Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3868: Be polite to my master

In the blink of an eye, the army of the Purple Cangjian Sect came to the front of Pill Sword City.

The leader of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, Chu Bi saw Lin Fei at a glance, staring at Lin Fei up and down with sharp eyes.

No way, Lin Fei stood too prominently, surrounded by hundreds of slaves of the gods and the Lin family.

"How is it possible! The middle **** is the true god?"

! "

After Chu Bi discovered Lin Fei's realm, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"No way?

Is this kid, alone, defeated our army of the Purple Cangjian Sect?

How can this be? "

The other masters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect also couldn't believe it.


Elder Ouyang, why are you standing with the Lin family and this kid?

And what are you doing? "

At this moment, Chu Bi saw Elder Ouyang behind Lin Fei and hundreds of slaves of the gods, frowned and asked loudly.

Elder Ouyang is a supreme elder of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

Those hundreds of **** slaves were originally from the Purple Cangjian Sect.

Now they are closely following Lin Fei, and they seem to be very docile, looking like a group of people! This made Chu Bi feel very wrong.

It's just that Elder Ouyang and the hundreds of slaves of the gods simply ignored Chu Bi and ignored them.

"Elder Ouyang, what are you doing?"

Chu Bi shouted at Elder Ouyang.

Elder Ouyang still ignored him. Instead, he looked at Chu Bi with a slightly mocking look.

"Strange, what happened to Elder Ouyang?"

The other masters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect were also confused and felt very strange.

"Haha..., you don't need to shout, he has already abandoned the dark and decided to take refuge in me.

Didn't you see it. "

Lin Fei laughed and said.

"Boy, what are you talking nonsense! Elder Ouyang is the supreme elder of our Purple Cang Sword Sect. How can he take refuge in you! Boy, say, what have you done to Elder Ouyang! Elder Ouyang, and These masters of our Purple Cang Sword Sect are all controlled by you, you can't help it!"

Chu Bi furiously said.

Elder Ouyang, but the Supreme Elder of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, has almost the same status and prestige in the faction as the leader Chu Bi.

But now, he was controlled by a younger boy.

It was spread out, which greatly damaged the reputation of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

"Yes! It must be that kid who used some despicable means to control Elder Ouyang!"

The other masters of the Purple Cang Sword School also suddenly realized that they roared.

"It's a big rebellion! It's a big rebellion. I dare to treat Elder Ouyang with this method!"

"Capital crime! This is definitely a capital crime! This kid can never be forgiven, he must be dispelled and there is no place to be buried!"

"Boy, come forward and kneel down, take the sin!"

...When I thought, even the Supreme Elder in the faction was treated like this, the masters of the Purple Cang Sword faction became furious and released terrifying coercion to crush Lin Fei.

Shoo... Suddenly, the surging ocean of sword energy completely submerged this void.

"Presumptuous! Dare to be rude to the master, the crime deserves death!"

Suddenly, Elder Ouyang, who had been standing next to Lin Fei, let out a loud roar and released the rolling coercion, crushing the army of the Purple Cangjian faction.

"Don't be rude to the master!"

"Are you tired of living, dare to speak to the master in such a tone!"

...Beside Lin Fei, hundreds of other **** slaves also roared one after another, and scolded the master of the Purple Cang Sword Sect.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is completely the Purple Cangjian Sect, and he is scolding him! "This..., what happened today is really incredible, unheard of, amazing!"

Lin Tianhao and the members of the Lin family felt both funny and absurd when they saw this scene.

It can be said that the people of the Lin family in Danjian City were absolutely admirable for Lin Fei's methods.

"Elder Ouyang, what are you doing?

! "

Chu Bi, as well as those masters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, saw Elder Ouyang and the hundreds of slaves of the gods, they were a little dumbfounded to say that Lin Fei was the master.

"Elder Ouyang, don't worry.

Since I am here, this will definitely get you out of that kid's hands! A mere kid, can it turn the sky up! Therefore, Elder Ouyang, you don't need to be coerced by that kid at all. "

Chu Bi said to Elder Ouyang.

Chu Bi felt that Elder Ouyang must have been threatened and forced to make such an absurd move.

How could he guess that Elder Ouyang's soul body was completely controlled by Lin Fei and became Lin Fei's slave.

"Chu, I warn you, it's best to be polite to my master, otherwise I won't let you go!"

Elder Ouyang stared at Chu Bi with cold eyes and warned.

"Elder Ouyang, you!"

Chu Bi was shocked and angry.

"Ouyang Ke, are you crazy! Why call this kid the master!"

The Supreme Elder who came with Chu Bi also shouted.

"Didn't I tell you.

Elder Ouyang has taken refuge in me and is now my person.

Believe it now. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Very good! Boy, it seems that everything is really you doing it! Boy, listen, you are completely offensive! I will never let you off easily! You, stand up now! , Kneel down and accept punishment! I will use the most cruel torture of the Purple Cangjian Sect on you, and let you taste the most painful and cruel torture in the world before you die.

It also warns the world that not just any cat or dog can provoke the dignity of our Purple Cangjian Sect, otherwise, it will pay an unimaginable price. "

In Chu Bi's eyes, there was endless anger and murder, and his sharp eyes stared at Lin Fei, and said word by word.

"Not bad.

Boy, originally, we planned to figure out the forces behind you first, and deal with it.

It now seems unnecessary.

Boy, no matter your origin, your fate is already doomed, it must be miserable! "

The Supreme Elder of the Purple Cang Sword Sect beside Chu Bi also gritted his teeth.

"Okay! Sovereign, the Supreme Elder, immediately gave an order to kill this hateful kid and all the people from the Lin Family in Pill Sword City, leaving none!"

The other masters of the Purple Cangjian Sect also roared one after another.

"a bunch of idiots.

If you want to play, please hurry up, don't dawdle, waste my time. "

Facing the turbulent Purple Cang Sword Sect master, Lin Fei smiled faintly and shook his head.

"Boy, what are you talking about?

Unreasonable, a mere mid-level god, true god, dare to be so presumptuous in front of us! go to hell! "

Finally, there was a master of the Purple Cang Sword Sect who couldn't help but slashed towards Lin Fei with a sword.

Suddenly, the sky full of bright sword lights bloomed and enveloped Lin Fei.

"It's finally time to do it."

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Of course, Lin Fei could not evade, nor would he fight back.

For Lin Fei, these sword lights are a great tonic!

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