Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3871: It's my turn to fight

"Come on, everyone, kill this arrogant kid, and send out our anger for Zi Cangjian!"

"Kill! Fight with him!"

...The men and horses of the Purple Cang Sword faction attacked Lin Fei frantically while bursting out majestic shouts.

"Kill! Defend the dignity of our Purple Cangjian Sect to the death!"

"Today, no matter what, this kid must be killed!"

"For the Purple Cang Sword Sect, fight it!"

... For a while, all the people of the Purple Cangjian Sect were caught in an evocative atmosphere of tragedy. Everyone tried their best without reservation.

There is even a smell of a strong man who has broken his wrist and regards death as home.

That's right, today, the leader of the Purple Cang Sword Sect and the Supreme Elder personally led the elite army in the faction to deal with a younger generation boy. If, this way, they can't win.

Then, from now on, the Purple Cang Sword Sect will definitely become a joke in the sword world.

It is possible that the reputation established before will disappear! Therefore, every member of the Purple Cang Sword Sect had a tragic feeling in their hearts, feeling that they were fighting for the honor of the sect.

There is a kind of heroic death, impassioned taste, and the loud slogans are endless.

"Well, that's right.

not bad. "

Lin Fei felt the sword aura and sword intent surging across the sky, and could not help smiling, nodding in praise, very satisfied.

The true meaning of the five swords, as well as the world of swords in the body, released amazing suction power, absorbing most of the sword energy and sword intent that attacked Lin Fei from the outside world.

Lin Fei has gained a lot from this wave of attacks.

Lin Fei clearly felt that the sword world in his body was constantly becoming more solid and clear.

"Boy, your death date is up, see how long you can laugh!"

When Chu Bi saw Lin Fei being besieged heavily, he couldn't help but laughed. He was extremely angry and roared sharply.

Sw sw swah... Chu Bi waved his hand, ninety-nine eighty-one horrible sword lights cut out, and each sword light was very thick, bright like a pillar supporting the sky, and blasted towards Lin Fei.

Wherever he went, every inch of space burst open like tiles.

"Boy, take your life!"

In the other direction, the Supreme Elder also arrived.

Boom...A black sword light cut out from his palm, carrying terrifying destruction energy.

Destroy everything! Puff... the time and space of hundreds of millions of miles, under this black sword light, began to completely collapse and collapse.

Click... Chu Bi and Taishang elders attacked Lin Fei's body one after another.

boom! Lin Fei's body was strangled to pieces on the spot, and his flesh and blood flew across.

Even a small part of the body turned into powder.

The devastating sword energy and sword intent eroded every part of Lin Fei's body.


next moment.

Lin Fei quickly reorganized and restored it! In the flesh, there is a little trauma.

However, the problem is not big.

In fact, Lin Fei was able to carry two and a half steps of the main god's full blow without being injured.

Mainly because these two half-step master gods are both sword repairers! Lin Fei possesses the five true meanings of kendo, and the world of kendo, the least fear is the attack of sword aura and sword intent.

However, the vast majority of Jian Xiu's attack power lies in his sword aura and sword intent.

Chu Bi and the Supreme Elder were the same.

Their most powerful move is naturally the secret technique of kendo, and they also rely on sword aura and sword intent to attack.

Therefore, their attacks could not cause fatal damage to Lin Fei at all.

At most, it hurts Lin Fei's body.

For Lin Fei, it was like scratching.

Of course, Lin Fei would not dare to change to another half-step master god, so carelessly, without evasive, letting the opponent attack.

"Come again."

Lin Fei hooked his finger and said.

"Roar! Boy, I must kill you!"

Chu Bi and the Supreme Elder were all trembling with anger, roaring again and again, and once again frantically shot Lin Fei.

In this way, under the personal leadership of the head and the Supreme Elder, the army of the Purple Cangjian faction continued to attack Lin Fei frantically.

Lin Fei was alone, facing a large army, completely submerged in the endless bright sword light.

Afterwards, it was impossible to see the figure clearly.

Even with the divine consciousness, it is difficult to clearly perceive Lin Fei's figure.

Because the space where Lin Fei stood was completely shattered by sword light, and everything was destroyed.

Energy, laws, time and space, etc., everything is gone, and it becomes an absolute vacuum.

"Patriarch, Lin Shaoxia will be fine, right?"

In the distance, the people of the Lin family in Pill Sword City were thrilling to see, some high-level figures couldn't help but quietly ask Lin Tianhao.

"Father, he..., will something happen?"

Lin Yuefeng also walked to his father's side and asked worriedly.

"Do not worry.

I can see that Lin Shaoxia is confident and calm, and he will be fine. "

Lin Tianhao said.


Yuefeng, you are starting to worry about Lin Shaoxia.

Haha, good thing.

Listen to my father, in the future, if you have anything to do, you should spend more time with Lin Shaoxia.

Lin Shaoxia is definitely one of the best. "

Lin Tianhao smiled.


Lin Yuefeng's face flushed.

"Father, Lin Shaoxia's surname is Lin, and I am Lin too.

Even if I..., Lin Shaoxia, I don't know, do you mind..." Lin Yuefeng said with a blush.

This is what she said from the bottom of her heart.

She naturally has a good impression of Lin Fei.

However, they were all surnamed Lin, which made her feel grudge.

"Don't worry about this.

As long as there is no blood relationship, what about the same surname.

Men and women of the same surname have become husbands and wives.

Our Lin Family in Danjian City, all the direct descendants and collateral descendants, I know in my mind.

This Lin Shaoxia is absolutely not related to our Danjian City Lin Family.

Therefore, Yuefeng, you don't have to worry about this. "

Lin Tianhao said.

Lin Yuefeng relaxed a lot after hearing Lin Tianhao's words, her beautiful eyes staring at the distant battlefield, looking for Lin Fei's figure.

This fierce battle lasted almost two hours.

Between these two hours.

Lin Fei didn't know how many trillions of swords were hit! The body was also chopped dozens of times.

Lin Fei's body was covered with scars and blood holes, which was shocking.

Fortunately, no matter how severe the wound.

Lin Fei can repair it.

Finally, two hours later.

"The head, it seems that we have no choice but to kill this kid.

Withdraw first.

This kid is not something we can handle.

Must report to Changle Sword Sect. "

The Supreme Elder of the Purple Cang Sword Sect said to Chu Bi.

"it is good.

Horse orders to retreat! "

Chu Bi finally gave up and nodded.

"Stop! Everyone, retreat immediately!"

The elder yelled.

"Haha, don't you fight?

However, do you really think that you can come as you want, and you can leave?

If you don't fight, it's my turn to fight! "

Lin Fei laughed.

Lin Fei gained a lot from this battle.

After absorbing massive amounts of sword energy and sword intent, the world of swordsmanship in the body is almost materialized!

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