Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3855: Easy to handle

No way, this Elder Ouyang's realm, although, is a half-step master god.

Lin Fei's combat power just now defeated a high-ranking true god, and he could do it.

However, he may not be able to do it as easily as Lin Fei, so effortlessly.

Elder Ouyang felt that if he couldn't beat the young man in front of him, then, what happened today would still make the Purple Cangjian Sect a joke.

Therefore, it is better to let the whole army deal with the young man in front of you! The so-called two hands are hard to beat four punches, no matter how strong this young man is, it is impossible to deal with the whole army alone.

You know, in this army of the Purple Cang Sword faction, every member is intensively trained in swordsmanship and has very sharp attack power.

"Elder Ouyang has an order, let's go together, and chaotic sword will divide this kid!"

In the army, those masters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect no longer hesitated, shouting one after another.

"Kill! Divide this kid!"

The mood of the whole army was mobilized.

The dense army, like a vast sea, swept from all directions towards Lin Fei.

I saw that between heaven and earth, every foot of every inch of space was filled with dazzling sword lights.

The billions and billions of sword lights that are difficult to calculate have completely lit up this world.

The scene is extremely spectacular.

Swish...the endless sharp sword light, like a brilliant rain of light, dazzling and dazzling, flooded towards Lin Fei.

"The master is in trouble, protect the master!"

The dozens of slaves under Lin Fei felt that although Lin Fei was powerful, they had little chance of winning against an army of sword repairers, so they rushed up one by one to protect Lin Fei.

In their hearts, Lin Fei is their best interest.

Even if you sacrifice your own life and protect your master, it is worth it.

"Sister, it looks like we are dead."

Lin Yuefeng's eldest brother, looking at the sword light that came to the sky, completely desperate, said to Lin Yuefeng.

Because both of them are standing behind Lin Fei.

Surrounded by the army of the Purple Cangjian faction.

Lin Fei was attacked, and they too were implicated and became the target of the attack.

Faced with an attack by an army of sword repairers, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible, there is still hope of survival.

"No matter, brother, maybe, this is our fate.

Fight! The children of our Lin family, can't, let people look down on them.

Even if you die, die a little more vigorously. "

Lin Yuefeng drew out the long sword and said to her elder brother.


Lin Yuefeng's elder brother also drew out his long sword, preparing to fight to the death.

"You don't have to worry at all, nothing will happen."

Lin Fei smiled, rolled out his sleeves, and transported dozens of slaves, and Lin's brothers and sisters, into a human world in his body.

"Good! That's great! This way, it will taste enough."

Lin Fei looked around, the sword aura and sword intent that rolled in, not only fearless, but extremely excited and surprised.

These sword auras and sword auras were a great tonic for the sword world in Lin Fei's body.

"Come on! Be harder! Show your best tricks in your life, and attack me!"

Lin Fei shouted.

next moment.

The true meaning of the five swords in Lin Fei's body flew out and hovered around his body.

The world of swordsmanship in the body also burst out with amazing suction.

Swish... the endless sharp sword intent, mighty, like a shining galaxy, flooded towards Lin Fei.

The five true meanings of swordsmanship hovering around Lin Fei's body, and the world of swordsmanship in his body, were all energized at the same time, bursting out with powerful suction, and began to frantically absorb those sword energy and sword intent.


Everyone of the Purple Cangjian Sect, as if beaten up with chicken blood, desperately attacked Lin Fei.

The endless sword light, a long sword, and a piece of magic weapon, gathered into a stormy sea and charged towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei is like a lone boat in the ocean, ups and downs.

Lin Fei felt some pressure in this wave of attacks.

Because the number of attackers is too much.

On Lin Fei's body, from time to time, he was hit by a long sword, and blood holes appeared.

However, with Lin Fei's abnormal physique, these are nothing more than skin injuries.

Every wound healed in an instant, as good as before.

In the face of the entire army's attack, Lin Fei used his hands from time to time to slap some magic weapons that hit him and the sharp swords that hit him.

In general, Lin Fei can still handle it.

Of course, this is mainly because the true meaning of the five swords and the world of swords in the body have absorbed most of the sword energy and sword intent.

Moreover, the sharpest part of Jian Xiu's attack power is his sword aura and sword intent.

Moreover, Jian Qi and Jian Yi's attacks on Lin Fei were almost ineffective.

Therefore, Lin Fei dared to stand still and let an army of sword repairers attack him with all his strength.

If it were to be replaced by other energy attacks, Lin Fei would not dare to be so big and risky.

"Good! Well done! This way, it will taste good.

Go on, don't stop! "

Lin Fei shouted.

As more and more sword energy and sword intent were absorbed, Lin Fei discovered that the sword world in his body began to slowly change.

Originally, it was illusory and vague.

Now it began to gradually become clear and solid.

It seems that there is a tendency to transform from illusory existence to entity.

This is the world of Kendo growing and growing.

This shows that the attack of this sword repair army has greatly helped the sword world in Lin Fei's body.

"Go on, don't stop! Keep going!"

Lin Fei yelled with excitement.

The world of kendo, if it can really take shape, will benefit a lot.

It can greatly improve Lin Fei's combat power! "How can this be?

! This kid is simply a monster! So many of us attacked him, and he was all right! "

"Not only is it okay, he seems to be very excited!"

"Perverted, too perverted!"

"Impossible! Am I dreaming?"

...Gradually, the people of the Purple Cangjian Sect began to scream.

Each one cannot believe what is in front of him.

It's incredible! at this time.

In Danjian City.

"Report to the Patriarch, a great thing! Something great has happened! The army of the Purple Cangjian faction did not attack our Danjian City.

But outside the city, there was a fight with a kid.

It seems that the fight is inextricably difficult! Moreover, there is good news. I seem to have seen the son and the lady, they are all fine. "

In the discussion hall of the Lin family, a tribe who was responsible for inquiring about news hurriedly rushed into the hall from the outside and shouted loudly.

In fact, in the discussion hall, the high-level figures of the Lin family are also constantly releasing their spiritual consciousness and paying attention to the situation outside the city.

Although, the masters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect had long arranged an isolation formation, which severely isolated Pill Sword City.

However, the senior officials of the Lin Family could still vaguely perceive some situations outside the city.

"Have you spotted?

Indeed, is it a kid to deal with the entire army of the Purple Cangjian Sect? "

An elder of the Lin family frowned and asked, as if he couldn't believe it.

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