.

Then, he turned around, his figure disappeared in an instant.

Around Luoshen Valley, the densely packed imperial soldiers and horses were all stunned. You looked at me and I looked at you for a long time without any response.

Dijiang retreated! At this time, in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, countless strong men were shocked.

Invincible and invincible, Dijiang, who was invincible in battle, encountered a setback here in the Valley of the Gods, and returned without success! All the gazes looking at Luoshen Valley became jealous.

A forbidden area that even Dijiang can do nothing! Known as the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the most mysterious, scariest, and most powerful forbidden land is indeed well-deserved! "Withdraw! Lord Dijiang has an order, withdraw quickly!"

After a long while, the troops of the imperial army recovered and became a mess, retreating one after another.

The large number of imperial soldiers and horses, like the ebb tide, withdrew mightily.

In the sky above the Valley of the Fallen, the Chinese zodiac laughed loudly and laughed at Dijiang, feeling very happy.

"From then on, try not to provoke Luoshengu."

The headquarters of several super powers all issued such orders.

"Falling God Valley is terrifying.

From now on, anyone who encounters the Valley of the Fallen God must be forgiving! "

Some other powerful forces have also issued such orders.

It can be said that this battle allowed the world to truly know the Valley of Fallen God! A terrible forbidden area that even Dijiang must retreat! Falling into the Valley of God.

"All come back."

The Chinese zodiac received a voice from the owner.

As a result, the Chinese Zodiac returned to the hidden square in the depths of Luoshen Valley at the fastest speed.

"It's so happy! Master, you just used a few tricks to beat Dijiang and escape!"

"That fellow Dijiang, I've long been uncomfortable with seeing him. Now, he knows how great it is!"

... The Chinese zodiac signs are all very excited, standing in front of the tall statue, talking a lot.

"Just now, I was forced to take action against Dijiang.

It is estimated that some breath has been leaked. "

Suddenly, the statue sighed slightly.

In an instant, the Chinese zodiac signs were stunned, all speechless, unable to speak a word.

They naturally know what the master said this sentence means.

After all, the owner has been hiding in this statue for so many years, not dare to leak the slightest breath to prevent the enemy from discovering it.

[] "The possibility of being discovered is even greater."

The statue sighed.

"Master, you just leaked a little bit, maybe it was not discovered."

Tuntengou said hesitatingly.

"What do you think."

The statue asked lightly.

Tuntiangou stopped talking.

Because Tuntiangou also understands that what he said is nothing but self-deception.

"Anyway, everyone get ready.

My enemies back then will be found at any time.

In my current state, I am not an opponent at all.

There is no other way but to escape.

Even if I want to escape, I don't have to be able to escape. "

The statue said, a bit sentimental.

"Master, big deal, let's fight with him together!"

The zodiac signs all show sad and angry expressions.

Over the years, they followed their masters, in order to avoid the enemy, they have been hiding here in the Valley of the Fallen God, and they lived very aggrieved.

Unexpectedly, in the end, we still have to face the threat of the enemy.

"See you walking."

The statue sighed softly.

"Anyway, you guys are ready at any time."

The statue added.

"Master, we understand."

The Chinese zodiac signs are nodding.

at this time.

The boundless chaotic sea, in a very remote, hidden and independent space.

Di Jiang sat cross-legged.

"What is there in the Valley of God?

Before, I really underestimated this forbidden area. "

Di Jiang thought of his experience in Luoshen Valley, his expression still a bit ugly.

"However, the existence in the Valley of Fallen God is obviously also a little jealous of me.

Otherwise, he would have chased it out a long time ago and had a big fight with me.

Hmph, it seems that he is just a guy who is strong in the outside world.

This hatred, I will find him sooner or later. "

Di Jiang thought for a while and sneered.

His mouth was hurt and he was already grudged.

"Lin Fei, Luoshengu, wait, let me be injured twice, I will never give up easily."

Di Jiang gritted his teeth.

You know, the mouth is a very important organ for the Sky Swallowing Beast.

It can be said that half of a Sky-Swallowing Beast lies in its mouth! The body of the Heaven-Swallowing Beast that Di Jiang obtained had just hatched, and it was still very immature, so it was easier to get injured.

If it were replaced by an adult Sky Swallowing Beast, its strength would definitely be much stronger.

Lin Fei would certainly not be an opponent of an adult Sky Swallowing Beast.

Next, Di Jiang began to retreat and heal his injuries.

The mouth was injured, even if it was a minor injury, he would not care about it.

In the boundless chaotic sea, calm was temporarily restored.

at the same time.

In the sword world.

Above the Excalibur Mountain.

Sword old man's palace.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, concentrating on cultivating the secret technique of one qi transforming three cleansing.

One gas transforms into three cleansers, and the three avatars condensed, one representing the past, one representing the present, and one representing the future.

Lin Fei, representing the future clone, was broken by Dijiang.

Therefore, now, for Lin Fei, the most important thing is to regroup together to represent the future clone.

At this moment, in the palace, there are two identical Lin Fei sitting opposite each other! Of these two Lin Fei, one represents the past and the other represents the present.

The two Lin Fei had the same seal on both hands, and they were motionless.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, several months passed.

At a certain moment.

"The seed of the past, the flower of the present, the fruit of the future, condensate!"

The two Lin Fei drank at the same time, with their hands like butterflies piercing through flowers, quickly forming one after another mysterious seal.

Beside the two Lin Fei, there appeared a vague, slightly twisted and rippling figure.

This figure gradually became clear from blurry.

Finally, this figure began to stabilize.

The eyes, ears, nose and mouth are all clear and discernible.

Both the appearance and the breath are exactly the same as Lin Fei.

This avatar is Lin Fei's avatar representing the future.

"Finally succeeded."

Lin Fei's heart relaxed a lot.

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