Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3856: Subdue slaves

"If I read it right, it should be like this.

That was a young man, alone, fighting against the army of the Purple Cangjian Sect..." The tribe said hesitantly, as if he couldn't be sure.

After all, one person, fighting against the entire army of sword repairers, moreover, the army of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, such a thing is too incredible.

Even if I saw it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it! However, these high-level members of the Lin Family, although they used their divine consciousness to spare the obstacles set up by the Purple Cang Sword Sect, vaguely perceived what was happening outside of Pill Sword City.

However, I can't believe it.

"Anyway, Wu'er and Feng'er are outside, I have to go and meet them!"

Lin Tianhao, the head of the Lin family, stood up abruptly and walked out of the hall.

"Family matters are left to you.

Everything, proceed according to our negotiated plan. "

Lin Tianhao said.

"Patriarch, you are too risky.

The army of the Purple Cangjian faction is outside, so if you go out like this, the consequences will be disastrous. "

The senior officials of the Lin family hurriedly spoke out to persuade them.

"Wu'er and Feng'er are outside, I won't go out, no."

Lin Tianhao shook his head and said, strode out of the hall and out of the city.

In the hall, the seniors of the Lin family, look at me and I will look at you.

They knew that Lin Tianhao had a deep affection for a pair of children and regarded him as a treasure in his heart.

Now, a pair of children are outside the city, and no one can persuade him.

"Fine, I'll go out with the Patriarch."

A middle-aged man stood up suddenly and followed Lin Tianhao out.

"I'll go as well!"

... Then, there were more than a dozen high-level Lin family members, stood up and followed Lin Tianhao.

In the end, almost half of the Lin Family's senior officials followed Lin Tianhao out of Pill Sword City.

At the same time, a large number of Lin family warriors followed Lin Tianhao out of the city.

at this time.

Outside the city.

The army of the Purple Cangjian faction was still besieging Lin Fei.

The crowds of people and horses, like a vast ocean, completely submerged Lin Fei in it.

At a glance, I saw that there was billowing sword light everywhere, dazzling.

Lin Fei stood in the void, facing hundreds of millions of sharp sword lights, without dodge or avoid, falling on his body by the sword lights.

At the beginning, the true meaning of the five swords, and the human body world, absorbed massive amounts of sword energy and sword intent, and gained a lot.

However, as time went by, about half an hour later, Lin Fei found that the sword energy and sword intent he had absorbed began to gradually decrease.

Lin Fei understood that it was possible that the combat effectiveness of the Purple Cangjian faction had begun to decline.

At the same time, the longer the men and horses of the Purple Cangjian faction attacked Lin Fei, the more level of kendo they were absorbed by Lin Fei.

Combat power and attack power will naturally decline slowly.

Gradually, Lin Fei realized that the sword energy and sword intent he could absorb were getting less and less.


If this battle continues, it doesn't mean much.

It's over. "

Lin Fei thought secretly.

So, Lin Fei thought.

Shoo...In the sea of ​​consciousness, dense red silk threads shot out.

Among these men and horses of the Purple Cangjian Sect, many were gods and sword repairers with very powerful attack power. Lin Fei could not waste it.

From the very beginning, Lin Fei had a plan to conquer a large number of slaves in the sword world.

Lin Fei has cultivated the secret technique of the puppet's thread to a very high level.

Among the soul race, any master, above the secret technique of the puppet thread, has no way to compare with Lin Fei.

Even, it can be said that Lin Fei is a man who has cultivated the secret method of puppet thread to the highest level throughout the ages.

The puppet's thread secret technique, this secret technique, reached an incredible level in Lin Fei's hands.

The red silk threads all over the sky, like a red rainstorm, splashed out in all directions.

Lin Fei's goal was very clear. It was the gods in the army of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

"What the **** is this!"

"Be careful, these red lines seem very weird!"

...All the gods screamed.

Because these red lines of puppets make them feel very dangerous and full of terrible aura.

It's just that Lin Fei's divine consciousness is too powerful.

The secret method of the puppet thread has also been practiced to a very high level.

Even the upper gods can be subdued! These sword repairs in the sword world, although swordsmanship is very clever.

However, in terms of divine consciousness, it was not Lin Fei's opponent.

Moreover, they have world power in their bodies, and Lin Fei's body also has world powers, which cancel out each other.

Therefore, these gods of the Purple Cangjian Sect did not have much resistance in front of Lin Fei's secret method of the puppet thread, just like those gods in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Soon, those low-level gods began to be subdued, with low eyebrows pleasing to the eye, and respectfully greeting Lin Fei.

Then, these subdued gods began to surround Lin Fei and help Lin Fei confront the enemy.

After a while, a large number of gods were conquered to become Lin Fei's slaves and stood around Lin Fei.

In this way, Lin Fei can let go of his hands and feet even more, without any worries.

"Protect the master!"

"Dare to provoke the master, die!"

... Soon, hundreds of gods gathered around Lin Fei to fight fiercely with the people of the Purple Cangjian Sect.


Deacon Ruan, that kid is the master of our Purple Cang Sword Sect. How do you call him the master, and conversely, help him deal with our Purple Cang Sword Sect?

! "

"Ah! Elder Lu, how do you cut me with your sword!"

"Elder Xiao, don't kill me, I am the third-generation disciple of the Purple Cang Sword Sect!"

"No, how come more and more sect masters have helped that kid in the past, and in turn, have done something to us?

! "

...The members of the Purple Cang Sword Sect were all getting more and more confused. They didn't understand how the masters of the Sect suddenly started to deal with their own people.

"What happened?"

That Elder Ouyang's expression also changed drastically.

What happened before him made him feel a little fright in his heart.

He watched with his own eyes, those gods in the faction, one by one called Lin Fei as the master, and then began to work on his own.

"Boy, what did you use against my members of the Purple Cang Sword School!"

Elder Ouyang roared at Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei ignored him at all.

"Back down, all back down!"

Finally, Elder Ouyang realized that if this continues, the situation is not good.

Because, in this army of the Purple Cang Sword faction, almost half of the gods already claimed that Lin Fei was the master and dealt with his own people.

The people of the Purple Cangjian Sect were already panicked, and when they heard the call of Elder Ouyang, they all retreated far away.

"Boy, what exactly did you use.

What happened to the masters of my Purple Cang Sword Sect! "

Elder Ouyang stared at Lin Fei and asked every word.

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