Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3870: Unscathed

"Elder Xiao, it seems that we must act in person to deal with that kid!"

Chu Bi and the other Supreme Elder looked at each other.

The combat power that Lin Fei showed was too strong.

Being alone against the entire army, not only was it undefeated, but on the contrary, it seemed easy.

The overwhelming bright sword light, like a vast ocean, fell on Lin Fei's body without causing any damage.

"Well, we stayed silent, and attacked him suddenly with the thunderous momentum, hoping that we can cause serious damage to him in one fell swoop!"

Chu Bi and the Supreme Elder discussed secretly, moved his figure quietly and escaped into the void.

next moment.

Behind Lin Fei, not far away.


Huh! Two powerful and incomparable sword lights suddenly appeared, releasing the strong aura, and slashed towards Lin Fei's back.

These two sword lights slashed past from different angles, and they contained the extreme power of kendo energy, wherever they passed, time and space instantly disappeared.

Click! These two stunning sword glows ripped everything apart and slashed directly on Lin Fei's body...The mighty kendo energy poured into Lin Fei's body, roaring to the sky.

Endless sharp sword aura and sword intent raged in Lin Fei's body, releasing amazing destructive power.

To the naked eye, Lin Fei's body was constantly torn and shredded.

In an instant, it was disintegrated and torn apart.

The head, body, and limbs are constantly separated and thrown away.

"Haha..., boy, I thought, how good you are, it turns out, but so.

It doesn't work! "

The supreme elder of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, who succeeded in one blow, couldn't help being ecstatic and burst into laughter.

"Huh! This is the price of arrogance.

Hope, from now on, everyone in the world will remember that to offend my Purple Cangjian Sect, this is the end! "

Chu Bi also spoke in a cold tone, looking very majestic.

"Great! Look, that kid was cut to pieces!"

"The head and the supreme elder are so powerful, they defeated that kid as soon as they shot!"

...The people of the Purple Cangjian Sect cheered immediately.

"Not good! Lin Shaoxia is in a bad situation!"

Everyone in the Lin family in Danjian City was panicked.

If something happens to Lin Fei, the fate of the Lin family can be imagined.

"the host!"

Elder Ouyang and hundreds of **** slaves all yelled, they were worried about Lin Fei.

However, the next moment.

Lin Fei's crushed flesh and blood remnants continued to reorganize at an astonishing speed.

In an instant, a complete Lin Fei reappeared in front of everyone, and his complexion was normal, as if there was no slightest damage.

"Not bad.

Such a sword skill is enough to taste! "

Lin Fei smiled.

In fact, Lin Fei had discovered the sneak attack by Chu Bi and the Supreme Elder just now.

It's just that Lin Fei was anxious that when they attacked themselves, naturally they would not evade.

Two and a half steps of the main god, Lin Fei is confident that he can withstand their blow without worrying about his life.

Therefore, Lin Fei didn't evade, and forcibly endured the two sword lights.

Lin Fei absorbed all the sword energy and sword intent contained in these two sword lights! Two and a half steps of the main god's full blow, the effect is really good.

Lin Fei's harvest is pretty good.

"Well, this kind of injury, my body can barely bear."

After reorganizing his body, Lin Fei felt it for a while and found that although there was some damage to his body, it was not serious.


! how is this possible! "

Seeing Lin Fei's recovery in an instant, Chu Bi and the Supreme Elder were shocked.

Just now, the two of them shot with all their strength without reservation.

As a result, the other party seemed to have nothing! Not only Chu Bi and the Supreme Elder, but all the people of the Purple Cangjian Sect, they were dumbfounded when they saw Lin Fei standing in front of them intact.

"Great! Lin Shaoxia is fine!"

The Lin family in Danjian City was relieved collectively.

Lin Fei is fine, they are the happiest.

Because the fate of the Lin Family in Pill Sword City was already on Lin Fei's body.

"Haha, let me just say, the master is brave and invincible, nothing can happen."

"Just relying on these two old guys, don't think you can hurt your master a hair!"

...The **** slaves under Lin Fei cheered.

"Okay, go ahead."

Lin Fei hooked their fingers towards Chu Bi and the Supreme Elder, and said lightly.

"Also with them, let them take action together.

Hope, you Purple Cangjian Sect, don't let me down. "

Lin Fei said.

There are so many sword repairs here, and it is also a hostile relationship. For Lin Fei, it is a very rare opportunity for cultivation.

Lin Fei naturally did not want to miss the opportunity.

"Just now, you members of the Purple Cangjian Sect, didn't you keep saying that you want to kill me?

Now, I stand here, let you kill.

See if your Purple Cang Sword faction can kill me. "

Lin Fei added.


Both Chu Bi and the Supreme Elder were extremely frightened.

On the one hand, they were extremely afraid of Lin Fei's strange and terrifying combat power.

Just now, the two of them, with a full blow, did not cause the slightest damage to each other.

This means that even if the kid in front of you is standing there, motionless, let them kill, it is difficult to kill! On the other hand, Lin Fei's arrogant attitude and contempt for the Purple Cang Sword faction made them extremely angry.

"how about it?

Don't you dare to do it?

You people of the Purple Cangjian Sect, wouldn't you be like this.

I'm so disappointed. "

Lin Fei curled his lips and said.

"Boy, enough, you are too much!"

The elder was trembling with anger.

"Boy, keep your mouth clean!"

Chu Bi couldn't help but growled.

The other members of the Purple Cang Sword Sect also felt huge shame and anger! "What I said is wrong.

Before, you kept saying you want to kill me.

As a result, I stand still and let you fight.

As a result, you dare not make a move. This is not a scam, what is it. "

Lin Fei smiled.

Lin Fei's method is to excite generals, and people who want to excite the Purple Cangjian faction will take action.

"Boy, as you wish! Let's do it together! I want to see how long this arrogant boy can last!"

The Supreme Elder roared and gave an order.

The men and horses of the Purple Cangjian Sect had long been holding back very uncomfortably. With the order of the Supreme Elder, all the men and horses, all like chicken blood, began to launch a crazy attack on Lin Fei.

Rumble...The mighty sword light, like a frenzy of anger, swept towards Lin Fei.

"Okay! Come on!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed, the members of the Purple Cang Sword faction finally started.

"Let's go too!"

Chu Bi and the Supreme Elder also shot at the same time, performing terrifying kendo secret techniques, and beheading Lin Fei.

An army of sword repairers, plus two and a half-step master gods, the overall combat power is simply shocking.

Even Lin Fei had to be very careful and take it seriously.

Never dare to be as careless as before.

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