Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3878: Take slaves

"I just remembered to escape now! It's a pity, it's too late!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly, and in the sea of ​​knowledge, thousands of red puppet threads were continuously ejected.

The goal is very clear, that is, those gods in the Purple Cangjian Sect.

This battle has been fought for almost two hours, and the state of these gods is already a bit tired, and their combat power has declined.

In this situation, it was invisibly easier for Lin Fei to subdue them.

"Ah..., these red threads, what the **** is it, get out of my sea of ​​knowledge!"

"No, my soul body is under attack!"

... Soon, many gods screamed.

The attack on the soul body is the most serious and painful for a warrior.

"Run away, all the gods, run away quickly!"

Chu Bi and the two elders saw their scalp numb.

"Boy, I understand, you must be using some vicious soul secret technique to attack these gods of our Purple Cangjian School!"

Chu Bi looked at the gods who were screaming, furious, thought of this, and roared at Lin Fei.

"Not bad!"

The two supreme elders of the Purple Cang Sword Sect couldn't help but shudder upon hearing this.

"Everyone, use mystery of the soul and attack that kid!"

A great elder shouted.

He felt that using Divine Soul Secret Art to deal with Divine Soul Secret Art might be effective.


Boom...All the people of the Purple Cangjian Sect, all released their divine consciousness, used the divine soul secret technique they had cultivated, and attacked Lin Fei.

I saw this piece of void, the overwhelming spirit energy, like a raging wave, blasting towards Lin Fei mightily, directly submerging Lin Fei's body in it.


Play with me, right? "

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

You know, Lin Fei possesses the Soul Tree, Soul Heart, Soul Dragon, and Chaos Ice Lotus, the four great soul treasures, among which, Soul Tree, Soul Heart, and Soul Dragon can absorb all the soul energy.

Not afraid of other people's spirit attacks at all.

Unless the opponent's divine consciousness is far stronger than Lin Fei, Lin Fei will be jealous.

Boom boom boom! A huge tree, a huge heart, and a huge dragon rushed out of Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge at the same time.

The soul tree, soul heart, and soul dragon simultaneously appeared in the void above Lin Fei's head.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Chaos Ice Lotus released a special kind of soul energy, which tightly protected Lin Fei's soul body.

The soul tree, soul heart, and soul dragon produced huge suction at the same time, absorbing the energy of the soul in all directions.

Immediately, all the soul energy that attacked Lin Fei was continuously absorbed by these three soul treasures.

In particular, the soul tree and soul heart are the two sacred objects of the soul race, and are known as the nemesis of all divine and soul energy.

Driven by Lin Fei's powerful divine consciousness, the power of the soul tree and soul heart was extremely terrifying.

Therefore, even though the members of the Purple Cangjian Sect used all kinds of powerful Divine Soul Secret Techniques to besie Lin Fei, Lin Fei was calm and comfortable without any damage.

Even with a smile on his face, it seemed that he enjoyed the attack very much.

"Great! An unexpected gain!"

Lin Fei laughed.

Chu Bi and the two elders saw their scalp numb.

They finally knew that the hateful kid in front of them was not only afraid of attacks from the sword, but also daring, but even the attacks from the souls were of no use to him.

"Withdraw! Stop attacking, everyone, withdraw immediately!"

Chu Bi shouted.

The people of the Purple Cangjian faction finally gave up all their attacks and ran desperately.

Shoo...Lin Fei flickered, chasing the gods of the Purple Cangjian Sect, and the dense thread of puppets kept spraying out.

If a **** escaped far, Lin Fei would use the ultimate heart sword style of the original source, beheading the past, killing him half alive.


"Meet the master!"

There began to be gods, but Lin Fei continued to subdue them and become slaves.

After a while.

Lin Fei had hundreds of slaves of gods.

"There are three big fishes!"

Lin Fei looked at Chu Bi and the two elders.

Three and a half steps of the main god.

These three half-step master gods looked at the right time and made moves from time to time to carry out sneak attacks on Lin Fei, with the purpose of covering other members of the Purple Cangjian Sect to escape.

Otherwise, with the strength of the three of them, they would have escaped without a trace long ago.

call out! Lin Fei Zhan started to rush towards a Supreme Elder.

This supreme elder is the weakest among the three and a half step master gods.

Lin Fei used him first.

"Boy, you are so vicious and cruel, you will ruin my Purple Cangjian Sect's foundation, and you will not die!"

The supreme elder found Lin Fei chasing him, he couldn't help being shocked. He couldn't take care of that much anymore, so he ran away.

"It's too late!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly and thought.

call out! A faint sword light appeared in front of this Supreme Elder, aimed at his head, and released a frightening breath.

"Go away!"

The elder sang angrily.

Swishw...I saw ninety-nine eighty-one giant swords rushing out of his body, and each one belonged to the magic weapon of chaos.

Eighty-one giant swords, connected by qi and machine, cooperate with each other to form a mysterious sword formation.

Rumble...Eighty-one giant swords, sometimes lined up in a single word, sometimes in a fan shape, and sometimes in a circle, changing endlessly, greeted the plain sword light ahead.

Then, the Supreme Elder changed a direction and continued to escape! He knew in his heart that he was definitely not able to beat the terrifying kid in front of him, and he only hoped that the sword formation could block one block.

It's just that he thinks too much.

puff! The plain sword light that Lin Fei showed, as if it penetrated a piece of thin paper, easily penetrated the seemingly powerful sword formation, and instantly caught up with the Supreme Elder.

Click! Click! ...The limbs of the elder Taishang were directly cut off, thrown away from the body.

Ahhh... he screamed.

"Boy, stop!"

In the distance, Chu Bi witnessed this scene, his eyes were splitting, and he wanted to rush over to help.

"Head, let's run away.

Only one can escape.

If this continues, our Purple Cang Sword Sect will be wiped out.

Even if the three and a half steps of the master gods, we work together, they are definitely not that kid's opponent.

If all three of us are in trouble, it means that the Purple Cangjian Sect is really over.

The foundation created by our ancestors cannot be destroyed in the hands of our generation.

Let's take this opportunity to escape.

Save your strength first, and if you have a chance later, you will find this kid to take revenge. "

The other Supreme Elder stopped Chu Bi and discouraged him.

"Elder Lu..." Although Chu Bi was very unwilling, he couldn't refute it.

He knew that what the Supreme Elder said was true.


In the end, Chu Bi gritted his teeth and turned around and started to flee with all his strength.

The Supreme Elder who discouraged Chu Bi also fleeed desperately.

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