Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3869: monster

Swish...a sharp sword light continuously slashed on Lin Fei's body.

Then, all was absorbed! Dangdang... This master of the Purple Cang Sword Sect had a very fast sword release, dozens of swords in succession, slashed on Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei did not dodge, letting the sword light fall on his body.

Unscathed! "how is this possible!"

The master of the Purple Cang Sword School was completely dumbfounded.

You know, he is an upper-level god, true god, with a realm higher than Lin Fei.

But now, people stand still, letting him chop with a sword will not hurt him.

"Too weak, not addictive enough.

You should come up all, don't waste my time. "

Lin Fei said impatiently.

Indeed, to Lin Fei, this master's sword moves were painless or itchy, and the sword aura and sword intent contained in it were a bit out of grade.

"Boy, Hugh is crazy!"

Lin Fei's arrogant attitude angered more of the masters of the Purple Cang Sword School, and suddenly, a dozen masters rushed up.

"Let's go together and divide this kid with a sword!"

More than a dozen master sword repairers violently shot at the same time.

In an instant, this piece of space was cut by the billowing sword light, and it was dark and dark, as if the end is coming, the world is chaotic, and the law is broken! "Patriarch, should we go up and help Lin Shaoxia against the enemy."

In the back, a senior figure in the Lin family asked Lin Tianhao quietly.

"What do you think.

Have you forgotten that Lin Shaoxia alone can fight against a large army.

What are these people?

Well, we don't have to worry about Lin Shaoxia.

Without Lin Shaoxia's order, we should not act rashly. "

Lin Tianhao replied.

As for Elder Ouyang, and hundreds of slaves of the gods, they had long received Lin Fei's voice, and they were not allowed to move forward without an order.


In this way, it tastes good enough. "

Lin Fei smiled and stepped forward, standing in the vast ocean of sword light.

The true meaning of the five swords in the body returned to the world of swordsmanship, and began to frantically absorb the sword energy and sword intent from the outside world.

Lin Fei still did not fight back.

Dangdang...Occasionally, a good sword hits Lin Fei's body, just like hitting iron, it will be shot out immediately.

These masters, who were not capable yet, hurt Lin Fei.

After a round of attacks, a dozen masters of the Purple Cangjian Sect were dumbfounded, holding sharp swords in their hands.

They found that no matter how hard they attacked, they couldn't hurt the opponent even if they tried their best.

Lin Fei stood with his hands unscathed.

"Sure enough, a little way!"

When Chu Bi and another elder Taishang saw this, their eyes narrowed.

"Is this the level of the Purple Cangjian Sect?

I'm so disappointed.

You'd better come up all, don't waste time. "

Lin Fei stretched out his finger and hooked his hand at the army of the Purple Cangjian Sect.


"Sister Feng, I see, Lin Shaoxia is too powerful! Even if the head of the Purple Cang Sword faction comes in person, it will not be seen by Lin Shaoxia! It seems that Lin Shaoxia is ready to fight an army by himself That’s amazing! Lin Shaoxia is my idol!"

Lin Jianwu looked very excited and said to Lin Yuefeng.

"It's really amazing."

Lin Yuefeng looked at Lin Fei's back with beautiful eyes, and she couldn't help but feel a little demented.

"Boy, you are too arrogant!"

Facing Lin Fei's provocation, the members of the Purple Cangjian Sect were extremely angry from top to bottom.

"I have no interest. I wasted time with you.

Do it all for me! "

At this time, Lin Fei didn't plan to linger anymore, and with a loud roar, he stepped forward.

call out! A faint sword light slashed out.

Puff puff...On the spot, there were more than a dozen masters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, who were cut in half by Jianguang and screamed.

"If you don't do it, you will all die!"

Lin Fei shouted and waved.

A faint sword light slashed out again.

Pupupu......There are more than a dozen masters, their bodies were cut to pieces on the spot, and their flesh and blood flew across.

Lin Fei rushed into the army of the Purple Cangjian faction, like a tiger entering a flock, and cut down a large area at once.

"Ah! This kid is too cruel!"

"No, this kid is terrible! Let's do it together!"

...Finally, the people of the Purple Cangjian Sect began to make a frantic move, with endless sword light attacking Lin Fei.

"It should have been like this long ago!"

Lin Fei was naturally very happy.

The true meaning of the five ways of swordsmanship, the world of swordsmanship in the body, exploded with amazing suction at the same time, and began to absorb the sword energy and sword intent from the outside world.

The number of people from the Purple Cangjian sent this time is very large.

Moreover, they are all elites in the faction, and they are very powerful.

"Yes, Not Bad.

These sword qi and sword intent are not bad. "

Standing in the boundless wave of sword light, Lin Fei nodded, feeling satisfied.

The attacks of so many master swordsmen, thousands of sharp swords, kept falling on Lin Fei's body, causing Lin Fei's body to continuously appear some blood holes and wounds.

Even, there are some relatively large wounds.

For example, a large hole was pierced in the chest, and the front and back penetrated.

Or, one arm and one leg were severed.

However, they were all skin injuries, which was nothing to Lin Fei.

In an instant, you can recover.

With Lin Fei's physical quality, even a half-step master god, he has no ability to cause fatal damage to Lin Fei.

Unless it is the main god, Lin Fei will be jealous.

These people of the Purple Cangjian Sect, although there are a lot of them.

However, the strongest is the upper **** true god.

Lin Fei stood still, letting them attack, it would not cause much harm to Lin Fei.

In this way, Lin Fei walked among the army of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, without dodge or evasive, letting all the sword light that attacked all fall on him.

The endless bright sword light almost completely submerged Lin Fei in it, and he could no longer see his figure.

"how is this possible?

! What kind of monster is this kid? "

This scene made Chu Bi and the elder too stunned, and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"How could his body be so abnormal?

With so many attacks, he couldn't even hurt him at all! "

Chu Bi exclaimed in shock.

"Master is mighty!"

At this time, Elder Ouyang still had hundreds of slaves of the gods, all very excited, and shouted to cheer Lin Fei.

"Lin Shaoxia is so powerful!"

Lin Tianhao and the high-level members of the Lin family were dizzy and unreal.

What happened before me was so dreamy! "Oh my God! Look, that kid, actually, alone, is fighting an army!"

In the distance, many creatures who watched the excitement had gathered long ago, and they shouted in shock.

"Sure enough, this kid does have the perverted ability to fight a large army."

At this time, Chu Bi, the leader of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, finally believed.

Although I am very unwilling, but the facts are before my eyes!

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